"Thunder conception, spiritual power..."

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai sighed softly in his heart, he finally found the key point that he was always in a trance.

Just after the elders of the Liu family gifted all their cultivation bases to themselves in the form of enlightenment, the huge power immediately shook their cultivation bases.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai was always holding back, his strength was enough to break through, and it was even very possible to directly break through to the peak of the king and enter the imperial level.

But he dared not.

At the moment when his strength exploded, he felt a sense of losing himself, and even forgot his own existence.

It wasn't until just now that he finally figured it out. It was because his mental power was not strong enough. Once he broke through one after another, it was very likely to cause a mental breakdown, completely lose himself, and become a numb machine that only knew how to kill.

As he interpreted the martial arts knowledge of the Great Elder, the knowledge about the spiritual level was also deciphered.

Conceptual thinking is the way to improve the spiritual level. Whether a person's spirit is rich or not, every improvement is an opportunity to change his life against the sky.

Visualize everything in the world, understand it as experience, fill the spiritual world, and reshape the foundation of oneself.

Each person's choice of visualization will be very different.

Jiang Xiaobai has a thunder visualization picture. On it is a giant thunder beast, which is fierce and fierce, swallowing like a cow, and has already achieved great success.

But with the improvement of Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual realm, dots of stars appeared on the visualization map, which is an endless sea of ​​stars in the universe.

This sea of ​​stars is not a giant thunder beast, just like a star, it is a giant beast. He just tried hard to visualize and see clearly, but he felt dizzy for a while.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed softly, and now he has reached the early stage of being a king, a realm he never dared to dream of, but facing the cosmic star sea in the visualization picture, he only feels as small as an ant.

But since the thunder visualization map has been perfected and the cosmic sea of ​​stars has appeared, Jiang Xiaobai feels that this is a kind of recognition for himself, which means that he can already visualize in the future.

However, the Cao family didn't know if they were looking for him. Cao Ying announced that he had retreated for several days, and he didn't know how it was going. But Liu Qian would definitely look for him, so it was very difficult.

How will the Zhao family choose?

Jiang Xiaobai is not in a hurry, as long as he strengthens himself, all difficulties will be like chickens and dogs.

He was lost in contemplation.

Behind him, Zhang Liwei sat there all the time, and she kept silent even if Jiang Xiaobai didn't ask her.

She put herself in a good position, she is not a young mistress, she is just a maid with Jiang Xiaobai, that's all.

Every meal time, she would bring fruit to eat, it was very rich, Jiang Xiaobai would not eat it, she would eat her own portion, and then at the next meal time, she would change it again.

This kind of life is very boring, so monotonous that people almost collapse, but Zhang Liwei survived, which is amazing.

Sometimes, Zhao Hanqing would quietly send a message, asking them what they did and what kind of posture they used...

Zhang Liwei only felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to accept, and even she herself couldn't believe that her previous self was still the woman whose eyes were full of Zhao Hanqing.

This thought instantly filled Zhang Liwei with a sense of fear. She felt that when Jiang Xiaobai left, it was the moment when she was thrown into the well.

Time flies so quickly, even Zhang Liwei feels that if there is no time display on the communicator, she will not remember how long she has stayed in this gazebo.

On this day, the Zhao family's defense system suddenly rang the alarm bells, and the alarm lights flickered.

Zhang Liwei got up quickly, the police lights and alarm made her flustered, she looked at the communicator quickly, but there was no news on it.

She knew that there was only one situation where this would happen, and that was that the people guarding the family didn't even have time to send out the news, or they couldn't send out the news at all.

"Boom boom boom!"

With successive roars, the vitality cannon used by the Zhao family's defense was fired, and the extremely powerful cannon burst out with blazing brilliance, but was counterattacked by the vitality bomb, smashing the fort, as if she heard Qiu Yu's screams.

Zhao Zhenglin's figure appeared in the air, he was covered in blood, light golden blood, and he looked embarrassed, as if he had been crawling on the beach for a long time.

"Qian Sun Li Ma's family, you framed my Zhao family for stealing secrets, and chased and killed me, Zhao Zhenglin. This is nothing, but you attack my family land, and I, Zhao Zhenglin, swear here that I will fight to the end!"

Immediately, a figure appeared in the sky above the Zhao family, and the leader was Ma Hongwu. He looked at Zhao Zhenglin and sneered: "Don't pretend, the Cao family has already captured the picture of Zhao Zhengqing and Jiang Xiaobai, all of them We've seen it. That night..."

He recounted the scene at that time, which made Zhao Zhenglin feel desperate, and it was exactly the same as what his younger brother said.

It now appears that the Cao family had already sent people to monitor, but they did not intervene, let alone do anything.

Zhao Zhenglin sneered: "The Cao family sent you guys out because they didn't want to confront the Liu family?! It really is the style of the Cao family. My Zhao family really misjudged the person before."

"Bah! We are the ones who are blind to form an alliance with your Zhao family. We originally thought that you sent Zhao Zhengqing to contribute more, but we didn't expect it to be so ambitious."

"My grandparents, Sun Haidong, have a deep friendship with your Zhao family, but they can even kill you. I don't think your Zhao family has any friendship at all!"

"Everyone gets it and kills it!"

Ma Hongwu was so angry that it was his Ma family who suffered the most losses at the beginning. Originally, he wanted to hide Chen Cang, but he didn't expect to be cut off by the Zhao family, so he suddenly hit a palm wind in his palm.

This palm wind swelled against the storm and turned into a blazing gale. In the blink of an eye, the gate of the Zhao family was smashed to pieces, and several disciples of the master who had just mastered the sky exploded into blood mist.

Zhao Zhenglin was still able to lead these people to run around, but they came up with a tactic and directly attacked Zhaojiazhai. He could only show up and see that his disciples still had a family business and were ravaged by these people. The painstaking efforts of generations , is constantly disappearing, he is really jealous, wishing to eat his flesh alive.

But the Zhao family's defense system can only withstand the attack of a third-rate family, and now the four families join forces...

He looked around, but he didn't see Jiang Xiaobai's figure, so he couldn't help sighing softly: "God is going to kill my Zhao family!"

"I'm fighting with you guys!" Zhao Zhenglin rushed towards Ma Hongwu with all his momentum.

In the gazebo, Zhang Liwei suddenly noticed that Jiang Xiaobai moved, but he was staggering, as if he was extremely weak, which made her even more panicked than before.


Jiang Xiaobai finally stabilized his figure, but his face was pale, and there seemed to be several black lines hanging from his forehead, "These people came earlier."

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