Dominate the world

Chapter 649 Immovable Golden Body

Qian Yonghao's body was cut in half by the invisible power of the enchantment, and his huge cultivation base had an effect at this moment.

Qian Yonghao didn't die immediately due to the strong vitality, but when he was trying to stay away from the barrier, his internal organs flowed out of his abdominal cavity, which had been condensed into the internal organs of the golden body.

But the waist cut not only cut off his dantian, but also cut off his spine. The spine he had just started to practice was in the stage of condensing his spiritual thoughts, and it quickly lost its color after being cut off.

After climbing a few times, Qian Yonghao's ferocious and painful expression froze on his face. The money flying sword he was proud of didn't even have a chance to show off, and he lost his breath.

This scene terrified everyone in Zhao Zhengqing.

Qian Yonghao is the real king. His instinctive reaction was fast enough, but he couldn't react at all, so he was beheaded on the spot.

"What's the situation with that barrier?" Sun Haidong asked.

Zhao Zhengqing shook his head, removed the brilliance of the bronze mirror, and only used his own brilliance to illuminate the surroundings, but found that Jiang Xiaobai's figure gradually disappeared from sight after the brilliance of the bronze mirror moved away. When he moved back, he appeared, and Jiang Xiaobai himself did not respond to this.

"It's really settled!" Zhao Zhengqing said in surprise: "It's just that the person who arranged this enchantment for him must be a powerful emperor, otherwise Qian Yonghao couldn't be beheaded on the spot."

"Then what should we do? With this enchantment protecting Jiang Xiaobai, there is nothing we can do about it." Someone sighed, Qian Yonghao's death cast a shadow over his heart.

Zhao Zhengqing said: "Didn't you realize that the enchantment was triggered by Qian Yonghao's vitality?"

"Huh?" Everyone was slightly startled, and after careful consideration, it was indeed the case, "Then, if we don't use our vitality to go in, the barrier won't be activated, so it's okay?"

"You mean, we don't use our vitality to move Jiang Xiaobai out of the barrier?"

Zhao Zhengqing nodded: "That's right, that's my idea. This enchantment is very strong. Even if we use our own strength to shatter it, if we can't handle it well, if it is rebounded by the strength, then we will hit ourselves. The result may not be good."

"As long as I don't use my vitality and give it a try, I might have a chance."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the other five people and said, "I will shine on him with the brilliance of the bronze mirror, which one of you will try it?"

These people stopped talking, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Qian Yonghao's blood was still flowing out from the broken waist, they didn't want to become like this.

Zhao Zhengqing said with a serious expression: "Anyone who moves out can ask Jiang Xiaobai a secret alone. We will never eavesdrop!"

Sun Haidong thought for a while and said, "Why don't you hand over the bronze mirror to me and try it?"

"You are worthy of the nickname Sun Laogou, you are really a dog." Zhao Zhengqing frowned, seemed to think for a while, and handed the bronze mirror to Sun Haidong: "Okay, I will do as you said."

Zhao Zhengqing's attitude made Sun Haidong startled, he didn't expect Zhao Zhengqing would really agree, and put his treasure in his hands, he grinned: "Brother Zhao, I think it's better to forget it, after all This is your treasure, without it, even if we passed by here, we would not be able to find Jiang Xiaobai hiding here, you have already made a contribution first, so leave this matter to me."

He flicked his sleeves and completely restrained his own vitality. As if he felt that it was not thorough enough, he stretched out his hand and tapped a few acupuncture points near his dantian, sealing his own dantian. Then he walked to the edge of the barrier and used his feet I tried it on the barrier and found that it was not aggressive, so I slowly poked my feet in, and nothing happened.

He turned his head and smiled at Zhao Zhengqing, then stepped into the barrier, like Qian Yonghao, circled Jiang Xiaobai twice, but found no other hidden weapons, bent down, and He grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's back collar with one hand and lifted it up. Jiang Xiaobai's figure was lifted up, but then fell down.

"Hey! What are you doing, why put it down?" someone questioned.

"Do you think I want to do this? This guy's body is as heavy as a mountain. With the strength of my king's body, I can only lift it up, but I can't lift it!" Sun Haidong wiped his forehead: "I guess this little Jiang Bai, must have condensed the legendary immobile golden body."

"Trash!" Two words suddenly appeared in the hearts of the crowd, "The immovable golden body is a legendary existence, how could it be obtained by him like this, and then it can be refined?"

But looking at the cold sweat on Sun Haidong's forehead, it didn't look fake, so they put away their vitality and planned to enter the barrier.

"Hey, hey, you didn't seal the dantian? Are you trying to kill me?" Sun Haidong protested.

These people had no choice but to follow Sun Haidong's example and seal the vitality of the dantian, so as not to stimulate the vitality instinctively, and then walked in.

"Don't look down on me. If you don't believe me, try it." Sun Haidong tugged at his sleeves, panted a few times, and said with a smile, "I'm used to the huge power brought by vitality, but now that it's sealed, I'm really not used to it. If I lose my vitality one day, I'm afraid I will suffer from depression."

These people nodded and agreed with Sun Haidong's words. Anyone who falls from the altar will not be in a good mood.

They went to lift Jiang Xiaobai, and found that it was as heavy as Sun Haidong said, so they had to work together to lift it. Although it was still heavy, at least it could be lifted.

"When our fighters reach the realm of masters, we start to gradually condense the golden body. When we reach the realm of kings, the golden body will basically become great. If we gradually start to cultivate the spine, the body will be very heavy. After all, it is a golden body, but how can Jiang Xiaobai's body compare How much do we weigh?"

"I don't know, it feels like several golden bodies are superimposed on top of each other, maybe it really is not a fixed golden body."

"This guy has a lot of secrets. It seems that we are going to move him out now, and the three of us will be the first to ask his secrets, haha."

"It's natural, after all, we moved out..."

A few people chatted and passed on the words at the same time, meaning that you, Sun Haidong, don't look at you coming in first, but you haven't accomplished anything, so don't try to share the opportunity with us to ask first.

But at this moment, the power of the enchantment was instantly aroused, and the few people who didn't even have vitality were carrying Jiang Xiaobai, working hard like bearers, and they were all cut in half in an instant.

Without the blessing of vitality, their resistance is far worse than that of Qian Yonghao. They only have time to turn around and look over there, and they are already dead.

In their line of sight, Sun Haidong was at the edge of the barrier, his hand was shining with brilliance of vitality, and when he retracted from the barrier, he had lost half of his fingers, and a sinister smile was showing on his face.

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