"What did you say? Jiang Xiaobai actually defeated Chu Nan? How is this possible!"

"Chunan is already a king-level powerhouse, and Jiang Xiaobai is just a peak master-level master. How can he deal with Chu Nan?"

"This is too fake, how is it possible!"

As soon as the news came back to the Liu family, the entire Liu family was in a state of disarray. From their point of view, Jiang Xiaobai defeated a king-level powerhouse. How could this be possible?

Especially Liu Qian looked down on Jiang Xiaobai from his heart.

When he learned that Jiang Xiaobai had seduced Liu Douer, he just smiled disdainfully, it was nothing more than a poor boy's whimsy, and the toad wanted to eat swan meat.

How can a small grassroots, who is not even considered a poor family, impress the prostitute of a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River?

It's ridiculous to think about it.

But after a period of time, the news came again, and the taste changed. Liu Qian suddenly became angry, you are a grassroots, how dare you chase after him!

But I also feel that things are actually not that bad. After they really got in touch, Liu Dou'er will naturally find that not everyone's self-cultivation comes from a wealthy family, and those grassroots rough breath and living habits will make her retreat voluntarily .

However, when the news came again, Liu Qian couldn't sit still. The ancestor of the Liu family was in seclusion, so he could only discuss with other elders to let Liu Douer come back soon, so as to avoid some uncontrollable and descriptive things from happening, and then put the Jiang Xiaobai summoned him and gave him some problems, which made him feel inferior, and even felt that he couldn't pass the test, so he naturally retreated.

Among them, Cao Ying was involved, and a king-level warrior was sent for this, but he didn't want the king to lose!

Liu Qian and the other elders looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces.

If this Jiang Xiaobai is a complete waste, he can get rid of it with some benefits. The current situation is...

His cultivation base is only at the peak of the master, and he actually killed a king head-on, even if it is a king who has just been promoted, it is definitely not in the same order!

Several elders whispered to each other again, expressing their opinions, but their expressions were not good-looking. Jiang Xiaobai's performance did surprise them, but it was nothing more than that. Potted plants, but they might just be taken away by a toad...

"I think, whether it's Jiang Xiaobai or whoever, as long as he doesn't have the ambition to take over our Liu family's property." It was the Seventh Elder who was speaking, obviously he was more concerned about the property.

The Sixth Elder shook his head: "Otherwise, my Liu family is a famous family. The future son-in-law, no matter in terms of character or cultivation, must be a dragon among men. Otherwise, wouldn't he be laughed at by the whole Jiangnan? I can't afford to lose this." People." What he cares about is fame.

The Great Elder is already very old, and he is almost the same as Liu Zongyuan. He sighed slightly: "In any case, Jiang Xiaobai has gone through the test after all, and killed a newly promoted king. To be honest, This has completely exceeded my expectations, if we don't admit it at this time, wouldn't it mean that the old fellows of our Liu family are going back on our promises?"

Obedient and listening, Liu Qian savored their words carefully, smiled, and said: "Brother, this is too much to worry about, how can you call him back, this is a deep test for him, and it completely shows that our Liu family Value him, if not, why don't we test others?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the Great Elder lit up. Liu Qian's words were indeed reasonable. They were high-sounding, but they would not be caught by anyone saying that the Jiangnan Liu family had no integrity. So, this matter is still left to you to come forward, don't let people misunderstand our Liu family."

"That's the case." Liu Qian agreed as if he was determined to live up to everyone's expectations. In fact, he was very happy. How could he let Jiang Xiaobai step into the Liu family's door?

No matter what Liu Qian thinks, Liu Douer should marry Cao Ying the most, and they are the right family.If that was the case, would Jiang Xiaobai have the conditions to give him the many benefits that Cao Ying promised?

Even if Jiang Xiaobai wants to give it, can he get it?

What Liu Qian cares most about is personal interests.


Jiang Xiaobai strode into Liu's house and walked towards where Liu Qian was. Someone hurried over, "Young Master Jiang, I need the account..."

"Crack!" Jiang Xiaobai slammed the ledger directly on this person's face: "Do you all know what's going on with these ledgers?"

"Hey... Mr. Jiang, why are you so impatient!" The servant frowned and shook his head: "I've heard others say that this son-in-law has come to visit, and he has a big temper."

Jiang Xiaobai's face darkened: "Don't come here, you take these bad debts and let me collect them. It's clear that you are playing me, entertaining me, and making fun of me, right?"

The servant quickly waved his hand to deny: "That's not what you said, Mr. Jiang, we may be a family in the future, what good is it for us to embarrass you, this is just a small test, a real family test , is already waiting for you. The third elder is inside, ready, please."

Jiang Xiaobai stepped in, and he could already see that it was true that good people were being bullied, and horse goodness was being ridden by others.

The servants stared at Jiang Xiaobai's back, pursed their lips and made faces, and they were playing tricks on you, what's the matter?Do you really think you are part of the Liu family now?If the Third Elder hadn't ordered you to come back and find him, I would even encourage you to arrange a few bad debts for you, and play you to death!You're so stingy, you don't even have a little filial piety after meeting twice, bah!

Jiang Xiaobai entered Liu Qian's room, frowned and said, "Should the third elder give me an explanation?"

"This is a rule handed down from our ancestors, so naturally I, Liu Qian, can't break it." Liu Qian had already thought up his speech, and with a flick of his wrist, a map appeared in his palm, saying: "This is within the Liu family area. It's in a relatively critical place, a few years ago some monsters broke into it and established their own base camp, I really don't have enough manpower here, it just so happens that you came, so I'll leave it to you."

"If you can complete this trial task, I don't care about the other things of the Liu family. If you are with me, I have already recognized you as the son-in-law of the Liu family."

"Behave well, I see you child, your future achievements are limitless!"

Looking at Liu Qian's eyes full of encouragement, a doubt emerged in Jiang Xiaobai's heart. Why did this person's face change so quickly?

He frowned secretly, took the trial map, and secretly said in his heart.

When I came back full of anger, this person prevaricated with a few words, didn't say a word about the account, and threw another big pie, but I had to accept it.

Jiang Xiaobai really began to admire this Liu Qian a little bit, and he also understood his own shortcomings, he was not smooth enough, not sophisticated enough, and he was not as careless as them.

"Third Elder, if I come back again, you won't have another trial, will you?"

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