Dominate the world

Chapter 651 Zhao Family Village

Zhaojiazhai is located in the southeast corner of the south of the Yangtze River, surrounded by mountains, forests and lakes. A river flows out of the mountains, merges into the lake, and then divides into two tributaries, one flows into the sea, and the other gradually surrounds a small town. , formed a moat, and passed through the city again.

Looking down from a high altitude, the Zhaojiazhai under the night is very quiet, the lights are dim, and people's shadows are constantly shuttling in the night.

At the fort at the entrance, Qiu Yu, as the little leader who guards the fort at night, fantasizes in his mind every day that some imaginary hostile force will launch a sneak attack quietly, and he will drive the vitality cannon to beat the opponent to pieces.

He had a vague feeling that something important was happening in the family.

Because he saw the figure of the second master Zhao Zhengqing, although the second master came back very secretly, his fort could still find the target, and he could tell who it was at a glance

"autumn rain."

As soon as Qiu Yu heard the voice, she knew it was Zhao Hanqing, the eldest son of the Zhao family, and all the descendants behind him were also from the direct line, showing off their might, so majestic.

"Young Master." Amity Yu hurriedly stood up and replied.

Zhao Hanqing looked at the fort, it was polished and shiny, obviously it had been carefully maintained, nodded, and said: "The Patriarch issued an order that no one should come within a kilometer of the Zhao family tonight. Once found, there is no need to report and open fire immediately. "

"Yes!" Qiu Yu replied simply, and immediately understood in her heart that something important must have happened to the Zhao family, otherwise it would never have happened.

Zhao Hanqing didn't stop, and continued to convey orders. Although they could be issued through the communication system, in his opinion, only when he gave orders in front of these people would he be more dignified.

He is the eldest son of the Zhao family, and he will be in charge of the entire Zhao family in the future. If he finds someone who seems to be incompatible with him, he will be marginalized immediately, so as not to cause trouble for his future succession.

He has been the eldest son since birth, but he has never been as energetic as he is today, because the second uncle obtained the treasure and quietly returned to the secret room. Among this generation, only he is qualified to know.

After arranging his hands, he returned to the passage of the secret room, stretched out his palm, and entered the fingerprint code. The thick door of the secret room opened silently. To the Chamber of Secrets.

He glanced back, the defense here is strong enough to withstand the attacks of late king warriors, it is the safest place for the family.

Inside the secret room, as Zhao Hanqing walked in, the voices of discussion gradually came over. They were all kinds of speculations, and they came out in a deliberately low voice, which still couldn't conceal the excitement and excitement.

"This person is Jiang Xiaobai? I've heard that the Liu family has recruited Liu Dou'er's favorite, and wants to test it out, but doesn't it mean that he's only at the peak of a master?"

"Yeah, I also heard that this person is just a grassroots person. It is not easy to reach the peak of the master in a short period of time, but now it seems that he has already entered the king! Although in terms of breath, he is just a first-time king , but isn't that too exaggerated?"

"Could it be that Liu Dou'er was worried that he would fail the assessment, and secretly gave him resources, such as the large amount of resources Liu Dou'er needed when he became the king?"

"This should not be the case. If so, the Liu family will only look down on Jiang Xiaobai even more, and he will become a real softie."

"I don't think that if you can be promoted if you have the resources, it at least shows that Jiang Xiaobai's talent is worthy of recognition."

Zhao Hanqing heard that it was the voice of his father Zhao Zhenglin, and he felt a little uncomfortable with Jiang Xiaobai's affirmation.

As the eldest son of the Zhao family, Zhao Hanqing was born with a golden key in his mouth, that is, he was different from everyone around him, but obviously no one mentioned this, which made him feel a little disappointed.

"Immortal golden body!" Zhao Zhengqing was very emotional: "Just an immortal golden body is scary enough, and now Jiang Xiaobai's body has condensed an immovable golden body. In the early days, the king In the environment, he must be an invincible existence."

"Our aristocratic families and subordinates died unjustly. I think even if two kings face him in the early stage, I am afraid that he will have the strength to fight. If you want to fight against him, you need at least three early-stage kings."

"This is what makes this man terrifying. If we can strip his golden body and hand it over to Han Qing, then our descendants of the Zhao family are most likely to be invincible in the same realm. At that time, we will accumulate all the resources For Hanqing, can't there be a strong emperor?"

Zhao Hanqing's heart trembled when he heard that, imperial class?By that time, the Zhao family will be a veritable second-rate family, and if they cultivate another imperial family, there is hope to compete with the first-rate family!

Zhao Hanqing's hands trembled at the thought of the vast resources enjoyed by first-class families.

He walked into the center of the secret room excitedly, and finally saw Jiang Xiaobai surrounded by his father, second uncle and three elders.

At this time, the six shackles trapped Jiang Xiaobai in the cage in the center of the secret room. These shackles and cages are all made of secrets. Not to mention a king in the early stage, he is a king in the middle stage like Dad and Uncle , also unable to break free.

However, as soon as he saw Jiang Xiaobai's face, Zhao Hanqing became a little jealous.

This guy is not only young enough, but also handsome enough. Look at the guy with the long nose and eyes, he is so handsome.

Talented, handsome, and a woman like Liu Douer who wanted to marry him... A man, what could be better than this life?

Zhao Hanqing wanted to slash Jiang Xiaobai's face a few times, anyway, this guy was in a state of sedation, Zhao Hanqing suddenly thought wickedly, when Jiang Xiaobai woke up and saw himself in front of him, what kind of expression would he have?

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?" This must be what's on his mind?

Zhao Hanqing chuckled, which attracted everyone's attention. He hurried back to normal, so as not to appear too proud. He asked, "But, how do we get rid of these golden bodies?"

Zhao Zhenglin sighed: "The time may be one step too late. After all, Jiang Xiaobai has entered the realm of the king, and he has become a golden body. He has begun to cultivate his spine and condense his spiritual thoughts."

"The best way we can do now is to torture him out. You see, I have sealed his dantian now, and I have six shackles, plus this thousand-year-old cage made of cold iron, he will no matter what. He is a prisoner of our Zhao family."

"Second Uncle can't show up recently, right?" Zhao Hanqing knew that it was best to be under the guru for stripping the bones. Their aristocratic families have often done this kind of thing, so they naturally have rich experience.

Zhao Zhengqing nodded: "I just came to torture him, Hanqing, don't go out recently, stay with the second uncle, as soon as Jiang Xiaobai wakes up, we will start to torture, and then start practicing on you, if he dares to hide it, then Let him try our Zhao family's tricks."

"Okay." Zhao Hanqing readily agreed, and was about to speak when he was startled suddenly, "Look, Jiang Xiaobai's finger moved!"

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