Uncle Cao's attitude was very peaceful and thoughtful. He first expressed his deep sorrow, then expressed condolences to many families, and finally said: "Things have developed to this point, and no one would have expected it. Xiaobai."

"He is a man from Qilu in the north, and he came to our Jiangnan. Not only did he want to marry all the ladies in Jiangnan, but he also deliberately challenged the trial site for the sake of showing off, causing conflicts, and then killed all these children with thunder. He What is it for? Have you ever thought about it?"

Ma Hongwu and the others couldn't help looking at each other, they really hadn't thought of this.

"Then Jiang Xiaobai, of course, has taken a fancy to the beautiful mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, and wants to develop his own resources here." Cao Wushu sneered: "If I guessed correctly, then Jiang Xiaobai has already entered After entering the realm of the king, he intentionally kept the realm away, just to come to us in the south of the Yangtze River and want to make a big splash."

"In this way, his intentions are more than sinister!" Ma Hongwu and everyone stared at him. The price for Jiang Xiaobai's blockbuster success is obviously to start with their weak and small families and gradually eat away at them. It is a complete victory!

Wang Cheng, however, heard from Wang Lin that Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation had gradually improved recently, and he was not as vicious as Uncle Cao said.Although the two families of Wang and Cao are not clearly opposed to each other, they are always on guard.

However, Wang Cheng did not intend to expose his lies, because these people, no matter what, were already tied to the Cao family's chariot, and there was no way out.If I speak at this time, it will only make people feel that I am deliberately alienating, and it will make them more united.

Uncle Cao looked at Wang Cheng, and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang Cheng, you kept saying that you didn't come here for Jiang Xiaobai. You have bought Jiang Xiaobai a lot of time by embarrassing these people here. This is tantamount to indirect help." Jiang Xiaobai."

"Yes, yes." Ma Hongwu and the others hurriedly nodded, finally gaining confidence.

"Then I can't take care of it. I only ask for an explanation for my brother, and I don't talk about anything else." Wang Chengyi waved his hand and said loudly.

Wang Cheng's performance can be said to be very domineering and unreasonable.

Fifth Uncle Cao frowned secretly. At this time, the Cao family's big plan was to deal with the Liu family. If they provoke the Wang family again, I'm afraid he would be the one to blame.

He thought for a while, and then said: "In this case, Uncle Wu, I will go all out once and be a middleman for both of you. I think this is good. Yuanshi 1000 yuan and some spiritual materials can ensure that Mr. Wang Lin's injuries are well recovered If you are worried about your recovery, my Cao family can send someone to help treat it. The servant who died in the battle cost 80 Yuan Shi, which is what he has earned from at least 30 years of cultivation, how about it?"

Wang Cheng thought for a while, and he had already done what his younger brother asked him to do. He clasped his fists and said, "Then I will give Uncle Cao Wu a face."

Uncle Cao nodded with a smile. The two aspects were enjoyable, and his goal was achieved. Anyway, it’s a mess. Someone took the initiative to send him to death to help him clear the obstacles. Why not do it?

Many Patriarchs of the Ma family pieced together, and finally put together the primordial stones. There are more than 1000 primordial stones. An ordinary warrior can only get one piece after practicing for a year.

Wang Cheng didn't even look at it, he turned around and left, coming decisively and leaving simply.

"Thanks to Fifth Uncle Cao today, otherwise I would have waited..." Ma Hongwu and everyone hurriedly expressed their thanks.

Fifth Uncle Cao also responded, thinking to himself: If he rushed over to reconcile from the beginning, how could people like the Ma family be grateful to him?

In the future, they will not die to serve the Cao family, and they are simply sorry for their thoughts.

"This is the end of the matter, you should be busy, and I won't bother you." Uncle Cao was about to turn around and leave when a martial arts fighter flew over and landed directly in front of Uncle Cao. The hatch opened wide, and a pretty figure jumped down.

"Liu Douer?" Uncle Cao was taken aback for a moment, but he also showed a warm attitude, stepped forward to greet him, and slightly lowered his head with a smile, "So it's Miss Douer, why do you..."

Without further ado, Liu Douer slapped Fifth Uncle Cao's face with his hand, but he didn't use his vitality, and his speed was as fast as lightning.

But Fifth Uncle Cao's cultivation has completely surpassed Liu Douer's too much, even if the incident happened suddenly, he was able to react, and sneered in his heart: "Even if you just resist with vitality, your little arms and legs will be broken A few cuts, but you hit me, and I didn't fight back..."

He was about to circulate his vitality secretly, when he suddenly found that behind the martial arts fighter, two Liu family elders were looking over with their shoulders in their arms.Although he didn't make any movements, Uncle Cao's entire back was instantly drenched in cold sweat, and his whole body was almost covered in white sweat, so he quickly stopped running his vitality.

He couldn't tell when the two old guys from the Liu family appeared, but judging by their posture, if one of them was wrong, he would definitely be beaten by the other, and he couldn't deal with one, let alone two?


Although Liu Dou'er didn't have vitality, but as a warrior, her physique was naturally there. Fifth Uncle Cao took a slap and looked embarrassed: "Miss Douer, why is this?"

"You know it yourself." Liu Dou'er's pretty face was full of coldness, "Your Cao family's thoughts should be used elsewhere. You tell Cao Ying that we will never communicate with each other in the future."

Fifth Uncle Cao was startled. Liu Douer is a golden branch and jade leaf in Jiangnan Province, and what she says is an oath.

Not to mention Fifth Uncle Cao, even the two elders of the Cao family and even the Liu family did not expect Liu Douer to say such a thing.

They have always thought that even if Liu Douer is interested in Jiang Xiaobai, since Cao Ying jumped out, it would be like a martial arts contest, and there must be a comparison. When the time comes, the winning party will naturally get Liu Douer power.

Now it seems that things are much more serious than expected.

How could Uncle Cao dare to agree to these words, otherwise all the calculations of the Cao family would be ruined?

He clasped his fists and said, "I'd better ask Miss Dou'er to say these words in person, I'm an old slave, I'm afraid I might get the wrong meaning."

"It doesn't matter, it's just the literal meaning. It's up to Cao Ying to understand it." Liu Dou'er said indifferently, and then a pair of pretty brows frowned: "Do you have anything else, Uncle Cao?"

The fifth uncle almost made Cao Wushu lie on the ground. He couldn't bear such a title, so he hurriedly left with fists in his hands.

But in the sky, Wang Cheng was hovering in the air, holding his shoulders and looking at everything below, his face was full of playfulness, as if he wanted to see how Liu Douer would face these third-rate families .

"This little girl looks so cute even when she hits someone. I really envy that guy Jiang Xiaobai."

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