Dominate the world

Chapter 619 You are surrounded by me

Liu Ling'er and Liu Xu trembled all over, they felt the real aura in Jiang Xiaobai's body, and those cold eyes when facing the prey.

He is like a king and demon full of ferocious aura, with just a wave of his finger, he can easily kill them to the ground and devour them.

Liu Ling'er and Liu Xu quickly turned around and left, but heard a cold shout from behind: "I let you go!"

They immediately froze, and a strong sense of humiliation enveloped their hearts. They understood that Jiang Xiaobai really told them to get lost, the way Tudou moved.

Instead of just leaving so easily.

However, this feeling is more unbearable than being defeated.

However, Liu Kun's head was smashed into the soil, and he didn't dare to move. Do you want to do the same?

Liu Xu sneered: "Jiang Xiaobai, even though I, Liu Xu, come from a branch of the Liu family, I still have dignity. Of course I can leave, but you have to bear the price in the future!"

Jiang Xiaobai laughed as if he had heard some kind of joke, and said, "Who do you think you are? In the entire Liu family, the only person I care about is Liu Dou'er. I can see for her sake that I won't kill you, but It doesn't mean I dare not kill you."

If it was her previous temperament, Liu Ling'er would definitely lift her neck and shout, "You come to kill me!"

But after feeling Jiang Xiaobai's strong murderous aura, she faltered. She felt that as long as she stretched out her neck, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely slash herself without hesitation.

This person is really fierce!

Liu Ling'er curled up slowly on the ground, and rolled out to the side.

When Liu Xu saw that his sister was gone, he himself, the older brother, should stop stretching and get out, if he was really killed, no matter what punishment Jiang Xiaobai received, he would not be able to make up for the loss of his life!

Jiang Xiaobai turned and left. The two brothers rolling on the ground behind him, as well as Liu Kun, did not make any abnormal movements. This made him secretly think that it was a pity. If these guys sneaked up on him from behind, he could justifiably kill them.

"Jiang Xiaobai, wait for me, I'll tell my dad to go!" A threatening voice sounded from a long distance away.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't turn his head back, he just raised a middle finger and shook it.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai felt an unexplainable feeling. He turned his head to look, but saw a delicate figure standing there on the tall building in the center of the Liu family. She said, "Brother Xiaobai, If someone harasses you again, you don't need to hold back."

Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fist, signaling to wait for his return, and then gradually rose up in the air, and after leaving the area of ​​Liu's family, he flew away.


"Is this called keeping your hands?"

In a bedroom that is obviously much lower than the main house, Liu Kun is lying on the hospital bed with a painful expression on his face. Liu Kun's father Liu Zhenyuan's face is ashen, "I almost broke my bones, this is called staying hand?"

"Dad, that guy is not easy to mess with, he is very powerful." Liu Kun tried his best to describe the horror of Jiang Xiaobai he was facing.

Liu Zhenyuan sighed: "Of course I know that when you were drinking, a warrior who had just entered the rank of king was killed by Jiang Xiaobai."

"Huh? Is he already that powerful?" Liu Kun was dumbfounded. He was always proud of his realm and background, but he never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would be so bizarre. He even looked younger than himself. How old are you?

"So what if you're powerful? Forgot where this is?" Liu Zhenyuan sneered: "Isn't he going to the trial? Isn't there a three-day time limit? I made him unable to get out of the trial site."

"Dad..." Liu Kun became worried. Dad's cultivation is at the peak of a master, definitely not low, but that Jiang Xiaobai is really scary!

Liu Zhenyuan waved his hand: "Don't worry about it, your Uncle Wang and the others are veterans. In terms of experience, they are much better than that Jiang Xiaobai. You can rest assured and wait for Dad to avenge you."


Jiang Xiaobai was lying on the wet ground in the south of the Yangtze River. It was already a place of trial outside Laolongkou, less than 100 meters away, but before entering, he had to make sure that he had no worries.

He knows that not everyone can be threatened, and not everyone is persuaded.

Below Jiang Xiaobai's line of sight is the town Wang Lin mentioned, which has been turned into ruins. For most people, this is an absolutely dangerous place, and no one would appear in this area at ordinary times.

At this time, more than a dozen figures appeared in the small town. They were all hunched over, with grass clippings and dust on their bodies, trying not to make any noise. They were forming a formation to search for monsters and kept moving forward. , a middle-aged man was walking in the middle, and his appearance was about [-]% similar to that of Liu Kun.He was looking around hard, and Jiang Xiaobai could see the vitality shining in his eyes, obviously possessing a certain degree of farsightedness.

Most of the warriors were carrying packages on their backs, with rough faces and hands, obviously they had a lot of field experience.

Most of their cultivation bases are on the level of the Grandmaster, only the one who looks similar to Liu Kun is the peak of the Grandmaster, no matter where they are placed, I am afraid this is a powerful team.

These people gradually shrank towards the old dragon's mouth, carefully distinguishing the traces on the ground, whether it was expressions or body postures, they were all very obscene, Jiang Xiaobai gradually could see the bloodthirsty light in their eyes clearly, they were obviously old and hot A hunter-level warrior.

They did not have any language communication, everything was in specific gestures. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal near the old dragon's mouth, they put down the package, took out various hidden weapons and traps from it, and someone pulled out an extremely thin silk thread, Pull it up, down, left, and right at the entrance of the cave, and then throw it with a stone. The huge stone weighing tens of kilograms silently turned into two pieces.

Liu Zhenyuan gave a thumbs up, and embedded some primeval stone fragments into the trap.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Xiaobai understood that these things should be encountered when he came out of this old dragon's mouth.

This trial, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, it will never be easy, maybe even if he escapes, at that time, these traps and hidden weapons will probably play an extraordinary role, Jiang Xiaobai feels that just those metal Filament, in its insidiousness, is highly desirable.

These people moved very quickly. In less than 3 minutes, more than a dozen traps and hidden weapons were arranged, and they tried their best to eliminate all traces.

Liu Zhenyuan stood outside the old dragon's mouth, his face was full of complacency, and he pointed inside: "Brothers, look, when that guy comes out, there must be enough for him to drink a pot. I scolded the neighbor next door, I am not willing to beat my son, but he almost broke the bones in his face. Wait, I will wait at Liu's house to see if you can go back?"

"Mayor Liu, if you want me to tell you, should I wait for him here? I'm afraid that kid has a lot of good things on him. If... be careful! There are monsters!" The man's face suddenly changed, and he felt a breath Coming, he felt tremendous pressure, and at the same time, a cold drink came.

"Raise your hands, you are surrounded by me!"

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