In mid-air, Sun Daqiang was extremely angry.

"You actually talk to this old man like that! It really is just a grassroots."

"In any case, you are now a king, a person with status and status. Why hasn't the vulgarity of the grassroots faded away? No wonder people say that dog meat can't be used for banquets. It's really hard to hide what's in your bones. .”

A touch of disdain appeared on the corner of Sun Daqiang's mouth, and he shook his head slightly, as if he was full of disappointment with Jiang Xiaobai, and seemed to have finally confirmed what he thought in his heart.

With such yin and yang strangeness, if a person cares about other people's opinions, there will be a blockage of thoughts in his heart, making it difficult to understand.

Jiang Xiaobai just smiled speechlessly: "Looking up a few generations, your ancestor may be the one who turned his face to the loess and his back to the sky, and accidentally got a treasure and made his fortune."

"Fart!" Sun Daqiang's face darkened, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, because Jiang Xiaobai guessed right, this is the fact that the Sun family has been trying their best to cover up after they became a family, in their view, this is completely black History, being dug out of old accounts, feels very shameless.

Because there is a popular saying nowadays, a dynasty of flowing water, a family of iron.

He couldn't help snorting coldly: "You don't understand the winners and losers? What's the use of your quick tongue now, wait a minute when the old man beats you all over your head, blows your head off, and kills you with one punch, you The losers can only wail incompetently."

Sun Daqiang's wrinkled face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were burning like flames.


From his eyes, flames really spewed out. The red and yellow flames were transformed by vitality, instantly making the surroundings extremely bright. The flames burned the air and stretched out, enveloping Jiang Xiaobai's whole body live.

"Hahaha, can't you think of it? Although the old man has not entered the imperial level, he has realized a divine thought. This flaming attack is so powerful that it can burn everything between heaven and earth. Still can't get rid of the dependence of breath."

"This old man's move is enough to burn the air around you. Even if it doesn't burn you to death, it will suffocate you to death!"

Everyone in Zhao Zhenglin turned pale with shock: "Could it be that this is the legendary method of suffocation that forcibly burns the air around you and makes people suffocate to death?"

"The most important thing is that the ancestor of the Sun family launched the attack with divine sense. It is silent and makes people hard to guard against. It is simply killing people invisible."

"It's over, our new president is definitely over. Pity us, we have given up our previous suspicions and formed an alliance. Before we can make a move, we have to fall apart, alas."

When everyone was lamenting, they suddenly discovered that Jiang Xiaobai had disappeared in the flames, and the place where he was standing was actually just an afterimage.


A series of sonic booms finally sounded at this moment, and Jiang Xiaobai punched Sun Daqiang's Tianling Gai with his fist. It was just the one sword in Wuyun swordsmanship. Although he didn't use the three-thorn sword, his power should not be underestimated. .This lump of luster as big as a package solidified on the fist, with colorful sides and surging light.


too fast!

"Bold!" Sun Daqiang roared, his heart throbbing unavoidably.

Just now, he has been quietly locking Jiang Xiaobai with his divine sense, because Jiang Xiaobai's speed is too fast, he must be caught by surprise, wanting to kill him invisible, to prove his understanding of the divine sense .

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai's speed was three points faster than he expected, almost like an antelope hanging horns, without a trace.

The divine thoughts that had been brewing for a long time did not produce any effect, how to prove it?

"Jiang Xiaobai, you not only escaped, but also dared to attack this old man. You are too much!" Sun Daqiang opened his mouth and drank, his beard and hair all stretched out, like a raging lion, he leaped across the sky, and at the same time his right hand turned into a knife , like a ferocious beast, he suddenly slashed at Jiang Xiaobai's fist with a blow full of fury.

"Mad lion paw?!"


Everyone in Zhao Zhenglin gasped, this kind of palm technique is exactly the Sun family's unique skill, and it is passed on from male to female, it is best at hitting hard with force, the sword is the highest state in its palm, and its power is terrifying.

There used to be many heaven's favored sons who died tragically under the power of this sword, and finally stabilized the position of the third-rate family of the Sun family.

fists meet.

"Bang bang bang..."

You come and go between the two sides, and when you can't turn around, there are shocking voices in the air.

However, Jiang Xiaobai's movement was obviously faster. After blocking a palm knife with his fist, he swung it down again in an instant. The five-color vitality and brilliance suddenly broke away from the restraint of the fist, directly through the palm knife, and hit Sun Daqiang's. on the forehead.

Probably the Mediterranean hairstyle was passed down from Sun Daqiang. On his short and soft white hair, a punch mark suddenly appeared.

With a muffled bang, Sun Daqiang's body was short in mid-air.

Jiang Xiaobai's fusion of the power of the Five Sacred Essences was really too strong, and he beat Sun Daqiang to the ground, but he was obviously much stronger than Sun Haiyang. When he got short, he quickly retreated to the side, but It was precisely because he didn't continue to fall to relieve Jiang Xiaobai's remaining punch that his head buzzed three times.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't hold back at all, because he didn't have the slightest affection for the Sun family. Originally, he became the president of the Jiangnan League at the banquet, and he didn't have anyone who could use the Zhao family. This time, he will deal with the Sun family. Home.

Everyone in Zhao Zhenglin was dumbfounded, and couldn't be more surprised. Jiang Xiaobai's repeated moves beat Sun Haiyang to the ground, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back. Now this ancestor is also unavoidable under his moves. It can only show that Jiang Xiaobai's seemingly innocuous method is actually quite powerful!

Sun Daqiang withdrew a thousand meters away at once, his face was trembling, this is a shame!

Absolute shame!

"Jiang Xiaobai! I want to kill your nine clans!"

Sun Daqiang roared like a wild lion, his whole body was full of murderous aura, his figure stepped repeatedly in mid-air, like a galloping lion, his hands turned into knives, bursting out with cold light, he seemed to have forgotten to hone martial arts, forgot about his He himself said that he would kill Jiang Xiaobai slowly.

After taking Jiang Xiaobai's punch, his old wing was full of enthusiasm, and he directly took out the strongest move and blasted at Jiang Xiaobai.

"That depends on who lives to the end. Who won't say harsh words?" Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently: "I will also say that you are so old and angry. You must have experienced many battles when you were young. There must be a lot of hidden injuries, be careful of sudden cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction, don't fall to the ground all of a sudden, I can't tell others clearly."

Everyone in Zhao Zhenglin: "..."

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