Dominate the world

Chapter 653 This is an ancestor who grabbed a chapter!

Jiang Xiaobai's words made Zhao Zhenglin and the others stand on the spot dumbfounded.

"What? What does this guy mean?"

"This man is indeed a martial arts genius, but he must also be a lunatic!"

"What a strong self-confidence this person must have to reach this level of blind self-confidence!"

For a moment, these people looked at Jiang Xiaobai as if they were looking at a fool.

Zhao Hanqing reached out and grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's collar, and tried to lift it up, but he didn't move, not because of the obstruction of the six shackles and the cage, but because Jiang Xiaobai didn't even move at all.

"Don't be angry, I'll show you something good." Jiang Xiaobai laughed softly, shaking his head, "See what's in my ear?"

Zhao Hanqing was full of suspicion, and was about to turn his head to look, but was stopped by an elder, "Beware of his deceit, I will find out the way first."

Everyone in the Zhao family couldn't help but nodded, and Zhao Hanqing stepped aside. The elder circulated his energy all over his body, as if he was facing an enemy, he was fully on guard, bent down and closed one eye, looking at Jiang Xiaobai's pierced ear, which was quite clean Yes, there seems to be an earwax...

Just when the elder was angry and wanted to reprimand Jiang Xiaobai, a golden breath suddenly emerged, like a golden light blooming, which was about to cover the elder's head in it, and the golden light disappeared in a flash.

Everyone in the Zhao family was on guard, but the golden light was so dazzling, they instinctively raised their hands to block it, but when they put down their hands, they found that the elder's head was covered with cracks, and traces of pale golden blood flowed out.


Zhao Zhenglin was startled, and hurried to look at the elder's face, and found that the seven orifices were bleeding, although there was still breath, but it was falling in a straight line, and there was no breath in an instant.

"..." Zhao Zhenglin felt a chill in his heart, and only felt a tingling scalp.

The strength of human fighters, especially junior kings like elders, is forged with a golden body, as tough as gold.

But this elder died just like that?

Even if the chickens and geese are killed and their heads are cut off, those headless chickens, ducks and geese will still struggle, and some will even make a dying counterattack and scratch people.

Zhao Zhenglin suddenly thought of a kind of exercise - blowing air.

This kind of exercise allows practitioners to stabilize their body shape, strengthen their physique, and refine their internal organs, but Jiang Xiaobai's method is different from blowing air.

"Look at this man, what did you see? He was so surprised that his seven orifices were bleeding." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slightly, and then looked at Zhao Zhenglin: "Which one of you still wants to look at things?"

Zhao Zhenglin: "..."

Everyone in Zhao Zhengqing: "..."

At this time, in their eyes, Jiang Xiaobai's harmless and handsome face was like a demon, luring them, kind humans, to approach him.

Zhao Zhengqing frowned and shouted: "Jiang Xiaobai, don't be too arrogant."

He suddenly exploded the strength of the mid-term king, and the huge vitality instantly filled the not-so-wide secret room. The two elders and Zhao Hanqing were immediately repelled by the air current and kept retreating backwards.

Zhao Zhengqing suddenly slapped the cage where Jiang Xiaobai was imprisoned, with a palm of vitality turned into a palm with incomparable strength.

With a bang, the cage made of thousand-year-old cold iron twisted and deformed in an instant, and the strength of the king in the middle period was clearly displayed. Zhao Hanqing grinned in fright. If he sat in it, he would be crushed into flesh by the powerful air current on the spot cake.

He suddenly widened his eyes, and saw that Jiang Xiaobai was blinking, as if he didn't have any feelings for the powerful strength of his second uncle.

"It's my turn now?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly, and let it out in one breath.

In an instant, a trace of spiritual thought was drawn from the Taiji disc, and it flew out with Jiang Xiaobai's breath.

Jiang Xiaobai is downplaying here, but Zhao Zhengqing is as if he is facing an enemy. He keeps waving his arms to scatter his vitality, and the bright light makes the eyes of the people in the secret room sting, and they can't avoid it.

"So second uncle is so powerful!" Zhao Hanqing was dumbfounded.

But then, he found that Zhao Zhengqing seemed to have discovered something abnormal suddenly, his whole body was shaken violently, his powerful arms waving motion slowed down immediately, and he pointed at Jiang Xiaobai tremblingly, as if he wanted to say something in his mouth , but just opened his mouth and made the sound of "God, God", and then stopped abruptly.

Zhao Zhengqing's body stood still for a moment, and immediately fell straight to the ground like a felled tree. His heavy body caused a rumbling sound to echo in the secret room.

But even Zhao Hanqing could feel that the second uncle was out of breath and was killed instantly, without even leaving a last word.

"Second brother!" Zhao Zhenglin's expression changed drastically, and he let out a mournful cry, and picked up Zhao Zhengqing's head with one hand. He discovered that the second brother looked fine on the surface, but his whole skull was as soft as bread. , as one can imagine.

This reminded him of when he was a child, his second brother didn’t like tofu nao, he would grind it to pieces every time, adding thick chili oil...

"Divine mind attack?!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"You are only an early stage king, how could you master the divine sense attack that can only be possessed by an emperor-level warrior! You should have just condensed your divine sense now!"

Zhao Zhenglin's face changed again and again, his eyes were full of disbelief, but the facts were in front of him again, he felt as if the world had changed, and he didn't even recognize it anymore.

He looked up at Jiang Xiaobai, this young man who looked handsome and had no talent, just watched his battle results in his spare time, seemed not satisfied, and shook his head slightly.

"..." Zhao Zhenglin really wanted to cry to death.

Previously, the five families formed an alliance again, and they conspired to secretly send people, and secretly joined forces, and finally captured Jiang Xiaobai.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that this is not finding a treasure, this is completely digging up an ancestor!

Jiang Xiaobai said: "The strongest members of your family are here, so, shouldn't it be time to consider my conditions?"

"Subsidiary family?"

This word appeared in the minds of everyone in the Zhao family. They thought Jiang Xiaobai was crazy before, but now it seems that he is just observing that there is no stronger one in his family.

If not, you can rest assured.

"You only have three seconds to think about it." Jiang Xiaobai set a time limit.

"Consider Nima, break free from the shackles first!" Zhao Hanqing stood up suddenly, he turned around and grabbed Zhao Zhenglin's arm: "Dad, let's leave the secret room, lock all the doors, and trap him here!"

Zhao Zhenglin didn't move, because his aura had been completely locked by Jiang Xiaobai.

Only at this time did he feel what he felt, and realized why his second brother was facing a big enemy and resisted desperately.

"Three!" Jiang Xiaobai counted directly to three, and then he stood up.

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