Dominate the world

Chapter 658 Repair the Body


A sound that wasn't too loud came out of Jiang Xiaobai's body, making him frown.

In fact, no matter the strength of the body or the level of spirit, Jiang Xiaobai at this time can be said to be invincible in the same realm, and it is common to fight more with less.

However, his promotion speed was too fast, and he was enlightened by the great elder before his foundation was solid. His body, like a plastic bottle, was poured with molten iron abruptly, and he felt a heavy burden.

Although, these days, he tried his best to correct himself, but the time was still a bit short.

Before the Great Elder passed away, he set up a barrier for Jiang Xiaobai for a month, which was enough for Jiang Xiaobai to complete and consolidate his foundation.

However, Zhao Zhengqing found Jiang Xiaobai with an ancient treasure that could penetrate barriers. Now that the Zhao family is besieged by many families, it can only be said that the Zhao family has lifted a rock and shot it in the foot.

But there is also Jiang Xiaobai's reason for this. After having the Tai Chi Yuanpan, he has made great progress, and within a few years he has caught up with the development of others for decades, which makes him full of confidence in his martial arts journey.

But I don't want to, the journey of martial arts is like sailing against the current, like climbing a peak bravely, the general direction is correct, but even if there is a small problem in the details, all previous efforts will be wasted.

At this time, the Tai Chi disc slowly turned, and a trace of the vitality of the Great Elder refined in it was released.

The extremely harmonious vitality of yin and yang quickly repaired the dark wounds in Jiang Xiaobai's body.

"Foundation recovery 40.00%... seventy... ninety..."

After ninety, it stopped abruptly.

It seems that there is a space that the Tai Chi disc cannot touch, and only Jiang Xiaobai himself can repair it.

Jiang Xiaobai stood up straight and looked into the mid-air. The battle was still going on. Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised by the unity of the Zhao family. Some people even used that ancient firearm. Although it had been modified, it was obviously not powerful enough, as if The slingshot reached the wall and flew out with a bang.

"Did you think it was hunting hares?" An old grandson looked contemptuous, and he swung his hand and slashed at the Zhao family boy with a sword, chopping him into two pieces with a swipe.

"Could it be that your Zhao family isn't going to use the stolen secret!" Ma Hongwu's voice was like a bell, and after he shouted loudly, like a lion's roar, layers of sound waves piled up in the air and spread out to the surroundings.

"Or, you didn't capture the secret at all? But, who would believe it!"

All the family members were even more angry. It was impossible to think about it. If they bombarded the Zhao family like this, it would be tantamount to forming an endless feud. This is a big taboo in Huaguo martial arts. Families tell the truth, hand over secrets, that's all they can do.

Everyone in the Zhao family was silent and kept silent about it.

Zhao Hanqing yelled, "You ants know nothing. Our Zhao family has become a subsidiary family of the Jiang family. No matter how you target us today, you will definitely explain to the Jiang family."

"Jiang Family?!"

"Which Jiang family?"

"In the entire Jiangnan Province, is there any Jiang family that is a big family?"

"Are you talking about Jiang Xiaobai? Oh my god! Zhao Hanqing, stop making trouble. Who doesn't know that Jiang Xiaobai came from grassroots? There's a fart in the Jiang family?"

"Even if Jiang Xiaobai can stand up, it still requires Jiang Xiaobai's identity. If he is confirmed as the son-in-law of the Liu family, then we will not dare to touch him. Even if your Zhao family is as spineless, it depends on the owner to beat the dog." , we want to move your Zhao family, so we have to ask the Cao family for instructions."

"But now, Jiang Xiaobai's identity has not yet been confirmed, so you have defected to Jiang Xiaobai? Shall I?!"

The Patriarch of the Sun family raised the corners of his mouth and sneered.

"You even defected to Jiang's family, come, let me see, where is your master's house?" Someone built a pergola with hands, making a look like he was eager to see through.

It caused everyone to roar with laughter.

Ma Hongwu said: "I have to admit that Jiang Xiaobai is indeed very strong. It can be seen from the fact that he can kill the disciples and subordinates of the top masters. Even a peripheral subordinate of the Cao family died in Jiang Xiaobai's hands. , he is indeed strong, but it is only at the stage of the master and the early stage of the king."

"All of us are in the realm of kings, and there are even three of them in the middle stage of kings. Compared with us, Jiang Xiaobai is still far behind."

"It's useless for you to mention Jiang Xiaobai at this time, it will only cause more ridicule."

Ma Hongwu looked at Zhao Zhenglin with a look of pity, but it was immediately covered up by thick sarcasm.

An elder of the Sun family immediately complimented Ma Hongwu: "Zhao Zhenglin, look at Brother Ma, since the Cao family is bound, no matter what, we have to go all the way to the dark, do you want to be a slave of the three surnames? Just rely on him Jiang Xiaobai, can you stand up to the name of the Jiang family?! You are so smart!"

"In this world, there are many natural geniuses, and they can often surprise people's attention, but most of them are short-lived, because of blind self-confidence, because of natural enemies."

"I guess, the reason why Jiang Xiaobai was able to instantly kill more than a dozen masters at the peak level must have used some kind of secret method for deterrence, which would damage the foundation. Therefore, after the end of the war, he gave Everyone in Wang Lin healed their wounds and fled into the Endless Mountain."

"If he slows down by half a step, I'm afraid he will lose his health and fall on the spot. That would be a big joke!"

"Zhao Hanqing, you admire Jiang Xiaobai so much, why don't you let him come out and meet?"

"You don't know if he's gone, and he's still here, pretending to be a tiger? Hahaha..."

Zhao Hanqing twitched the corners of her mouth amidst the loud laughter of the crowd, but she couldn't say a word.

But all of a sudden, these people in the midair became silent.

Zhao Hanqing turned her head to look, and saw that in her courtyard, it seemed as if a curtain had been drawn, and many things were closed invisibly.

A figure appeared above the gazebo, with a slender figure and a handsome appearance.

"Jiang Xiaobai?!"

Everyone was slightly startled, seeing that the distance was only a thousand meters away, but the barrier there completely blocked their sight, making them defenseless.

Just like that, Jiang Xiaobai appeared.

A few people called Zhenghuan just now had an embarrassing look of being exposed in person.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his footsteps, crossed the sky, and arrived in front of the elder Sun's elder. At this time, the disdain of the elder Sun's face was frozen, and Jiang Xiaobai slapped the elder's celestial spirit cover with his palm.


This elder in the early king stage can be regarded as a very powerful warrior, but in front of Jiang Xiaobai's palm, he can't even take a little bit of defense. What kind of vitality, what kind of vitality, what kind of weird body skills, all of them is air.

With a scream of "ah", the elder fell to the ground like a broken kite, blasting out a big hole, and a blood arrow spurted out from it.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and came in front of Ma Hongwu: "The Patriarch of the Ma family, we finally meet."

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