In the area where Jiang Xiaobai is located, the Liu family is a giant. Many relatives who can speak, or small households rely on it, making the Liu family's homestead seem to stretch far away, but as long as you leave this area, It will look desolate, and no matter how far away, the mountains will rise after the upheaval, and the cracks in the earth can be found everywhere.

Jiang Xiaobai walked on the broad road paved by Liu's house, and the tactile sensations from his body made him know that he was not walking on a deserted street.

The novelty and excitement of just coming to Jiangnan gradually faded away in Jiang Xiaobai's mind. The desire for strength made his steps seem a little faster, and he quickly left the invisible touch area. He knew that he had left the Liu family. area.

If we walked a few miles further, we might not even be able to see people, and the town we were in was still 10 kilometers away. Jiang Xiaobai calculated that it would take at least [-] minutes for him to travel in the air.

At this moment, a few young people walked out from the small restaurant on the side. Their faces were red from alcoholism, and some were extremely pale. They were about to go out, exuding high spirits, as if they were going to finish the work. a certain goal.

"I suffered a big loss today, and finally realized that my cultivation is far from enough. I went to the trial this time. Once I succeed, I think I will definitely look brand new. Our team is still strong enough..."

It was Liu Xu who was speaking, and beside him were all relatives of the Liu family, many elders or descendants of the stewards, and Liu Linger beside him was full of resentment, "I really can't think of what is so good about Liu Douer. There are quite a few families who have thought of marrying over here, why no one mentioned me?"

Liu Xu picks his teeth with a toothpick. He has always been too lazy to guess what women are thinking, because there is no reason at all. He just said perfunctorily: "That's because they didn't find you. When Douer's marriage is settled, it's your business." It's not far away."

"But I don't want to get married, it's too restrictive." Liu Ling'er turned her head with disdain, and saw Jiang Xiaobai, who was hurriedly walking out of Liu's house, and the resentment she had just buried suddenly surfaced.

"I said brothers, look who is that?"

Liu Xu glanced casually, and then his eyes locked on Jiang Xiaobai. The people next to him were temporarily called back to form a group to go to the trial. They had never met Jiang Xiaobai, but they had heard about what happened today. Seeing brothers and sisters Their faces darkened, and they immediately understood that they were full of hostility, and they strode to block Jiang Xiaobai's only way.

"You are Jiang Xiaobai? You are the one who hit our sister Ling'er? My name is Liu Kun." A young man who obviously had a deeper affection for Liu Linger stood out, his face full of arrogance belonging to a big family.

Jiang Xiaobai calmly walked two or three meters in front of these people, and then stopped. Just seeing the resentment on Liu Xu and Liu Linger's faces, he understood the purpose of the other party's visit.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the other three, and the latter stood up together: "Yes, we are all from the Liu family. I heard that you passed the customs today? Actually, that's nothing. Those people have lived in the family all year round. They have not experienced the trials on the battlefield, so they cannot represent the generation of our Liu family. But we have all experienced several trials, and we have killed dozens of monsters alone, and our hands are bloody."

"That's really terrible." Jiang Xiaobai said seriously, but he also saw through the background of these people at a glance. It's very simple. Liu Xu and Liu Ling'er are side branches, and these children attached to them , will only be the side branch of the side branch, and will always flaunt the origin, for fear that others will not know.

Liu Kun frowned, feeling very dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaobai's failure to answer his question, he rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai with one stride, and at the same time his vitality revived. Released it without any scruples, and said coldly: "Boy, did you show your face?"

Suddenly, Liu Kun felt an icy cold passing over him, as if the sky suddenly changed, and the south of the Yangtze River became the north.

He shivered violently, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise. This kid obviously looked harmless to humans and animals, but why did he exude an extremely dangerous aura?

He couldn't help but think of the monster beast that was comparable to the peak strength of a human grandmaster in the last trial. They lost several people before they finally fled. He still can't forget that feeling.

He was terrified at the time, if it wasn't for the support of the elders in the family, he would probably stay there forever.

And humans possessing this kind of aura must have crawled out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood!


With a muffled sound, Liu Kun's knees softened and he knelt down in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Everyone saw his ferocious charge, but this kneeling was really beyond their expectations.

As for the other young people who had never been out of the family at all, they only thought that Jiang Xiaobai was deliberately humiliating the Liu family, and suddenly became furious.

Soldiers were sacrificed one after another, and the sound of the display of vitality and the buzzing of the soldiers could be heard endlessly.

Liu Ling'er knew that she couldn't even break Jiang Xiaobai's vitality back then, but she was still indifferent. She hoped that Jiang Xiaobai would forge as many grievances as possible, so a sneer of aloofness appeared on the corner of her mouth.She guessed that Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to fight back at all, let alone fight back.

Liu Kun was stunned. He felt that what he said at the dinner table just now had been exposed by his actions, and he had lost all face. All of this was due to Jiang Xiaobai.

He gritted his teeth, his blood went blank, and he almost instinctively sacrificed a soldier from the space token. It was a dark red spear, and stabbed at Jiang Xiaobai's chest.

"Useless firewood." Jiang Xiaobai's body skills were displayed instantly, and in the surge of vitality, he took a step to one side to avoid the attack, then grabbed the opponent's spear with both hands, and easily snatched it away with a pull back. The soldier waved his backhand, and the body of the gun slammed heavily on the opponent's cheek.

Liu Kun tried his best to mobilize the vitality of the first-order grandmaster, but he couldn't stop it at all.

With a bang, a purplish red mark appeared on Liu Kun's face, and his whole face was distorted.He fell to the ground like a felled tree, his head hitting the ground.

Then Jiang Xiaobai stepped on Liu Kun's head without any hesitation, smashing his head into the soil.


The soldier was nailed into Liu Kun's thigh, and the sound of the sharp weapon piercing into the soil and crushing the stones made Liu Kun froze all over and dared not move.

Like a frightened ostrich.

Two more people couldn't bear the stimulation of the fighting spirit, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai with shouts, he suddenly burst out with momentum, and the two people were immediately sent flying backwards by the strong vitality, smashing through the gate of the hotel they had just walked out of , disappearing from view.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Xu and Liu Ling'er, and said softly: "Get lost!"

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