Ma Hongwu looked very serious.

Wang Cheng came to make things difficult, if Uncle Cao hadn't shown his old face, he would never have retreated so easily.As a native of Jiangnan, he had heard too much about Wang Cheng's deeds.

After finally sending away a living Hades, another female Bodhisattva came.

Then Jiang Xiaobai is just a grassroots, how can He De, all the big families in the south of the Yangtze River appear on the scene?

The Liu family is definitely not easy to mess with, and Ma Hongwu also knows that when Liu Douer hit Uncle Cao, even though he didn't use his vitality, he actually slapped the Cao family in the face.

As the patriarch of a third-rate family, Ma Hongwu only said this kind of words to some poor relatives with no future, but he did not expect that Liu Douer, who was so young, was so decisive.

"But... young people are just acting out of loyalty. Such words will not come from a mature mouth."

Ma Hongwu made his aura seem infinitely close to normal. A few decades ago, the Ma family was just an ordinary family. After hard work, in the hands of Ma Hongwu, it finally became a third-rate family and became the best among them. Or, the credit of his leader is naturally indispensable.

Although a son died, the Ma family also succeeded in standing on the side of the Cao family. It can be said that they were successful, and at the same time they got the opportunity to kill Jiang Xiaobai in a legitimate way.

A grassroots became a king in just a few years?

If it is said that there are no rare secret books, even if Ma Hongwu is killed, he will not believe it.

Maybe the Cao family doesn't like it, but as long as the Ma family gets Jiang Xiaobai, it may not take a few years for the Ma family to enter the second-rate family, and then they can follow in the footsteps of the first-rate family and become the best in Jiangnan.

The reason why Ma Hongwu allowed Ma Zhanfang to come over was precisely because he had already made a comprehensive plan, and he also felt that young people should have more adventures and more experience to grow up, and they must have a wolfishness that is better than me.

Of course, it would be best if people could not die.

But he has two sons, two daughters, and six or seven nephews, who can stand squandering.

And these young children, after seeing Liu Douer, the family members who accompanied the team gradually became excited and talked in low voices.

"She is Liu Dou'er? She is as beautiful as in the legend!"

"That's for sure. I saw her from a distance a few years ago, and I remembered her. Later, when I heard that I went to Qilu Wuda, I felt as if I lost my soul."

"What's so good about Qilu Wuda? In the cold places in the north, the food is basically pasta. Let's see how good it is here in the south of the Yangtze River."

"It's really strange, what is so good about Jiang Xiaobai that he can win Liu Dou'er's heart?"

"Who can explain this clearly, maybe that Jiang Xiaobai does have some specialties."

"Cough cough."

Ma Hongwu coughed lightly, interrupting the thoughts of the young people. Don't look at Fifth Uncle Cao being slapped and then leaving, it's because his status is completely different from Liu Douer's.

And I am the head of the family, and there is still talk.

Ma Hongwu clasped his fists and said, "Miss Liu Douer came in person, it really discouraged us, but I don't know why Miss Liu came here?"

"Of course it's because of Jiang Xiaobai." Liu Dou'er said bluntly: "If you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened. You are indeed dead, and that is the price you pay for overestimating your own strength. If they Without targeting Jiang Xiaobai, this would not have happened."

"Maybe." Ma Hongwu glanced at the people beside him, and after exchanging glances, he said, "But now our son has died in our family, and they are all favorites. There are so many people who can inherit the family business in the future. Taken together, can't they all compare to Jiang Xiaobai?"

Liu Douer said: "Those people are not qualified to compare with Jiang Xiaobai."

This sentence made many people feel uncomfortable. Liu Dou'er's faint expression seemed to be completely useless in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Ma Hongwu took a deep breath and said: "In the current situation, besides the cooperation of our many families, there is also the support of the Cao family. The Liu family is indeed strong and is the number one family in the south of the Yangtze River, but I don't understand. Jiang Xiaobai, will he kill all of us!"

"That's right, he, Jiang Xiaobai, killed our son!"

"Our children don't even have a chance to defend themselves."

"He, Jiang Xiaobai, ran into the endless mountains to have fun instead. If this kind of thing is on your Liu family's head, will you bear it?"

"We are all from the south of the Yangtze River. Even if we don't care about the local conditions, we should always compare our hearts to each other, right?"

Liu Douer sneered: "You think I'm here to negotiate? I'm here to compare my heart with you? I'm sorry, I'm here to inform you, don't bother Jiang Xiaobai again."

"Why?" The group of young people lost their composure, and they hurried to Liu Dou'er, who was aggressive and unreasonable.

"Then what's so good about Jiang Xiaobai? We have so many aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River. Isn't there something that attracts you?"

"Is it because Jiang Xiaobai has special skills, then tell me how tall he is, I want to compare with him, but here I am..."

"Shut up!" Ma Hongwu yelled. When these young people were discussing just now, he should have told them to keep their voices down. They did have a certain wolf nature, but they were careless, and they already didn't know how to distinguish the situation up.

who is thisThe eldest lady of the No. [-] family in the south of the Yangtze River, how can you little bastards get their hands on it?

It's fine to talk about it behind the scenes, how dare you say such a thing in person?

But Ma Hongwu's voice hadn't come out yet, the kid who was yelling that he was very tall, seemed to be caught by an invisible big hand, and flew up from the crowd.

"Ah! Help!" The kid shouted for help, swinging his limbs desperately, but he couldn't use all his strength. Not to mention, the people around him who came to help him were blown away instead.

Liu Douer's vitality suddenly burst out, and with a wave of both hands, two palm prints hit the void.

The young man roared in horror, and hit the palm print of vitality, two palm prints protruded from his back, and there was a burst of bone cracking sounds in his body.


The two palm prints finally came out of the body, and in the rain of blood, the internal organs of the golden body had begun to condense, with dots of gold, turning into countless fragments and erupting.

Ma Hongwu almost bit his tongue, of course he could save him, but once he did, how could the two elders of the Liu family sit idly by?

He watched his favorite son turn into a broken corpse, and his heart ached so much.

Liu Dou'er said: "He spoke rudely to me, I killed him, do you have any objection?"

Ma Hongwu: "..."

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