Dominate the world

Chapter 628 Shifeng Ridge, Ao Jun

Overlooking the land at a height of [-] meters, everything is extremely blurred. This mountain range, known as the endless mountain, was formed after a drastic change and stretches thousands of miles away.

Jiang Xiaobai pondered and compared carefully in his mind, and found that before the drastic change, this place should be a famous mountain in the south of the Yangtze River—Shifengling.

This place was originally not a dangerous place, but it is famous for its rich tea, which is probably similar to the legend. The reason why the tea here has a unique taste is because of its abundant vitality, so amidst the drastic changes, the changes here are particularly significant.

At a glance, it is undulating and endless, and the highest point is [-] meters high. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't been chasing Xiao Bailong, the height he controlled would have landed directly on the highest point.

This height is already the limit of Jiang Xiaobai's current air defense, and if he goes higher, he will be beyond his reach, and all kinds of majestic air currents in the air can tear him apart.

Since the cultivation of human warriors, Jiang Xiaobai has reached the pinnacle of a master, but he still does not look good enough in front of the might of heaven and earth.

His five senses searched for the aura emanating from the little white dragon along the way, and he landed on a thousand-meter-high mountain top. Looking around, he was already blocked by endless mountains, and people in it were extremely small.

"But no matter what, after all, the mountains are high and man-made peaks. Sooner or later, I will see all the mountains and small ones."

Jiang Xiaobai operated Taiyue True Solution silently. Although he didn't use any vitality, a vigorous breath had already dissipated.

He wants to tell Xiao Bailong that I am here.


At this time, the little white dragon has turned into a white centipede more than one meter long, drilling through the hole under the ground.

Although the walking speed is a bit slower, it is the best way to conceal the body shape and aura. After all, there are many monsters in this mountain. Even if they cannot be cultivated into monsters, there are still a lot of those animals. It is possible to detect and identify every animal.

Xiao Bailong thought triumphantly, suddenly an unspeakable grievance enveloped her heart, she wiped her eyes, but the little claws in the form of a centipede couldn't reach her eyes at all, so she could only scratch her cheeks, letting tears flow down , she immediately felt even more aggrieved.

No matter what, she is also a majestic monster who is half a step king. In the illusion that she arranged, she was sucked violently by someone and had no choice but to run away.


It is simply a humiliation among demons!

She flicked her paws quickly, feeling the vigorous breath, and the unspeakable pressure made her tense, so she had to use her mental power to speed up, and rushed straight to the temple in the distant mountains.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt the taste of spiritual power, and his eyes swept over at the same time, only to see traces of buildings on the top of a mountain about 5000 meters away, shrouded in clouds and mist.

He circulated his vitality, diffused his five senses, and rushed straight to the building.

But a sticky feeling bounced back the five senses, and he understood that a barrier was set up to prevent detection at that place.

"But I don't know, what kind of big monster is hiding in this endless mountain?" Jiang Xiaobai looked around again. If he hadn't tracked down the little white dragon, it would be impossible to find that there was a big monster hiding here.

Suddenly, the smell of skewered Yaohuang meat came to mind. He licked his lips, wondering if he had taken it orally during this trip.

He went away in the air, and looked around in mid-air. It turned out to be a temple. Amidst the clouds and mist, there were curls of cigarette smoke floating up. The little boy below was cleaning the fallen leaves in front of the door. His face was pretty and very cute. He was actually a human being. Although he has no cultivation base, his physique looks good.

With a thought, Jiang Xiaobai landed in front of the temple gate, and greeted Xiaodaotong: "Little master, can you see a woman going in?"

Xiao Daotong saluted with one hand, then pointed to his mouth, and shook his head slightly.

"Can't talk?" Jiang Xiaobai was slightly taken aback.

Xiao Daotong nodded, with a warm smile on his face, and invited Jiang Xiaobai in, and he continued to clean up the fallen leaves. He looked up at the countless tall trees, with a sad expression on his face, as if there was no hope at all.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised when he arrived. Deaf-mute people generally exist together. Occasionally, some can make some sounds, but cannot form language because of lack of hearing. But Xiaodaotong has perfect hearing, but can't speak.

Jiang Xiaobai walked in, and there were various rooms around the temple. In this spacious courtyard, four golden pillars stood upright, with a height of [-] meters. Looking up, a golden statue was shrouded in clouds and mist. It was too clear, but judging from the outline, it turned out to be a tortoise.

"This believer, why did you come here?"

While the mist turned, a sturdy figure came out. He was wearing a set of Taoist attire, but he had a bald head without any traces.

Jiang Xiaobai was very strange, and he was secretly on guard. The environment here was very strange. His five senses could only detect within a radius of ten meters.

"This believer seems to be interested in the poor bald head?" The Taoist rubbed his head, "No way, it's natural."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, his expression as calm as possible, his eyes constantly scanning his surroundings.He didn't believe that this burly Taoist priest was a poor man.

This strong Taoist priest is naturally Ao Jun. Just now, after the little white dragon came in, he said the whole process, but Ao Jun felt that there was no need to get too stiff with humans, after all, he was still a human being. The martial artist has an advantage. Once this place is exposed, he may have to change places to practice again.

But seeing Xiaobailong's grievances, Ao Jun had no choice but to promise that it would be best if he could kill Jiang Xiaobai quietly, otherwise he would not make a move.

So Ao Jun came out. He saw Jiang Xiaobai's expression, although he tried his best to be calm, but he didn't lose a single point in his scrutiny. This kind of person has always been very alert and extremely sharp. will be exposed to the world.

Looking around at the business for a long time, Ao Jun really couldn't bear it, and said: "Poverty Ao Jun, believers, if you have nothing to say, please go back, don't disturb the clean place, the poor still have to practice."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Taoist priest, I haven't offered incense yet."

"If this believer believes it, he will believe it. If he doesn't believe it, he will not believe it. It's no big deal. Just don't delay my practice. We are people in two worlds, and there is no need to involve cause and effect." Ao Jun said righteously: "As the saying goes It’s useless to let you burn incense with evil and despicable hearts, but what’s the problem if you don’t worship me when you are naked and upright?”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. The other party's words were very sincere, but his behavior was not good. He pointed to the door: "Although that little Taoist boy came from nowhere, his vocal cords were cut off. I think this Taoist priest, Can you give me an explanation?"

Ao Jun's complexion suddenly changed.

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