Ma Zhanfang's father, Ma Hongwu, is the oldest among these people, and his strength is also slightly better. At this time, seeing that everyone is looking forward to him, he also said without hesitation: "This is natural. There was an awkward dispute between us, but it was our own contradiction after all, how could a foreigner just bully all of us like this?"

Afterwards, Ma Hongwu began to dispatch manpower, and finally selected the elders of two aristocratic families, each leading a son-in-law and a number of servants, to explore the mountains.

The rest were divided into more than a dozen small teams, and set up strongholds at places where Jiang Xiaobai might escape from the mountain. Each stronghold had at least one king-level warrior sitting in command.

Once you find Jiang Xiaobai's traces, kill Wushe immediately.At the same time, a signal can be sent, and the rest will form a funnel-shaped encirclement.

"We must kill Jiang Xiaobai in the shortest possible time, otherwise, this shame cannot be washed away by any of our families." Ma Hongwu clasped his fists at the crowd, and the rest of the crowd naturally clasped their fists in return. The atmosphere was unprecedented. Unity, common hatred.

But at this moment, someone came from the sky, shining with the vitality of a late king, falling directly in front of Ma Hongwu like a comet.


The huge momentum, without the slightest restraint, just fell down like this unscrupulously.

This is a man around 30 years old. He looks very young in front of the patriarchs of these aristocratic families, but his cultivation level is not lower than these people.

So the resulting situation is that these aristocratic family owners have to use their vitality to resist the opponent's powerful momentum, so as not to be affected by the rampant arrogance.

"Wang Cheng?!"

Seeing the young man's face, Ma Hongwu knew that he was one of the eldest sons of the Jiangnan Wang family and Wang Lin's elder brother, so he couldn't help frowning, "What are you doing here? Do you want to see jokes about us? Then you are right, We people have indeed become a joke. You can laugh, laugh as you like. But Jiang Xiaobai must die, and no one can keep him! Unless, all of us are dead!"

"That's right, Jiang Xiaobai is doomed. Our aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River can't tolerate a foreigner showing off his power here, and after getting a bargain, he managed to escape!"

"Wang Cheng, your Wang family, no matter what, is one of the first-class families in Jiangnan Province, and now you are standing up for a foreigner? Do you still have local feelings in your heart!"

"Or, your Wang family is tired of this place in the south of the Yangtze River and wants to find another way out?"

These people looked very bad, because they didn't expect that the Cao family didn't come, but the Wang family came instead. Isn't this just watching the fun?

"One bite at a time, you Wang family... It seems that you are very powerful, but your cultivation base is not growing, but your skill of giving people a high hat is getting more and more perfect."

Wang Cheng laughed, and said: "Let me declare here that I didn't come here to meet Xiaobai. Besides, just because of you people, is it worth me, Wang Cheng, to watch the fun?"

"Then what are you doing here?" Ma Hongwu was a little confused, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

The corners of Wang Cheng's mouth rose slightly, and there was an evil spirit on his handsome face.

"My younger brother, Wang Lin, was besieged and beaten by your sons and their servants. They are now seriously injured. They even killed one of my younger brother's servants. Let me ask you how to settle this account ?”


"You actually came to settle this account?"

The noses of Ma Hongwu and the others were crooked. Wang Lin took the initiative to block here, not allowing his son to bring people over. He injured him and killed his subordinates.

"You don't even look at it, my son and his subordinates all died here!"

"Can't you see? How many people have died here!"

Wang Cheng was unmoved, and even looked around in a good mood.

Ma Hongwu frowned like a bitter gourd. If he hadn't been concerned about the strength of the Wang family, he really wanted to blow Wang Cheng's head off with his fist.

"Wang Cheng, we may have done something wrong in this matter, but our son has been killed, what else do you want?" Although the words were nothing special, they were expressing all their sufferings.

The implication is that your Wang family has already taken such a big advantage, and you still come here to care about it, it is simply too shameless.

Wang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "What? Did my brother kill your son?"

"..." Ma Hongwu and the others were slightly startled, then shook their heads: "That's not true."

Wang Cheng said again: "But my brother's injury, and the death of that subordinate, were your sons responsible?"

"This..." Ma Hongwu and the others thought about it again and again, and they could only nod their heads in agreement: "That's true."

"Isn't this the end!" Wang Chengyi clapped his hands, "My brother didn't kill your son, but your son injured my brother. You all admit it. Now that they are all dead, I I can only find you parents, right? How to solve it, you should study it quickly and come up with a plan. Let me see if it makes sense."

The faces of the crowd were not only liver-colored, but also gallbladder. Their teeth were about to be crushed. Some women wanted to use their identity to come and make trouble, but they were firmly held back by their own family members.

These patriarchs all understood that they only sent one Wang Cheng to see the sincerity of their own people, otherwise they would send elders and even the Patriarch of the Wang family to come here in person.

If that is the case, what we are facing is not the current situation where we can still negotiate.

Therefore, Ma Hongwu and the others walked to one side and discussed in low voices. In fact, this compensation scale is very difficult to grasp. If it is too small, it will definitely not work. They are all in a mess.

As for the idea of ​​not paying compensation, they did have it, but they dared not say it out, unless someone from the Cao family stood on their side, they would not dare even if they had a hundred guts.

The gap between a first-rate family and a third-rate family is definitely not 01:30, or even a gap that cannot be caught up by generations.

At this moment, a figure came from far to near at an extremely fast speed. The vitality of the body and the splendor of the soldiers could be clearly seen from a long distance away.

Ma Hongwu immediately recognized that the person was Uncle Cao Wu, one of the elders of the Cao family. Compared with Wang Cheng, his posture was much more reserved and steady.

Falling among the crowd, Fifth Uncle Cao glanced at the jigsaw puzzles of corpse parts, sighed and nodded: "They are all good boys, blame me, blame me, if my attitude had resolutely blocked them back then, how could they have ended up like this?" Where?"

Seeing Uncle Cao's arrival, Wang Cheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

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