Dominate the world

Chapter 659 Never stop

"Jiang Xiaobai?!"

"This is Jiang Xiaobai?!!!"

Ma Hongwu's heart was as if struck by thunder, and he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

With the appearance of Jiang Xiaobai, since the Zhao family has been confirmed to be attached to Jiang Xiaobai, then Jiang Xiaobai must be hiding in the Zhao family. They will use aggressive methods, malicious speculation and ridicule, and Jiang Xiaobai will definitely appear.

However, he never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would cross the thousand-meter distance between Jiang Xiaobai and the elder of the grandson's family in one step, and even after killing the elder with one palm, the sound of the air being torn was heard from behind.

Then, an afterimage followed closely, as if he was afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would forget the afterimage, but it arrived at the place where the elder Sun's family was standing before, and after a turning point, it disappeared behind Jiang Xiaobai.


The white mist billowed in the air, and the effect of the sonic boom finally appeared.

Such a long distance, one step across, only an afterimage...

What kind of speed did this achieve!

Ma Hongwu was extremely shocked, his clothes moved without wind, showing that the turmoil in his heart could no longer be restrained.

But as the head of the Ma family, he has met many people over the years, and he is very good at nourishing his energy. He tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart and make himself look more normal, "Yes, I have heard about you for a long time, and finally met. "

In a word, it is very plain, neither humble nor overbearing.

But at this moment, in Ma Hongwu's palm, a silver hairpin full of ancient charm appeared on the sleeve, stopped for a moment, and then retracted immediately.

The clothes on his body flew up in a mess.

Others can't detect it, but Ma Hongwu has already discovered that Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation has reached the peak stage of the early king, and he will soon be able to enter the middle stage of the king.

Is this person a monster, or a demon king?

Fortunately!Ma Hongwu sighed in his heart, if it was only a few days in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai might have entered the middle stage of the king, and by then...

In other words, how long did it take Jiang Xiaobai to go from the peak of the master to the peak of the early king?It's not 20 days yet, is it?

"Then, Patriarch Ma, do you have anything to say?" Jiang Xiaobai laughed softly as if chatting casually.

Jiang Xiaobai did not persecute him any further. Since he had already taken over the Zhao family, he didn't care if his subordinate family increased by one or two. Among them, the Ma family was obviously the strongest.

As for everyone in the other aristocratic families, Jiang Xiaobai's sudden killing made them nervous and excited. Some tried to keep themselves indifferent, while others sneered silently, waiting for the killer to be secretly.

"Jiang Xiaobai!"

From the pothole on the ground, a vicious shout came out.

Sun's elders flew out of it in disgrace, and Yukong stopped in midair. On the top of his head with Mediterranean hairstyle, a bright red handprint was printed on it, and even the fingerprints could be seen clearly.

In the last moment, he was still maliciously mocking Jiang Xiaobai, calling Zhao Zhenglin and Zhao Hanqing father and son evil strokes, and the kind of strategizing and well-thought-out demeanor was clearly displayed.

As a result, as soon as Jiang Xiaobai appeared, he directly punched him into the mud, from the altar into the mud, and for a moment, he couldn't react at all, which made him angry from embarrassment.

If the news spread, not to mention Jiangnan and his family, even those monsters would laugh at him if they heard about it.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at him: "Could it be that he is also a king of mouth when he talks about others behind his back?"

The elders of Sun's family suddenly looked extremely embarrassed. Talking about other people behind their backs and being exposed in person is really uncomfortable, but the most uncomfortable thing is that they can't beat them!

"There are many of us here, let me tell you, please understand. You must be responsible for the death of our family's children!" He was reminding Ma Hongwu, don't forget that one of your sons was killed by him, and one of his sons was killed by Liu. Douer kills one, what are you waiting for if you don't take revenge?

I have tested the water for you first!

How did he know that Ma Hongwu had already quietly tested Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation base, and with all their strength to surround and suppress Jiang Xiaobai, even if half of them were injured, they would definitely be able to kill Jiang Xiaobai. The problem is that there is still Zhao's family ah?

It's just been a big battle, and the Zhao family is already on the verge of death!

"The Patriarch of the Ma family doesn't speak, is he planning to reconcile with the Zhao family?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Ma Hongwu indifferently.

Ma Hongwu's eyes are full of disbelief, our families are already immortal, what nonsense are you talking about here?

The elder Sun's family roared angrily: "Jiang Xiaobai, don't sow discord here, let me tell you, since we are here today, you will die! You..."

He fell suddenly, and another human-shaped pothole appeared in the Zhao family's land.


It wasn't until this moment that the muffled sound of punches to the flesh came out, but no more bloody arrows spewed out of the pit. Everyone's five senses probed it, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Elder Sun's life was not in serious danger. But it is estimated that he has no face to show his face again.

Twice, there was no room for reaction, and Jiang Xiaobai's speed and strength were undeniably powerful.

Some people quietly put away their soldiers, and some reconsidered the situation. Although the hatred was great, they still went to the battle knowing that they would die. To be honest, they instantly felt that the hatred between them and Jiang Xiaobai was not that great anymore. .

Now the key person is Ma Hongwu's attitude.But he never responded, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

"Look, why are you so difficult to persuade?" Jiang Xiaobai shook his head helplessly, his figure disappeared in a flash, and an elder from another family next to him flew into the sky with a bang.

At this time, they could see clearly that Jiang Xiaobai flew up, and the radiant vitality and brilliance hit the elder's heart, kicking him like a shrimp, bowing his body and disappearing from everyone's sight.

Some people feel helpless, thinking that you persuade the Ma family, why are you beating others, is it my turn next?I said Ma Hongwu, whether you agree or not is a sure letter, which made me feel very nervous.

"How?" Ma Hongwu sighed deeply, "It doesn't matter, whether to die now or to die in the future, I choose to die in the future, and live now first. As for the future..." He shook his head: "No one can be sure."

"That's right." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and waved his hand at Zhao Zhenglin, who came over in a daze, Jiang Xiaobai grabbed his hand and pressed it on Ma Hongwu's.

"From now on, at least at the moment, everyone is a united front. If you have an idea now, you can say it and you can go. I, Jiang Xiaobai, will never stop it."

Jiang Xiaobai said very grandly.

An elder of Qian's family clasped his fists and saluted when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's voice: "This matter is too big, I have to go back to the family and discuss it with the patriarch, otherwise..."


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