Dominate the world

Chapter 629 Ding Furnace

The Taoist boy placed at Aojun's gate is of course not for the purpose of deceiving people. It is very hidden here, and a barrier is set up. As long as he is not a powerful man, it is impossible to find it easily. What he wants is a sense of ritual that should be in a Taoist temple.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai's topic was directed at Xiaodaotong, his face changed slightly, and he turned to be natural. To be honest, he really picked up this child, and the ones inside are...

"In that case, believers are welcome to go inside and have a look." When Ao Jun turned around, his face was gloomy, but he said with a smile: "The mountain range in this area was originally called Shifengling, which is rich in tea. After the drastic changes in the world, With plenty of vitality, the taste of this tea will be improved, you can check it at will, and I will make tea."

After finishing speaking, Ao Jun left, as if Jiang Xiaobai was free to go wherever he went.

In this scene, if Jiang Xiaobai hadn't followed Xiaobailong, he might have been tricked.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai smiled softly, and walked into the main hall, where the tortoise was still enshrined. He suddenly remembered that in the prehistoric mythology, the Nuwa Empress was worried that the sky would fall after mending the sky. So he cut off the four legs of the tortoise with long legs and propped it between the sky and the earth. This Taoist called himself Ao Jun. Could it be the descendant of this tortoise?

Jiang Xiaobai seems to be strolling in the garden, but he is walking behind the main hall. Since the front is so bright, then the back...


"Brother, are you really not going to attack him?" Xiao Bailong grabbed Ao Jun's wrist and asked directly.

"Junior Sister, don't worry, I smell Yuan Li on him, my sworn brother..." Ao Jun's face showed sadness, "New hatred, old hatred, how could I let Jiang Xiaobai go, just, It would be best if we can take him down without bloodshed."

Xiao Bailong said anxiously: "I have already poisoned him before, but he exposed it. I think you don't need to poison him anymore."

Ao Jun smiled proudly: "Junior Sister, don't worry, I have been operating here for decades, how could it be so easy for him to break in, I already have hundreds of cauldrons in the backyard, so Jiang Xiaobai, as a human being, saw There must be a mixture of shock and anger, so I will detonate those cauldrons with my vitality, and he will inevitably be turned into pieces along with the cauldron, wouldn't it be easier?"

Xiao Bailong gave a thumbs up: "High! Brother's cultivation base is high, and his means are even higher."

Ao Jun smiled: "Let's go, let's go to the top floor. With the two of you and me working together, he is just a human master and a peak martial artist. What else can he do? If he becomes your cauldron, wouldn't your cultivation be good? Hmm? "

Little White Dragon's eyes lit up.


Jiang Xiaobai walked into the backyard, opened the door, and an unimaginable scene appeared in front of him.

More than a hundred human women are lined up naked in the backyard. Their faces are normal, but their bodies are as huge as elephants. Their hands and feet are almost half a foot long. There is a tube like an intestine, and from time to time something is sent directly into the woman's body from the tube.

Jiang Xiaobai could tell that those were all kinds of spiritual materials.

And at this moment, there is a surge of movement all over these women's bodies, as if there are countless big fish grabbing food inside.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, unable to accept the scene in front of him at all.

This always feels like a complete reversal between humans and monsters. Knowing many cats, dogs, hares and the like, discussing in front of humans what festival to celebrate and how many people should be slaughtered for food and milk. What kind of scene?

Jiang Xiaobai was furious, extremely angry, he wished he could tear that Ao Jun into pieces inch by inch!

"Go, I... can't hold on anymore!"

Suddenly, a woman opened her mouth to speak, and she looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was full of anger, with a relieved smile on her face: "I have just been fed a large amount of elixir, and the things in my stomach are growing rapidly , my cultivation is only an eighth-rank martial artist, I can't take it anymore, you go!"

"If you can remember, go to Su's house in Jiangnan and write a letter for me. My name is Su Wanqing."

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was about to speak, the woman's huge belly seemed to be pulled out suddenly with countless stretch marks. Her eyes widened, and her body exploded. All the energy contained in it exploded towards Jiang Xiaobai come over.

Jiang Xiaobai's body instantly disappeared in place. His body skills had already been cultivated to the extreme, but in the explosion, there were countless bugs, floating with the airflow of the explosion, very light, Jiang Xiaobai They can even be seen floating in the airflow generated between the twists and turns of their bodies, like tarsal maggots.

"Break!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled loudly, and the vitality in his body exploded. When the vitality of the body protection exploded, the strong wind formed directly hit the bugs into powder.

But to Jiang Xiaobai's surprise, the dust was transformed into more small insects in the mist. They devoured the smoke from the explosion, and their figures swelled against the wind. The ground flew towards Jiang Xiaobai.

It was still a woman's body exploding, followed by successive explosions.

"Bang bang bang..."

As if the big drums were smashed one after another, Jiang Xiaobai's whole body was completely buried by the countless explosions.

"Look, isn't this the end?" Ao Jun pointed to the sky: "Junior Sister, don't think about fighting and killing all day long. You only have one life. It's how you can make money."

Xiao Bailong was very happy, his face was full of joy after the successful revenge, "Junior sister is here to thank senior brother, but it's a pity that those cauldrons are lost."

"It's nothing. When the time comes, go to a remote place and grab it casually. With senior brother's cultivation, it's not difficult to transport it back. After feeding it for a few months, there will be another batch of cauldrons." Ao Jun waved his hand indifferently. .

Xiao Bailong frowned slightly: "But senior brother, Jiang Xiaobai's mental strength is very advanced, and his kung fu is even more peculiar, will it be..."

Ao Jun laughed: "Junior Sister, you don't have to worry too much. Those bugs of mine are water bears that I carefully cultivated. They can devour everything. No matter high temperature, freezing or lightning, they can't kill them. power in it."

"Of course, the weakness is that it is too fragile, and you will die if you hit it, but in my enchantment, you will still be resurrected after death. Even if you grind it into powder, it will only resurrect more. Right, it will be surrounded by hundreds of millions of tardigrades, how can he be safe and sound?"

"Is it so powerful?" Xiao Bailong was slightly stunned, it sounded much stronger than the human-faced spiders and gold-eating beasts she carefully cultivated, and it looked delicious.

Ao Jun laughed and shook his head: "That's natural, if you don't believe it, we'll watch here. After they eat Jiang Xiaobai, I will swallow them all, and the cultivation will go further, of course , since the junior sister is here, the senior brother is naturally treating me."

Hearing this, Xiao Bailong's eyes lit up, and he looked at the sky with great interest.

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