These people named themselves dantians, cut in half by the imperial-level enchantment power, struggled a few times and died on the spot.

Sun Haidong looked at Zhao Zhengqing, and the latter nodded. It turned out that the two of them had colluded with each other for a long time. They originally planned to come in and look for them by themselves, but those aristocratic families would not let this opportunity go, and sent people out one after another. , The secret is known by too many people, so is it still called a secret, and is it worth enough?

So, the two of them secretly joined forces.

To Zhao Zhengqing's surprise, Sun Haidong actually used this enchantment to complete the plan.

"Brother Haidong, good means." Zhao Zhengqing gave a thumbs up.

Sun Haidong was putting away his energy, picked up the broken finger, and butted the wound. He circulated his energy, and saw the muscles on his finger squirmed, and he connected it in a short while. He hooked his finger, and it was still as flexible as before. He laughed with satisfaction: "No way, you heard it just now, if I don't do this, you and I won't have any secrets to get."

"Of course it's best to be able to fight without bloodshed." Zhao Zhengqing said with a smile: "We warriors have reached this level, and the vital points of our bodies have been reduced to very few. If we don't use this enchantment, I'm afraid you and I will really not be able to deal with them. .”

"Isn't it? Look at the actions of these people. I guess they must have joined forces secretly." Sun Haidong regained his strength and rolled up his sleeves, "Brother Zhao, come together, I really can't move by myself."

"This is natural." He put away his vitality, and the problem came. Jiang Xiaobai disappeared from sight, and his five senses could not detect it at all. Xiaobai's figure.

Now it was embarrassing, if Zhao Zhengqing used the bronze mirror, Sun Haidong would not be able to move it by himself, and most importantly, Sun Haidong would not be able to enter the barrier by himself.

The best way now is to hand over the bronze mirror to Sun Haidong, and Zhao Zhengqing will move Jiang Xiaobai himself, after all, he is in the middle stage of the king.

The question is, is Sun Haidong worthy of putting away his energy and trusting him?

He wanted to be more magnanimous, and expressed his thoughts: "Brother Haidong, you use the bronze mirror, and I will move it. You should stay far away from the barrier, so that the two of us won't die together."

"That's it, that's okay, I'll go over there and take care of it." Sun Haidong didn't hesitate, and stood up from the sky.

Zhao Zhengqing was apprehensive, but he could only bite the bullet and walked into the barrier, picked up Jiang Xiaobai, and moved out step by step.

He walked out of the bounded area, surprised in his heart, and laughed, feeling that Sun Haidong was the kind of comrade who could give his back to him.

"Brother Haidong, come here, I'm out of the barrier." Zhao Zhengqing put Jiang Xiaobai down and looked back. After Jiang Xiaobai left, the barrier turned into invisible energy and dissipated in the world.

"It's done." Sun Haidong was very happy, and returned the bronze mirror to the other party, rubbing his hands together, "Brother Zhao, this kid is in meditation, he must be realizing something, how should we wake him up?"

Zhao Zhengqing shook his head: "It's not easy to deal with. If you wake him up rashly, you may go crazy, or you will become an idiot, or your meridians will be reversed, and you will explode and die. It's not good."

Sun Haidong frowned: "Then what should we do? This man in the wilderness, he wouldn't stay here and wait for him to wake up, would he? It's too risky, if those aristocratic families find him..."

"It makes sense. We rushed back to Jiangnan overnight. This news must be guarded." Zhao Zhengqing circulated his vitality, and the vitality of the middle stage of the king level was unleashed. He easily lifted Jiang Xiaobai with one hand, and his figure flew up. At the same time, he slapped Sun Haidong's Tianling cover with a palm.

With a bang, Sun Haidong, who was about to rise up from the sky, sank into the gravel all of a sudden, the shape of the top of his head changed, and pale golden blood splashed out.

"Ah! You!" Sun Haidong screamed and glared at each other: "The surname is Zhao. I didn't even harm you when I had such a good opportunity. What I was thinking about was the relationship between us. Why did you..."

Zhao Zhengqing's vitality turned into sharp claws, and grabbed Sun Haidong's Tianling Gai, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Brother Haidong, I have always regarded you as a brother who can hand over his back to you, but you can't blame me for this matter , It's really because this secret is too big, I can't share it with you, so I have to kill you to avoid future troubles."

"You!" Sun Haidong was speechless: "What do you call that? Well, I won't get involved in the secret, as long as you let me go."

Zhao Zhengqing shook his head: "It's not good to do this. There are already enough people who died today. If it gets out that the two of us secretly teamed up, my Zhao family will not say that it is in the south of the Yangtze River. I am afraid that the entire Hua Kingdom will lose its foothold. So, you still have to die. My heart hurts, really."

Sun Haidong was begging for mercy, his eyes suddenly widened, his head was crushed by the sharp claws of vitality, and his brain burst out.

Zhao Zhengqing was still not at ease, so he flew over and crushed Sun Haidong's head with a few kicks, and then he was relieved: "Only in this way can we completely keep this secret."

He mentioned Jiang Xiaobai's body, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt satisfied. He only felt that it was a treasure, an incomparably huge treasure, and even compared to a huge ruin, it was not much better.

"Hahaha... finally! I heard someone from the Martial Arts Department say that this Jiang Xiaobai actually condensed his body with the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains. Looking at it now, it really is the legendary indestructible golden body, not only indestructible, Still not moving the golden body!"

Zhao Zhengqing's eyes gradually became fanatical. He glanced at the direction of the family, hesitated again and again in his heart, and finally decided to return to the family.

Because the family is the foundation of a foothold, if he disappears with Jiang Xiaobai, it is tantamount to betraying the family, and he will lose his foothold, not to mention the powerful families like the Liu family, even the Zhao family will issue a hunting order for him.

He rose from the air and rushed back to Jiangnan Province. He disguised himself and returned to the Zhao family's place.

This place was originally a group of villas, but after the Zhao family occupied this place, they remodeled everything here, not to mention the arrangement of hidden weapon traps, there are also several vitality cannons with cross-fire coverage, even warriors in the realm of masters can Stay here and fight against a king.

Zhao Zhengqing returned to the family in ambush, entered the secret room directly, and then passed the news to the Patriarch, Zhao Zhenglin.

Zhao Zhenglin rushed to the secret room immediately, and saw Jiang Xiaobai who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, his face showed enthusiasm, and his hands were trembling.

"It's done! I didn't expect that what the Ma family didn't do is that you did it!" Zhao Zhenglin, who is over 50 years old, hugged his younger brother, "Brother, in the future, our Zhao family can finally take a step forward and rush forward It's gone!"

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