Dominate the world

Chapter 639 The Strong Mouth King

"Whoosh whoosh!"

As the Silver Snake Sword Qi flew back and forth, Jiang Xiaobai's body-protecting vitality instantly appeared many small holes, like rain hitting thousands of pits on the beach.

Jiang Xiaobai's whole body turned into pockmarks.

The three neutral family members had joy in their eyes, and cheered for a while.

"Wow! See it? I said that Jiang Xiaobai will definitely not be able to resist it, that is the peak sword energy of the king level!"

"Yes, yes, if Jiang Xiaobai can resist this sword energy, let me kiss his ass."

"Damn! You are too disgusting, why don't you just be his rabbit."

"If he can stop him, he will be fine, but the key now is, look at the holes in his body, he has become a sieve, so if he doesn't die, I'll live broadcast him standing on his head and having diarrhea."

"That's all right, we'll report to Cao's house right away. Although Jiang Xiaobai didn't die at our hands, we have worked hard without credit."

"Don't worry, I think we should bring Jiang Xiaobai's body with us. This is called getting twice the result with half the effort!"

These people glanced at each other, snapped their fingers, and jumped into the air one after another, rushing to Jiang Xiaobai's side, even forgetting why he was still in the air and didn't fall, Zhang Wanlin hugged Jiang Xiaobai directly. Bai, with his backhand on his shoulder, cheerfully landed in the direction of the chariot.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to speak, but a mouthful of blood flowed out when he opened his mouth. His whole body was so stiff from the shock, as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt, but the Five Sacred Sword Qi withstood the test.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai had already brewed a divine thought through the Tai Chi disk. If the Wuyue Sword Qi could not resist the Silver Snake Sword Qi that had been weakened by two-thirds, that divine thought would be activated. Save your life.

But at that time, his mental power will be emptied, and although he won't become an idiot, he will at least recover for a while.

At this time and place, if one's mental power is exhausted, it is undoubtedly more deadly, so Jiang Xiaobai plans to fight, even if he is seriously injured, it is much better than fainting.

"I said, are you too anxious?"

Jiang Xiaobai spoke suddenly, making these aristocratic children jump up in shock. Zhang Wanlin, who was carrying Jiang Xiaobai on his back, even threw Jiang Xiaobai out, and rushed out hundreds of meters with a bang. Jiang Xiaobai was slightly taken aback, "Damn, it's so fast."

That Zhang Wanlin was hiding next to the chariot, and finally felt a little safe. He touched himself, as if looking for the legendary ghost handprint. He saw Jiang Xiaobai standing up in mid-air, Yukong was in good condition, but I didn't have the intention to be surprised. Instead, I ran a few hundred meters away. It seemed that I didn't reach the expected state. I couldn't help scratching my head: "Strange, why didn't I run so fast? I thought some unknown acupuncture point was suddenly opened... "

But near Jiang Xiaobai, those aristocratic families all stared: "You! You didn't die?!"

"How is it possible? That is the sword energy of a king-level peak powerhouse. How can you, a warrior who has just become a king, be able to stop it?"

"That's right, that kind of power is incomparably mighty. You, a small initial king, can only tremble and wait to die in front of that sword energy. How can you not die?"

"It's a fraud, it must be a fraud! Maybe this guy ate the meat of some monster and gained the ability to die without being stiff."

Seeing these people acting like clowns one by one, Jiang Xiaobai said disdainfully: "You useless woods, are you the mouth strong king in the legend? Compared with those warriors in the master realm who were beheaded by me, you are still ashamed. Not as good."

A family member immediately snorted: "Jiang Xiaobai, don't think that you are something special when you resist the next sword qi. My ancestor is a powerful emperor. Do you want to challenge it?"

"That's right, it's just to resist the next sword qi. It seems that you are dragged away, as if you are invincible in the world."

"In this world, there are many people who are stronger than you. What's so great about it?"

"Get lost." Jiang Xiaobai raised his three-thorn sword.

The children of these aristocratic families fled immediately, and the voice was still coming intermittently: "Get out, get out, what's the big deal."

"Who knows, let me tell you, he really didn't dare to do anything to us, otherwise one of the ancestors of our three families would come out at random, and a sword energy would turn him into flying ash."

"Forget it, don't be as knowledgeable as a grassroots with him, let's go, although I didn't accomplish anything today, but I also watched a play, my treat, the old place."

"Okay, I still ordered the girl last time, that small waist, very exciting..."

What these people said was wonderful, but they even abandoned their chariots and ran away in embarrassment.

Looking at the backs of those fleeing in embarrassment, Jiang Xiaobai just smiled speechlessly. To be honest, he was very angry. Just now, his life was hanging by that thread. Once he collapsed, the consequences would be disastrous.But if you think about it carefully, there is no need to have the same knowledge as this kind of person, because there are too many of them.

Jiang Xiaobai landed on the ground, looking at the dozen or so chariots discarded by those guys, it just so happened that the materials in the space token were almost consumed recently, and a lot of space was all stuffed in, and it would be okay to go back and make prizes for the students. OK.

Jiang Xiaobai waved to He Feipeng, and the latter acted as if a new daughter-in-law entered the bridal chamber, not knowing what was going to happen next, shy and full of apprehension.

"Jiang Shao, I am no different from these people, but there is also a difference, that is, I still have to show my face." He Feipeng desperately surfaced the water, indicating that he did not have any malicious intentions.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and waved his hands: "I don't ask you this, I want to know which family the dead people belonged to, so I can prepare."

"That's it..." He Feipeng breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and introduced the foundations of the Ma family, Zhao Qian, Sun Li, and other third-rate families one by one. In his opinion, as long as he doesn't reveal his old background, everything else is fine. of.

"That's it. In the final analysis, the third-rate family needs to have a real king-level peak fighter to sit in it, otherwise it will not constitute qualifications, let alone the allocation of those resource lands."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly, "Just from your analysis, there is no existence among those aristocratic families that can display the Silver Snake Sword Qi."

He Feipeng was in trouble, and scratched his nose: "To be honest, it's not that I don't know much. It's the first time I've seen this kind of sword energy."

"Once the cultivation of our warriors is released, it must be able to resist a certain power of the world, so it must be extremely magnificent, just like those martial arts fighters, if they want to be able to fly, they must resist the huge gravity of the earth's center .”

"The Silver Snake Sword Qi is doing the opposite. It's so small that it's outrageous. If I guess, it must be a strong man who has surpassed the peak of the king level to be able to practice so much. Otherwise, this will not be true. It is in line with the setting of a warrior."

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