Jiang Xiaobai spoke bluntly, staring at Liu Qian, asking him to give an accurate answer.

The third elder chuckled, lowered his head and drank his tea.

"Presumptuous!" Liu Ding sneered coldly: "Jiang Xiaobai, where do you think this is?! This is the Liu family, not a place where you can be presumptuous! If you dare to speak rudely again, be careful and I will teach you a lesson!"

Jiang Xiaobai laughed softly: "Liu Ding, although I am not from the Liu family, I am a guest invited by the Liu family. Have you forgotten? I, Jiang Xiaobai, came from a grassroots family, and it was my first time stepping into a wealthy family. Could it be that I am making things difficult one after another? , is the way of hospitality of a big family? If this is the case, then I, Jiang Xiaobai, have gained a lot of experience."

"You!" Liu Ding was speechless by Jiang Xiaobai, and he couldn't help becoming a little annoyed, and said to Liu Qian who was drinking tea, "Third Master, have you seen it? Jiang Xiaobai finally showed his true colors , Everything before was just a disguise, I think this person is simply a wolfish ambition, deliberately approaching the eldest lady, nothing more than taking a fancy to our Liu family's property."

Holding the tea bowl, Liu Qian shook his head slightly: "Don't speculate, after all, things haven't developed to that point, and we can't predict the future."

He glanced at Jiang Xiaobai. Although his heart was full of malice, he also saw that Jiang Xiaobai had a bottom line. He didn't want people to feel that the Liu family used power to oppress others. I gave him a slap, now just throw a sweet date in the past, anyway...

Among the many juniors, no one has been able to conquer that trial land so far.

Thinking of this, Liu Qian smiled slightly, ordered a pen and ink to be served, and immediately wrote a document, and formally stamped the letter, and asked Liu Ding to hand it over to Jiang Xiaobai.

"How about this?" Liu Qian laughed, as if he had shown the greatest sincerity.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the written evidence, and said: "Since the senior is like this, the junior has nothing to say, everything can only be known after the trial."

Liu Qian nodded: "You have three days, go."

Jiang Xiaobai turned to go out, Liu Ding whispered beside him: "Young Master Jiang, what I said just now was a bit harsh, don't forget to take it to heart, because I am in a hurry, think about it, why the Liu family tested you one after another ? Don’t they value you? If you pass this trial, how much do you think the Liu family will value you?”

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look at Liu Ding. The latter was full of encouragement, as if he had placed infinite hopes on him. He really didn't want to think in that direction...

"Mr. Jiang, don't think too much." Liu Ding said quickly: "After you come back, we will be a family, and we will see each other every day. When the time comes, the younger one will have to call you aunt, so we can all be together." It's for your sake, if you leave a bad impression on the elders, it will be embarrassing for everyone to meet in the future, isn't it?"

"Thank you very much. Hehe." Jiang Xiaobai clasped his fists together, quickened his pace, and walked out of the gate.

Liu Ding stared at Jiang Xiaobai's back for a long time, always felt that Jiang Xiaobai's expression when he clasped his fists meant there was something in his words, but he didn't utter a single dirty word.

Liu Ding hurried back to Liu Qian's room, crying: "Third Master, you promised him anything, why did you make a written statement? If he comes back, we have no room to turn around! "

"Look at your appearance, how dignified you are." Liu Qian frowned, and Liu Ding quickly stood up straight in fright. Liu Qian calmed down and said, "What are you afraid of? In that place, monsters and beasts are not the scariest thing. It is the formation in it, which will make people have infinite illusions. Even Cao Ying was only halfway there, but he broke the record of all the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River for ten years. If he can successfully pass the trial, then Cao Ying will not be wronged if he loses."

"Third Lord, why are you still talking to Jiang Xiaobai?" Before Liu Qian finished speaking, he immediately came to his senses. It must be because he couldn't pass the test that Third Master was so confident!

Liu Ding gave a thumbs up: "Third Master, it is said that people have to live to learn and learn. This is true. I, Liu Ding, still need to learn too much in this life."

Liu Qian just smiled, only those grassroots would calculate how many more bricks to move today, and the rich and powerful are thinking about people's hearts, so that they can better control their own range, should I tell you this too?

"Okay, let's go." Liu Qian waved his hand and immediately contacted Cao Ying. Even though he hadn't called yet, Liu Qian knew that it would be a very pleasant conversation.


"Old Dragon's Mouth of Black Wind Mountain?"

Looking at the trial map, Wang Lin's expression changed slightly, and he said: "There used to be a town there, but when the monsters raided it, the residents had already moved away, and it became the monster's lair. It is said that it is a king-level gold-eating beast. , not only swallowing gold and iron, but also has hundreds of little monsters under him, and their strength is very strong. It may be because the last incident has not been long, and no one can take care of it."

"Let Brother Bai go over now, I feel that things are not that simple."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "It's definitely not easy. I just killed a king-level warrior. Although they didn't talk about it, it doesn't mean they don't know. No matter how you think, a king-level monster will not be fatal to me." Danger."

Wang Lindao: "Brother Bai, did you tell me about the warrior?"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Say it, it's tantamount to questioning in person, it's a shameless act, although Liu Ding is not a good person, but there is one thing he said is right, if you don't look up and look down, don't give it to yourself. I feel uncomfortable."

"Brother Bai, you're such a good person. If I were you, I'd probably beat that third elder face to face." Wang Lin gave a thumbs up.

Jiang Xiaobai scolded with a smile: "Don't flatter me, if I had your status, maybe I would be mad at Liu's house today. The reason why I didn't is because I can still see myself clearly, and kill one The king, changing anyone is a proud record, but I just have to do it, because my life is important."

"Brother Bai, your awareness will surely lead to great things in the future." Wang Lin said with emotion: "Although I am not a person who grew up in a greenhouse, I have never suffered. It suddenly occurred to me that things could still be handled in this way. It gave me a lot of insight.”

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: "Okay, don't talk about this, I have to hurry up and make money for my wife."

"Of course, I'll go to the other side and wait for you." Wang Lin cheered Jiang Xiaobai up.

"Thanks. But this time I will go by myself. You put this child down, so you don't starve to death." Jiang Xiaobai left by himself, feeling very emotional in his heart, what is a brother and what is a friend?Do you think that your relatives will definitely act like relatives?

As the saying goes, if you are poor, no one cares about you in the busy city, and if you are rich, you have distant relatives in the mountains. If you are the peak king today, will the members of the Liu family still be like this?

In the final analysis, he is still not strong enough.

Strength, grow faster!

Jiang Xiaobai felt that he had suffered from a lack of strength phobia.

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