Dominate the world

Chapter 656 Accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger

Jiangnan, Zhaojiazhai.

From the moment Jiang Xiaobai came to Jiangnan, the killing has never stopped.

Now he didn't feel tired, but he had to stop and live in Zhao's house.

He tried his best to recall in his mind Liu Dou'er's adoring eyes of a little fan girl; he and Li Chan quietly competed for the reclining chair; he tightened his belt and squeezed out 50 Yuan stones for Liang Xiaoyuan... …

He looked up at the trees outside the window, the mountains farther away, and then saw the woman beside him.

The woman was a little flustered, she straightened her hair, but saw Jiang Xiaobai's eyes flickering with a blank color, as if she couldn't remember who she was.

"My name is Zhang Liwei, I'm..." She suddenly didn't know how to introduce herself.

"Zhang Liwei?" Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly. She might never have imagined that the Zhang Liwei at the last moment was a human being in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes.But at this moment, in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, she was no longer a human being, and what represented her was only the humble cultivation of the third-rank warrior.

Zhang Liwei became even more nervous, obviously nothing happened, but there was a feeling of being seen through by him at a glance.

She couldn't explain this situation at all, and she just felt that she couldn't explain it clearly when she went back to her husband.

Jiang Xiaobai got up and pushed the door out. It was already noon, with bright sunshine, weeping willows and camellias, and the sound of gurgling water passing through the city.

"Patriarch, have you rested?" Zhao Hanqing bent over and walked over with a salute, with a flattering smile on his face, which was a fake smile at first glance: "How do you feel?"

"Great." Jiang Xiaobai gave a thumbs up expressionlessly, walked into the gazebo in the forest belt, and sat cross-legged.

"That's good, that's good." Zhao Hanqing smiled and nodded again and again, and then said: "The other family sent a message to discuss the loss of contact with the Seven Kings."

"Handle it yourself." Jiang Xiaobai replied indifferently.

Zhao Hanqing realized that her questioning was meaningless, she nodded with an awkward smile, and when she turned to leave, Zhang Liwei wanted to go with him, but he scolded him angrily, "If you're not here to serve the Patriarch, what else do you want to do, this is yours." Good luck! But you should never forget that you are my Zhao Hanqing's woman, you should always think about me."

Zhang Liwei wanted to say that she didn't do anything, but seeing Zhao Hanqing's serious eyes, she chose to shut up and backed away.

In the Zhao family's meeting hall, a group of people saw Zhao Hanqing coming quickly, and asked, "What do you say over there?"

"Let us handle it ourselves." Zhao Hanqing replied.

Zhao Zhenglin cheered up slightly: "Good thing, good thing, this shows that he has no intention of interfering in our Zhao family's decision-making."

The two elders couldn't help but nodded, and said: "This is the best situation. Then Jiang Xiaobai's strength makes people feel suffocated, but why don't we take advantage of this?"

"You mean..." Zhao Zhenglin was stunned when he saw the elder's gaze, and then said to Zhao Hanqing: "Son, you ask Weiwei to keep her communicator safe, and we will report the situation at any time and let her pass it on. For Jiang Xiaobai, now it seems that the only person who can talk to Jiang Xiaobai is Wei Wei."

"But, I didn't get anything!" Zhao Hanqing felt that he had lost a lot, and was extremely frustrated, "This Jiang Xiaobai doesn't play cards according to the routine."

Zhao Zhenglin laughed, Zhao Hanqing's face turned green, and he complained, "Dad, even you laugh at me?"

Zhao Zhenglin shook his head and said, "Do you know why I asked you for a younger brother before I became the king, and after I became the king, my strength and body became stronger and stronger, but no younger siblings were born?"

"How do I know this?"

"Actually, after reaching a certain level, there are two kinds of beauties and ugly women, everything in this world, one can be cultivated, and the other cannot be cultivated."

Hearing this, Zhao Hanqing stood up: "You mean, Jiang Xiaobai didn't touch Zhang Liwei at all?"


"Then why did he do this? Isn't this adding a stain to himself?"

"Stain? In the face of life and death, what is a little stain?" Zhao Zhenglin looked at his son, and said, "If you don't send Wei Wei in, you will die. This is what people often say that being with you is like being with a tiger."

"Dad, why didn't you remind me?" Zhao Hanqing was startled. He didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to test his bottom line. Once he had the idea of ​​resisting, even his second uncle and dad couldn't beat him. Didn't he Being patted into powder with one palm?

"I knew you would do that." Zhao Zhenglin's words explained what it means to know a son and not a father.

"Actually, you don't need to be disappointed. We are forcibly tied to the Cao family's chariot, so we can go one step further?"

"But the Cao family's attitude towards us is too commonplace, so it's not business to be a catch-up."

"Since we have invited this ancestor back, it is not so easy to send it out. Why don't we tie it together and make a big deal!"

"Our Zhao family has finally taken the first step outside the room for improvement!"

Looking at his father full of passion, Zhao Hanqing couldn't remember how many years he hadn't seen him in this state.

A third-rate family, no matter whether it is first-rate or second-rate, whoever wants to step on it can step on it. If they want to gain room for improvement, besides cultivating powerful children, where is there room for improvement?

However, ninety-nine out of [-] of these talented children will die in various accidents. It is really difficult to go further, other than hugging the thigh.

See what Dad and the two elders mean, are they planning to hug this thigh?

yes!Zhao Hanqing suddenly remembered that Jiang Xiaobai might become the Liu family's door-to-door son-in-law. At that time, wouldn't his family be able to directly link with the Liu family?

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhao Zhenglin shook his head slightly in his heart. Compared with Jiang Xiaobai, the son in front of him is really dead compared to others.

The idea of ​​taking him to discuss with other aristocratic families was suppressed in my heart. There will be many opportunities to exercise in the future, and the room for the family's advancement should not be lost because of temporary advantages and disadvantages.

He took an elder, turned and left.

The burden of guarding the family fell into Zhao Hanqing's hands again, and he couldn't help but went to the backyard again, peeking at it.

Jiang Xiaobai was still sitting cross-legged in the gazebo, but the backyard seemed to be different.

He suddenly discovered that the defensive barrier arranged in the family had changed a lot. At this time, not to mention the five senses, even if the sky eyes passed over the family, they would not find anything in the family.

How did Jiang Xiaobai do it?

Have you seen any big moves from him?

Or, what have you missed?

Zhao Hanqing quietly sent a message to Zhang Liwei, he was eager to know what was going on.

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