
When Jiang Xiaobai's voice came out, Zhao Hanqing's face was full of disbelief. He thought he had three seconds to think about it, but he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to count directly to the end.

The body trapped by the six shackles immediately stood up.

The cage was relatively narrow and distorted by Zhao Zhengqing's previous beating, but Jiang Xiaobai just stood up like this. The solid cage made of thousand-year-old cold iron completely controlled the early king, and it was as crisp as weathered granite.

When he wronged his hands, the shackles on his arms were torn apart, torn off, and thrown to the ground, and then his legs...

"Patriarch! Make up an idea!" The elder urged, but found that Zhao Zhenglin's body gradually became shorter, and finally knelt down, and then remained motionless.

"..." The elder was taken aback, did the Patriarch surrender?Then what is there to hesitate about?

The two elders all knelt down, and then saw Zhao Hanqing, who was sluggish, and pulled him to kneel together. Although they didn't understand what the Patriarch meant, it was right to do it anyway.

What if the Patriarch invites the gods of the ancestors to come and fight?

Jiang Xiaobai tore off all the shackles. Although he had been sitting cross-legged for a long time, his joints did not feel numb. It seems that his huge strength has condensed two golden bodies. , All the inevitable troubles are already completely pediatrics.

He walked up to Zhao Zhenglin and nodded, "For the sake of your sincerity, I won't kill you."

After saying that, he withdrew the spiritual thoughts that were brewing in the Tai Chi disc, stretched his arms, and the golden nails sealed around the dantian suddenly flew out, and his mighty aura was unleashed, crushing the aura of Zhao Zhenglin and everyone in an instant. There was nothing to hide, and they retracted into their bodies one after another, only to finally avoid the danger of being crushed and crushed.

Originally, at the moment Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his divine sense, Zhao Zhenglin wanted to fight to the death. Although the Zhao family was only a third-rate family, it was always his own decision, and it was always his own family's decision to pass it on to his son in the future.

What's going on now?Even if he had a chance, he would let it go.

But when Jiang Xiaobai's aura was revealed, he gave up completely. Even though he was a middle-stage king, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be only an early-stage king, but the gap between the two sides could be fully revealed in terms of momentum.

He has completely failed.

"Patriarch, Zhao Zhenglin will give orders after listening." Zhao Zhenglin kowtowed to Jiang Xiaobai.

Zhao Hanqing was stunned!

What's the situation?

Why did the Patriarch become Jiang Xiaobai in just a few words?

I am the eldest son of the direct line, and I will take over everything in the Zhao family in the future, so what is going on now?

Before he took over as the head of the family, the family was lost in the hands of his father?

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly, "Dealing with the corpses just confirms the death of all these people, so that the Zhao family will not be suspected by other aristocratic families."

"Yes!" Zhao Zhenglin stood up and said, "Patriarch, this subordinate is bold, please compare your palm strength."

If Zhao Zhenglin showed this idea just now, he must have been beheaded by the divine sense on the spot, but since he has surrendered, and then proposed to discuss, it will not appear so hostile.

But in fact the meaning is the same, if Jiang Xiaobai's palm strength is not as good as his, I'm afraid Zhao Zhenglin will find a way to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that this guy was worthy of being the head of the family, and he was really skilled in weighing the pros and cons.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not intend to kill Zhao Zhenglin. He needed a place to live in the south of the Yangtze River, and especially in the recent period, he needed manpower even more.

As for hatred, Jiang Xiaobai didn't pay much attention to it. Among warriors, casualties are inevitable. If you can't hurt or kill a person, just cut the grass and root it out, right?

Otherwise, in Huaguo, there should be a family to live in, and there is no need for other people to exist.

Everything needs people to do it.

"Take over." Jiang Xiaobai swung out a palm.

Zhao Zhenglin went all out, the palm of his hand was thundering for a while, the wind stirred the air, and the sound of tearing could be heard endlessly.

Zhao Hanqing and the two elders retreated and hid in the corridor, only daring to peek.


Like thunder in the narrow secret room, Zhao Hanqing only saw his father's figure staggering back seven or eight steps away, while Jiang Xiaobai shook his figure slightly and took half a step back.

"Hiss!" Zhao Hanqing gasped suddenly, this Jiang Xiaobai is so terrifying?

The two elders also looked at each other. They were early stage kings, and their gaze was stronger than Zhao Hanqing's. When Zhao Zhenglin retreated, they clearly saw a few drops of blood splashing out of Zhao Zhenglin's ears.

The power of Jiang Xiaobai's palm has actually shocked Zhao Zhenglin's brain?

The two elders were immediately dumbfounded, cultivating their brains is something that only warriors who have reached the emperor level can do.

Before this, warriors must try their best to protect their brains. Unexpectedly, the Patriarch actually injured his brain. Even if he can be promoted to the emperor rank in the future, he has already planted a hidden wound at this time. Full stop!

"Ahem!" Zhao Zhenglin coughed twice, clasped his fists in a pale salute: "Thank you Patriarch for not killing me."

"Yeah." Jiang Xiaobai just nodded casually. Although he needs manpower to handle things, it doesn't mean that the majesty of the Patriarch can be provoked at any time.

Since Zhao Zhenglin has the idea of ​​provocation, he must kill it as soon as possible and erase the illusion.

Even if Zhao Zhenglin's future path may be affected, it is his own fault, and Jiang Xiaobai will not feel guilty at all.

In a daze, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to realize that he had changed and became more indifferent.

It seems that everything in this world, regardless of whether it is a person or an animal or a plant, is just like this.

He was a little frightened. Is the height of martial arts really unbearable?

He couldn't help but think of Liu Qian's murder of Liu Nian, it was his own brother, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't figure it out before, he just thought Liu Qian was too cold-blooded and ruthless.

But Liu Nian didn't care too much.

But when Liu Nian enlightened him, absorbing half of the huge vitality and sorting out a little bit of martial arts knowledge, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that with the improvement of martial arts cultivation, people's thoughts will really change.

He turned to look at Zhao Zhenglin, pointed at Zhao Hanqing beside him, and asked, "Look at this man, who is he?"

Zhao Zhenglin was taken aback for a moment, let alone Zhao Hanqing who was pointed out by Jiang Xiaobai, even the two elders were taken aback. Isn't it too obvious who Zhao Hanqing is?

He is the eldest son of the Zhao family!

What is your memory, Jiang Xiaobai, that you can forget so quickly?

Seeing the surprised reactions of these people, Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly without making any criticism.

These people are still surprised, but in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes...

This person is just a person.

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