Dominate the world

Chapter 630 Advanced Thunder King Beast

Surrounded by Shifengling mountains, a huge cloud of mist was surging and gradually dissipating, but it was because the exploding spiritual materials and heaven and earth vitality were completely swallowed by the water bear swarm.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that the mountains in that area are empty of grass and trees, and everything before has disappeared. Even the mountains are several meters shorter, probably because there is no nutrition, and they found that there are living people in the sky. swarm.

Jiang Xiaobai's body was covered with bugs, and he couldn't even see a trace of light in his eyes. He used almost all available methods, but only increased the number of bugs, and the penetration speed of the surrounding world's vitality was even slower than The speed at which these bugs devour.

Although Jiang Xiaobai could persist for a long time with one breath, without the supplement of vitality, even the vitality of the whole body was being swallowed, which made him feel a sense of suffocation and despair.

Lingering, but beheading turned into more, ten thousand times more difficult than tarsal maggots.

"Eat them."

Suddenly, words came from the Tai Chi disc.

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly taken aback, "This! These are all cultivated by human warriors for the cauldron, I..."

It is difficult for him to accept this reality.

"Have you ever used the medicine Renzhonghuang? It's much more difficult than this." Taiji Yuanpan's voice came again, and he taught Jiang Xiaobai the places where the human body can be used for medicine, and then said: "This It is also the reason why the turtle demon used human warriors as cauldrons."

A movie on a train appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind. There were no plants and no food, and the people in the train turned into food in turn.

When faced with death, maybe anything can happen, right?

"Okay, since you eat me, then I will eat you!"

Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth wide, bit a foot-long water bear worm, and chewed it, but he didn't expect that this white and big worm would melt in his mouth, and the vitality contained in it could be consumed directly. Turning it into his own use, this result was completely unexpected by Jiang Xiaobai.

Where was he willing to hesitate, he swallowed it in big mouthfuls, wishing that his mouth could become as big as a giant thunder beast.

"By the way, why don't you inhale?" Jiang Xiaobai remembered the scene when the giant thunder beast absorbed the huge wave of the little white dragon's mental power. He followed suit and opened his mouth to swallow it.

On the top of the tallest building in the Taoist temple, Ao Jun yawned with his mouth curled up: "I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be able to persist, no wonder he can beat you, just the length of this breath is enough to crush the same martial artist .”

Xiao Bailong knew that Ao Jun was sleeping most of the time, seeing him bored, he said: "If brother is tired, just go to rest, I will guard here."

Ao Jun shook his head: "No, I have a secret method to control these tardigrades. Once out of control, everything here will be destroyed. If you attract the attention of human king-level late-stage warriors, you and I can only pack up and run away." Way to go."

"That's it." Xiao Bailong nodded, turned his head to look at the sky, and followed the water bear worm fiercely: "Bite him to death, eat him! Although there is no way to use him as a cauldron, as long as I eat the insect If he loses it, he is equivalent to being my cauldron indirectly, no matter how you think about it, he is making money, hee hee."

Seeing that Ao Jun's breath had weakened, she turned her head and saw that she had fallen asleep.


Jiang Xiaobai swallowed how many worms he didn't know, and felt that his body was full of vitality, and the point of the thunder visualization in his mind became bright at this moment.

Like the finishing touch, when this point became brighter, in Jiang Xiaobai's sea of ​​consciousness, the giant thunder beast let out a loud roar, bursting out with intense brilliance, and it was promoted to become the thunder king beast in this way. Underneath, ripples visible to the naked eye spread from Jiang Xiaobai's whole body.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Along the way those ripples spread, countless insects were directly oscillated into vitality, like peeled eggs, which were ruthlessly devoured by the Thunder King Beast.

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly taken aback. His devouring just now has already replenished the vitality that was consumed before, but if he can swallow some more, once his dantian loosens, it will be an opportunity for promotion. How can he have such an opportunity? Can you let it go?

Ever since, there was a scene of two aspects of combat power and mental power vying to devour the tardigrades.

Although there were many bugs, they were still counted, especially after Jiang Xiaobai stopped bombarding them with combat power, while the number of bugs could not increase, they were being devoured by him. His own devouring speed could not be seen, but the two Devouring all aspects together, the gap is obvious.

Xiao Bailong suddenly discovered that a depression appeared on the huge worm mass, like a funnel, and the worms gradually sank into it, but they couldn't come out again.

"Brother, brother!" she yelled again and again.

"Huh?" Ao Jun immediately opened his eyes, and saw directly on the worm mass, which seemed to be a well-raised fish pond, and a sinkhole appeared at the bottom, and all the fish and water leaked away.

"Wow!" Ao Jun immediately let out a strange cry, and immediately cast a secret method to attract those bugs to his side, while cursing: "Jiang Xiaobai, you beast, you really don't want to eat it, the water that I carefully cultivated Bear bug!"

Those bugs turned their heads and floated towards Ao Jun, but the ripples in the air also spread out little by little, and the number of bugs decreased sharply.

"Junior Sister! Come on, move your mouth!" Ao Jun was heartbroken, and immediately used his body skills to rise up against the sky. Although his head is not big, his mouth is tens of square meters long, and he swallowed worms in big mouthfuls.

Xiao Bailong has been coveting these insects for a long time. If she was not worried about her senior brother getting angry, she would have been rude. At this time, when she saw those waves coming out, she quickly swung a flying sword made of spiritual power, piercing those ripples, and pierced her face. There was a sneer on the face: "Although you have a secret method, your mental strength is still worse than mine, you..."


A silent roar exploded in Xiao Bailong's mind. In her sight, her flying sword transformed into a prop was directly smashed into pieces by the ripples.

The flying sword was directly connected to the source of Xiao Bailong's spiritual power - the Sea of ​​Consciousness. The strong impact made Xiao Bailong feel like he had bumped his head against the diamond. The pain from inside made her completely unable to suppress it. With a cry of surprise, the seven orifices bleed.

"Junior Sister?!" Ao Jun was startled, but found that Xiao Bailong's eyes were staring straight, and blood was flowing from his seven orifices, as if he had been knocked stupid.

Turning his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai again, like a demon lord descending from the sky, devouring all those tardigrades, the way he looked at himself was full of meaning.

He grabbed the little white dragon and flew up.

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