Dominate the world

Chapter 655 Take the first step

Outside the secret room, many eyes of the Zhao family are staring at this place. They all know that the head of the family has obtained a treasure. Although they don't know what it is, they will probably get the answer soon. Perhaps a family meeting will be held soon, and a part of the treasure will be given to the family. Distribute to the available material in the family.

After Zhao Zhenglin came out, he announced: "A great clan meeting will be held."

With a buzz, although everyone tried to keep calm, the cheers in their hearts would still cause some energy fluctuations, showing that their mentality at this time was very excited.

Jiang Xiaobai came out and took a look. The sun in the sky was emitting scorching light. This kind of non-stop radiating light did not have the slightest enthusiasm, but was very indifferent.

No matter what you are, people or flowers and trees, animals, cattle and sheep, you can feel my light equally.

This is the thought of the sun.

Jiang Xiaobai closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried his best to imagine the time with Zhao Chong and Zhang Chulan in his mind. In Qilu Wuda, everything was a beautiful memory worth cherishing. Feel the heat of some sun.

He smiled, looked at a tall and beautiful woman, about 25 or [-] years old, and said to Zhao Hanqing, "Who is that person?"

"My wife!" Zhao Hanqing couldn't adapt to the change of identity for a while, so she spoke louder and seemed extremely arrogant. Then he trembled and said politely: "Patriarch, that's my wife."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and walked to the backyard, where the main family can only enter, and the collateral branches of the Zhao family can only enter after reporting, and they must quickly exit after reporting the matter.

Jiang Xiaobai chose a room at random, and Zhao Hanqing introduced everything about the house behind him, his tone full of pride.

Jiang Xiaobai was lying on the spacious bed, very flexible.

Zhao Hanqing was introducing Xingtou: "This is a mattress produced in Post. It is said that the stuffing inside is made of the softest wool from the velvet sheep that is a specialty of the Shenghuoling Mountain Range... Oh, is the master resting? Then The little one will leave first."

Zhao Hanqing said softly, he has admiration for Jiang Xiaobai, more of jealousy, he wants to become a martial artist like Jiang Xiaobai, so after Zhao Zhenglin announced his attachment, he felt that he had found an opportunity, he could serve Jiang Xiaobai white.

He wants to find tricks and a way to become stronger from Jiang Xiaobai's daily life. Sooner or later, he will defeat Jiang Xiaobai.

When the time comes, hum...

"I want to rest, let that woman come in." Jiang Xiaobai's voice was very weak.

Zhao Hanqing felt struck by lightning, what do you mean?Jiang Xiaobai, what does this mean?Want to dominate my woman?

Can't tell, you Jiang Xiaobai look like a dog, but you are also a bully!

But thinking about the future...

"Okay, I'll let her in now." Zhao Hanqing went out like a dog.

After a while, a woman pushed the door and came in with red eyes and hesitant footsteps. Finally, she closed the door and walked timidly towards the big bed.

Jiang Xiaobai patted the side of the bed. This bed is big enough for seven or eight people to sleep without feeling crowded. There is still a lot of space beside him.

The woman sat aside, recalling everything that had just happened in her mind. Her husband, who had always been good to her, asked someone to serve a stranger. Killed her whole family.

She was afraid, she came from a good family, but compared to the Zhao family, it was still far worse.

She peeked at this stranger named Jiang Xiaobai. Most of the news in Jiangnan recently has something to do with him. He is handsome and stylish, but he seems to be too young. I heard that the head of the family was defeated by him.

For the future of the Zhao family, the Patriarch chose to be a subordinate family of Jiang Xiaobai's family, but he didn't expect to be such a young man.

"Have you ever slept?"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's question, the woman trembled all over, and tremblingly reached out to untie Jiang Xiaobai's belt, but she didn't want to be stopped. Does this person have any special hobbies?

The woman was even more frightened.

Jiang Xiaobai said: "Have you ever slept?"

The woman was stunned by the question, and finally cried: "Then how do you sleep!"

"Sleep." Jiang Xiaobai turned over and closed his eyes.

The woman was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect that she was actually sleeping.

But, then why did you recruit yourself?

She couldn't figure it out, she was beaten, and she was afraid, but she fell asleep in her wild thoughts.

beyond a wall.

Zhao Hanqing was squatting next door, holding the bug in his hand. He didn't dare to use his vitality to avoid exposing himself, so he could only use the most primitive tools.

But he didn't hear any sound, so he couldn't help being a little surprised, thinking that his daughters are not so useless!

Zhao Hanqing had only one wife on the surface, but secretly there were several women who gave birth to him, and he married this woman from a small family in order to socialize with his wife.

Such things are rare in aristocratic families, but there are also many. Gifting each other's beloved maids will be called the way of a gentleman, because a gentleman has the bearing of the beauty of a man.

But no matter what, he and that Jiang Xiaobai can be considered like-minded people.

Zhao Hanqing nodded, and finally left with peace of mind. He was also full of anger, and wanted to find the beloved little beauty to discuss the truth of martial arts, and express his feelings by the way.

Jiang Xiaobai also fell asleep. In fact, with his cultivation base, even if he does not sleep for ten days and nights, it will not lead to a mental breakdown. However, there are too many data in his brain, which consumes his mental power, which is unprecedented. so big.

Even when he was sorting out these, he was always visualizing the Thunder visualization, but his mental power was still insufficient. He had no choice but to do it in his sleep, so that he could gradually arrange and unfold it under the influence of mental power.

If it wasn't for his own safety, it would take at least a month for Jiang Xiaobai to enter meditation this time.

But he just had to wake up one day and one night.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai's left palm had the silver snake sword energy, one inch in length.

This Silver Snake Sword Qi is extremely sharp, and runs counter to the usual martial arts cheats. It is silent, without any vitality leaking out, causing others to be on guard.

But there are too many things in the air, even if there are too many things, you can still feel it, like an arrow shooting, you can hear it but you may not be able to avoid it.

When the Liu Family was founded, this Silver Snake Sword Qi could be said to have made outstanding achievements repeatedly.

That Liu Qian's sword aura was actually more than three feet long. Compared with it, Jiang Xiaobai's sword aura was really not enough.

Liu Qian's threat was too great, even his own brother could be killed, so as long as he appeared, would there be any reason for him not to die?

If you buy...

Jiang Xiaobai didn't think it was impossible, but his own material resources were nothing compared to the Cao family's.

However, the first step was finally taken.

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