Jiang Xiaobai was shocked.

He prepared a lot of polite words, and some good spiritual materials, but after seeing the words 'for the kitchen', he couldn't say anything.

"Master, are you going?" A fat middle-aged man greeted Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai was speechless: "Brother, this is a private plane, not a taxi."

The man smiled awkwardly: "Oh, that's it. I'm sorry, I made a mistake." The man turned and left, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, as if he was surprised. He was clearly dressed as a taxi, so why not?His eyes looked very bad.

Here in the south of the Yangtze River, is there such a surplus?Jiang Xiaobai was really dumbfounded. He originally planned to give Douer a good face, but he didn't expect that even high-end items like martial arts fighters are so popular here that they can be rented out.

An emotion called inferiority complex arose in Jiang Xiaobai's mind and spread immediately.

"Young man, do you hear your accent is from the north?" The janitor smoked a cigarette, and just as Jiang Xiaobai agreed, he looked behind him, stepped on the cigarette butt and returned to the courtyard. The corner door was closed, and the door was locked. sound.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the wide lintel of Liu's house. The appointed time had come. He looked left and right, but no one came out to pick it up. With such a big yard, where can we find someone?

At this time, the corner door of the courtyard across the street opened, and a middle-aged man who looked like a catfish came out. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai looking around, he asked, "Are you Jiang Xiaobai from Qilu?"

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he finally found the organization. He hurried over and said, "That's right, I'm Jiang Xiaobai. I came here as soon as I received a letter from the Liu family."

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai handed over the envelope, which can be regarded as an invitation.

Glancing at the envelope, the middle-aged man nodded slightly: "It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but my master still has some things to deal with, you come in first, wait here for a while, as long as the master handles things well, I will come over to greet you immediately .”

The catfish man didn't give Jiang Xiaobai any chance to speak at all, he turned around and walked towards the inner courtyard. Behind the tall screen wall, there was the sound of locking the door.

Jiang Xiaobai was speechless for a moment, the one who came to pick him up, shouldn't it be Liu Douer?Even if she is shy and doesn't want to look like a little girl in front of her natal family, she should find someone reliable to pick her up. It would be very impolite for her to wander around in this deep house.

Jiang Xiaobai was full of the idea of ​​seeing Liu Douer, and wanting to win her some anger, as the saying goes, he had always wanted Douer.

In this compound, the catfish man walked briskly into the inner house, and reported to a man with age spots on his face, but who seemed to be in his fifties: "Third Master, that Jiang Xiaobai has already When we arrive, we will wait at the gate, I wonder when the third master will see him?"

The catfish man's tone is very respectful, because this is the third master of the Liu family, and Liu Douer's father will respectfully call him third uncle when he sees him. His name is Liu Qian. He is over 70 years old this year, because his cultivation is not low and he knows He kept in good health, so he looked younger, but those age spots seemed to betray his real age.

But there is no way, the traces left by the years are hard to wear away.

Recently, the third master heard what Mr. Cao Ying said, saying that Liu Douer was at Qilu's side, and fell in love with a young warrior named Jiang Xiaobai.

No matter how outstanding Jiang Xiaobai is, how can he be compared with Cao Ying?

As long as Liu Douer marries Cao Ying, how much benefit will it bring to the Liu family?

So, after inquiring about Jiang Xiaobai, he was only from a grassroots background, and Liu Qian became angry at that time. A famous family, the most important thing is to be well-matched, and Cao Ying also made a promise at the same time, which made Liu Qian unable to sit still, and immediately ordered someone to write. He sent a letter, summoning Jiang Xiaobai, to make this young man quit in spite of the difficulties.

A woman from a famous family is not something you can marry if you want to marry, and you don't weigh yourself?

However, thanks to the catfish man's suggestion, Jiang Xiaobai had no one to answer him at the door, and he was constantly crushed.

Liu Qian then asked Jiang Xiaobai's reaction, "How did he react?"

The catfish man quickly laughed and said: "Then Jiang Xiaobai has already felt the background of some aristocratic families. He looks very reserved, and he must have developed an inferiority complex. Maybe he will leave on his own in a short time."

"Not enough, these are far from enough." Liu Qian shook his head: "Since you dare to covet my daughter from the Liu family, you should be punished accordingly."

He pondered for a moment, "Well. Let those grandchildren show off, especially Liu Xu and Liu Ling'er, who have good talents and have reached the level of third-tier masters. Let that countryman know what is the truth. .”

The catfish man responded with a smile, and hurried to make arrangements.

It can be said that Jiang Xiaobai was bored waiting inside the gate, because he never saw the elders of the Liu family, and the uneasiness in his heart could be said to have never been weakened.

All of this is because he cares about Liu Douer's reactions and emotions. If Jiang Xiaobai is a scumbag, then after waiting for so long without news, just turn around and leave. See if Liu Douer is hurt or not. It's over.

It's actually like this when a boy meets the woman's elders, it's not that easy, it takes a long time!Jiang Xiaobai comforted himself in his heart.

The sturdy Liu Xu is 25 and [-] years old. He is the grandson of the Liu family and the lineage of Liu Qian. He has reached the pinnacle of a third-tier master, especially the [-]th Route Liuye Boxing, which has almost reached the level of perfection. In the past three months, he has defeated three peak third-tier grandmasters, and even fought against fourth-tier grandmasters. He can be regarded as one of the leaders of the younger generation of the Liu family.

As soon as he saw Jiang Xiaobai, he was shocked by his handsome appearance.

"This guy is so handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and an imposing appearance. While waiting for the news in the Liu family, he seemed a little uneasy, as if he didn't know what he was going to face."

"But... this kind of little boy is the best at acting, maybe he has already started to worry about it, why don't you let me wait, okay, after Liu Douer marries me, I will take care of you slowly."

Especially Liu Dou'er is deeply liked by the old man, if something bad happens in the future, maybe this guy will usurp everything in the Liu family!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis. Although Jiang Xiaobai is very handsome, what's the use?Can handsome be eaten!

You are not worthy at all!

"What are you doing!"

Liu Xu sorted out his thoughts, strode towards Jiang Xiaobai, stood still in front of him, put his hands in his pockets, raised his chin slightly, and looked domineering.

"I'm Jiang Xiaobai, Liu Dou'er's boyfriend. I received a letter from the elders of Liu's family. I didn't dare to neglect, so I hurried over as agreed on time. May I ask who you are?"

When Jiang Xiaobai saw that someone finally came, he cupped his fists slightly, with a look of joy, but more of respect for the other party.

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