Dominate the world

Chapter 631 Five Mountain Sword Qi

Ao Jun threw the little white dragon under the Hong Bell of the Taoist temple, where there is a secret room to protect him.

Immediately, he rose from the air, his whole body emitting a rumbling sound, and his mid-term king realm cultivation completely exploded, and he suddenly opened his mouth to suck in Jiang Xiaobai's side.


Several huge tornadoes were formed in the sky, and the last remaining insects were all absorbed by Ao Jun, and he said sadly: "Jiang Xiaobai, what happened to my sworn brother, Yuan Li?"

Jiang Xiaobai said: "Which one are you talking about? I ate several."

"Wow!" Ao Jun cried out sadly. He never thought that this Jiang Xiaobai was so informal. He was going to eat his bugs, but he actually ate most of them. Seeing that he was full of vitality, he was simply Blooming precious light like colored glaze.

Those should all be his own!

Jiang Xiaobai said: "You feel sorry for Chongzi more than that Yuan Li. Are you a superficial brother?"

"I'll tear you apart!" Ao Jun soared into the sky, and pushed Jiang Xiaobai violently with both palms. The wind of the two palms turned into a strong wind in an instant, wrapped in the terrifying aura of the mid-stage king, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai .

Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid at all, he clasped his hands together, and a blast of wind appeared in his palm, and with all the energy in his body, he pushed the wind forward to collide.

Ao Jun frowned secretly, seeing that Jiang Xiaobai, who was only at the peak of the master, dared to confront the tough, so he quickly thought about why he had such courage.

How did he know that Jiang Xiaobai had condensed the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains, and the power of the Five Sacred Mountains contained in his vitality gave him the strength to beat the early kings. As the Thunder King Beast, its spiritual power is extremely strong, and Jiang Xiaobai added spiritual power to the wind.


The strong winds collided in the air, tearing the air apart in an instant, and the vitality contained in it was ignited, billowing flames flickered in the sky, and several thunderbolts suddenly appeared in the sky fire.

"Hmm!" Ao Jun let out a muffled snort, only to feel that someone had given a heavy hammer to the head. Although he was not fatally injured, it was still buzzing.

He suddenly understood why Junior Sister was dumbfounded all of a sudden, but just now, Junior Sister's mental strength was higher?

"Could it be water bears?"

Ao Jun suddenly realized that in order to prevent the water bears from being killed by spiritual power, he added a lot of spiritual materials to cultivate refined spiritual power when feeding them, which was his countless years of savings.

Ao Jun was heartbroken, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai, with sharp claws growing out of both hands, with the backs of his hands facing each other, he thrust towards Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

Looking at this posture, I wish I could tear Jiang Xiaobai into two pieces.

But although Ao Jun is powerful, his speed is not as good as Jiang Xiaobai's. He missed this pounce, but immediately pulled his hands back, his face showing a very ferocious look, and he wanted to sneak attack from behind?Watch me look back and take out!

Jiang Xiaobai's figure appeared behind Ao Jun. He wanted to punch him on the back of his heart, but suddenly there was a bad wind, and the sharp claws swept across without even looking at it. buzzing.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure suddenly flew upside down, and he retreated more than a hundred meters. Two big claws crossed in front of him. With the sound of scratching, a hole burst out immediately, the clothes were damaged, and the pain spread into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Jiang Xiaobai touched the wound subconsciously. The torn wound was less than two inches, and blood flowed out.

"Hey." Ao Jun turned around with a sinister smile on his face, "See if you die or not..."

But seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was still standing, the wound was not fatal at all, and there were other colors in his blood, his complexion couldn't help changing, "What are you refining, you actually cast your body It’s so strong, if it’s any other peak master martial artist, I’ve already been torn into two pieces by me..."

Jiang Xiaobai said in his heart that I would tell you about refining the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains?

He stretched out his hand to wipe the wound, and under the strong healing effect of the wood essence, the wound closed immediately. Although the inside was still recovering gradually, it looked fine on the surface.

"It was a one-to-one match just now, let's do it again." Jiang Xiaobai raised his three-thorn sword and swung it out suddenly.


In the sound of releasing vitality, after the transformation of the three-thorn sword, a sword energy suddenly bombarded the past.

This sword energy was actually a hundred meters long and seven or eight meters wide, like a martial arts fighter flying across.

"King-level soldier?"

Ao Jun immediately became a little envious, because according to the legend, there are human fighters who practice the technique of flying swords, and they use this kind of soldiers who have reached the king level and above. They are indestructible and can be taken from hundreds of miles away. Like an arm and a finger.

For many years, Ao Jun has dreamed of obtaining a king-level warrior, but most of the craftsmen are human warriors, either they are tyrannical, or they are protected by a bunch of people, so they have no chance to do it.

His eyes became hot, and his two sharp claws kept waving in front of him, drawing out the edge of vitality. When he rubbed his claws, he kneaded those edges into a huge ball of wind with a radius of 30 meters, and pushed forward suddenly with both palms. , and at the same time took steps, like a huge dung beetle, pushing the ball forward.


The moment the sword qi collided with the Gangfeng group, it was as if a small sun was born, and blazing fragments of light continued to splash outward.

Ao Jun's strong wind kept smashing Jiang Xiaobai's sword energy, and he approached Jiang Xiaobai step by step. The distance between the two was only a hundred meters, which can be said to be within a blink of an eye.

"Hahaha..." Looking at Jiang Xiaobai who was more than ten meters away, his sword energy was only a few meters away, Ao Jun laughed proudly, "I originally planned to cut you up and eat you piece by piece, but now With this magical weapon, I can save your entire body."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly: "Then you smash all my sword energy first."

Before Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the three-thorned sword in his hand scraped off the blood from his chest, which was fused with the essence of the five mountains. Every drop is a good thing and cannot be wasted.

In an instant, five colors of brilliance bloomed from the three-thorn sword, plus the colors fused by the thorn star and the moon, almost colorful, Jiang Xiaobai moved his footsteps, and the three-thorn sword received the remaining sword energy .

In an instant, the sword energy inspired by the king-level soldiers instantly pierced Ao Jun's wind, and at the same time, the brilliance penetrated Ao Jun's body, flew out, and disappeared out of sight.

Ao Jun shrank, as if his body had been hollowed out. He looked at the huge wound on his chest in disbelief, and then his whole body instantly turned into a giant tortoise, rushing towards the mountain crazily and go.

The essence of the five mountains, the fusion of the five cloud swordsmanship, and the sword spirit of the five mountains, who can compete with it!

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