Dominate the world

Chapter 638 Silver Snake Sword Qi

The Great Elder stretched out his left palm, and when his divine sense turned away, a thin sword aura about half a foot long was formed in his palm.

But he didn't hit Liu Qian's sword energy directly, but was waiting. He wanted to see how far the sword energy was from Jiang Xiaobai before he could react.

This is an indirect test, and it is also a manifestation of the great elder's confidence in his own strength.

He stared intently, calculating the distance.

"2000 meters... 1000 meters... 700 meters..."

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai in the eyes of the Great Elder suddenly burst into aura, extremely heroic, as if a lion felt a fatal threat, and his body hair stood on end, making his figure look huge Countless times.


An air wave from a burst of vitality spread around Jiang Xiaobai's body, like a cannonball exploding. The strong breath pushed everything around him away. The He family kid couldn't stand firmly, and had to use his vitality to resist, while retreating backwards.

And the other three Zhongli family members seemed to want to see what happened. They used the defensive circle formed by chariots to resist Jiang Xiaobai's aura, but after a while, these people showed their vitality one by one, and barely stabilized themselves shape.

Jiang Xiaobai looked up at the sky. Although nothing appeared in his field of vision, he had already fully experienced the feeling of being locked into the Qi machine. Finally, in the sky 500 meters away, a silver snake flew towards him.

He stretched out his five fingers and grasped it suddenly. The three-thorn sword was already held in his palm, and the king-level soldier was holding it in his hand, which made him feel a sense of security.

But seeing that sword energy, Jiang Xiaobai still felt that it was not safe. He immediately used the idea of ​​​​Thunderstorm, and used most of his mental power in the nine-day thunderstorm. A thunderstorm suddenly formed around him, and immediately flew forward to resist. In front of him, he became Jiang Xiaobai's first line of defense.

"Huh?" Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's idea of ​​running the Thunder God, the elder was startled again. Even Liu Douer, the first line of the Liu family, couldn't improve to such an advanced level. How could it be so magnificent in Jiang Xiaobai's hands?

And with Liu Dou'er's cultivation, it is impossible to give Jiang Xiaobai a whole set of Thunder Conception ideas.

The Great Elder suddenly thought of a possibility, not only a possibility, but also a certainty, which was taught to Jiang Xiaobai by the ancestor himself!

Could it be that the ancestor had already taken a fancy to Jiang Xiaobai?

If not, why did you act like this?

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's series of defensive actions, the three neutral family members couldn't help but look at each other, "Why did this guy suddenly go crazy? Could it be that he guessed our intention to deal with him just now?"

"No way, we're just discussing secretly here, and we're still using a secret method, so it's impossible for him to hear it. Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai has practiced some secret method that can see through people's minds?"

"Damn! How can there be such a technique in this world, otherwise other people wouldn't have to live. But, what is he doing? Looking at his posture, it seems as if he has encountered a natural enemy."

"I guess I want to have a convulsion..."

At this moment, they suddenly sensed the existence of the Silver Snake Sword Qi, and they rushed straight towards Jiang Xiaobai, their expressions were stunned.

"Peak king-level sword energy? Although that sword energy is not grand, it has a feeling of returning to nature. The breath wrapped in it must be the peak king level!"

"Has someone finally made a move? If it had been earlier, I'm afraid that Wang Lin would have died on the spot!"

"Isn't it? Look at Jiang Xiaobai, he is still struggling to resist, he just doesn't know how to write dead words!"

At this time, the silver snake sword energy crashed into Jiang Xiaobai's thunder cloud, pierced through the thunder cloud silently, and still flew towards Jiang Xiaobai with unabated momentum.

The Great Elder suddenly became more interested, and even thought mischievously, to see what housekeeping skills that Jiang Xiaobai has.

Those aristocratic families kept sneering, "Look, you Jiang Xiaobai is only an early stage king, why should you block a king's peak sword energy?"

"Although I didn't see who cast that sword energy, judging from the aura, it is definitely a warrior at the peak of the king level! I just don't know if the opponent is a strong man at the emperor level. In order to conceal his identity, he deliberately used the cultivation base of the peak king level .”

"But even if it's just a king-level peak, you, Jiang Xiaobai, can't deal with it!"

"No matter how hard you struggle, you will die. When the time comes, we will hurry to Cao's house and pass the news..."

Jiang Xiaobai saw that his thunder cloud could not stop the silver snake sword energy, so he immediately unleashed the Wuyun sword technique, and for a moment, the sword wind, sword rain and sword mountain...wait, layer upon layer, swept away in front of him, Immediately cut off the connection between his own qi and those sword qi.

It was impossible for him to disperse the Silver Snake Sword Qi without begging. He just wanted to weaken the Silver Snake Sword Qi layer by layer.

His body rose up against the sky at the same time, and the sword energy turned around as he flew into the air, and it was still tightly locked.

Seeing those sword wind and sword rain strikes, the three neutral family members were completely dumbfounded. If they had shot rashly after Wang Lin left, even if they were in their prime, let alone severely wounding Jiang Xiaobai, they would not be able to do anything even to stop him to ah!

All the people couldn't help but glanced at each other, and they all saw the happiness in each other's expressions.

"Puff puff……"

Like a bullet fired by a silent gun, the Silver Snake Sword Qi came over soundlessly, and when it passed through the sword wind, it made a toothache sound, like countless claws scratching in the Silver Snake Sword Qi. Finally, it was cut down to the next level, and then penetrated into the sword forest, making bursts of shattering sounds.

It really works!There was joy in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, and he felt a little rejoiced in his heart. If his aura was still connected to those sword auras, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he would definitely be severely injured at this time.

That silver snake sword aura is really too sharp.

He flew backwards, and the three-thorn sword in his hand unleashed the sword wind, sword mountain and sword forest one after another. This retreat was 700 meters away. This is Jiang Xiaobai's agility, which has been cultivated to the extreme , otherwise it would be difficult to run.

When the silver snake sword aura came closer, it was no more than a foot long, but it was still extremely condensed, showing the purity of the sword aura, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can condense.

Jiang Xiaobai used his three-thorn sword with all his strength, and the sword energy of the Five Sacred Mountains struck at the same time.

The Silver Snake Sword Qi faced Jiang Xiaobai's real body for the first time.

It was as if the gun had penetrated into the target, and after a moment of silence, it burst open.

The sword energy that was only a few feet long turned into countless filaments in an instant, shooting towards Jiang Xiaobai's figure.

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