In this extremely serious atmosphere of the great war, Jiang Xiaobai's words can be said to be merciless.

Sun Daqiang felt that he was going to explode, even though he had seen that Jiang Xiaobai was not easy, but he didn't expect that he would be able to fight him back and forth.He even suffered a dark loss himself.

He was most proud of holding the sword, but he failed to cut off Jiang Xiaobai's fist during the fight, which made him even more angry from embarrassment.

"Ah!" With a loud roar, Sun Daqiang rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai suddenly. Before the figures of the two sides touched, they had already started to attack. It was like a series of explosions in mid-air, with bang bang bang.

Zhao Zhenglin's eyes were fixed on the mid-air.

There, Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Daqiang, like two bright comets, are entangled together, colliding from time to time, and then there will be explosions. Under the continuous bombardment, the gate of the Zhao family is just repaired. All collapsed to the ground.

However, in mid-air, the air exploded, and the brilliance bloomed, and layers of white mist suddenly appeared in it. Zhao Zhenglin and the others understood that this was their figure, which had completely exceeded the speed of sound. The medium in their hands was constantly being pulled, and the mist surged violently.

The figures of these two people tossed and turned under the mountain in the cloud and mist, so that lightning flashed and thunder thundered in the air, and heavy rain fell without warning.

The terrifying situation in midair made Zhao Zhenglin's people forget to use their vitality to resist the invasion of the rain. They didn't realize it until they felt a chill in their hearts.

The brilliance of vitality bloomed one after another, forming countless scattered sheds, and everyone was dumbfounded and mesmerized.

They didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai's powerful explosive power and endurance in battle didn't even belong to Sun Daqiang, who was at the peak of the late king!


In one word, it can only be said to be too strong!

In fact, Sun Daqiang wanted to practice with Jiang Xiaobai, sharpen his martial arts, and seek opportunities for breakthroughs.

Why is Jiang Xiaobai not like this?

In his body, and in the Taiji disc, there is a full of emperor-level vitality that Liu Nian has learned all his life. Since Sun Daqiang took the initiative to come to him, how can he not sharpen it?

He really wants to find out where the bottom line of his body's elasticity lies.

In order to avoid a rash attack and cause the body to shatter, at that time, the gods will be hard to save.

"Bang bang bang!"



This scene stunned Sun Haiyang who came after him. He didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai could fight the ancestor for so long without falling into a disadvantage.


Sun Daqiang let out a roar, and his rage shook the sky.

Sun Daqiang's figure suddenly soared up, like a lion running wildly towards the sky, his body stretched to the extreme, his majestic wind fluttered, and his aura was terrifying.


A sound of breaking through the air flew out under Sun Daqiang's palm, and suddenly one turned into two, and two turned into four... In an instant, the sky seemed to be completely filled with palm swords. The stunt of pressing the bottom of the box.

Sun Haiyang was extremely excited.Obviously, even if it is a third-rate family's unique skill, if it has been cultivated to the extreme, it is no longer the original palm technique, and the supernatural powers will manifest themselves.


In Sun Daqiang's eyes, a strong flame of vitality burst out again, completely blocking the space where Jiang Xiaobai could move, so that even if he had all the skills, he couldn't escape the encirclement.

All of this locked Jiang Xiaobai's aura.

Jiang Xiaobai's right fist was still full of vitality, and his voice was very indifferent: "In martial arts in the world, everything is invincible, only fast can't be broken."

In an instant, Jiang Xiaobai's figure disappeared in place, without even leaving an afterimage, directly breaking the lock of Sun Daqiang's air mechanism, and those knives turned into ownerless objects, flying forward fiercely.

The next moment, Jiang Xiaobai appeared behind Sun Haiyang.

"This trick of the ancestor..."

Sun Haiyang was feeling secretly, when suddenly he felt extremely cold behind him, he turned around abruptly, and saw Jiang Xiaobai: "You..." He turned his head again, and those swords were whizzing away, he turned his head again, and saw Jiang Xiaobai Xiaobai kicked at him.

"Ah." Sun Haiyang almost had time to utter a frightened sound before flying towards the palm knife. The sharp palm knife pierced through him in an instant, and his body was turned into countless fragments almost instantly. It's all over the place.


Seeing this scene, Sun Daqiang's throat rolled. Although he had never even seen Sun Haiyang's grandson, he had watched Sun Haiyang grow up, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed over when he heard he was being bullied.

Who would have thought that Jiang Xiaobai's breath, which he had clearly locked onto, would be broken by him abruptly?

Sun Daqiang couldn't figure it out. He had practiced for decades and met countless opponents, but he survived in the end. He didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would be so difficult to deal with.

That feeling is like catching a loach to death, it's not slippery...

wrong!Sun Daqiang suddenly thought of something wrong. When Jiang Xiaobai hit him with a punch, he was very powerful, fast, and handsome. He could clearly tell the winner in a short period of time, so why was he a little afraid? foot?Is it fear?

I do not believe!Sun Daqiang shook his head secretly, and said coldly: "Jiang Xiaobai, what do you mean?"

Jiang Xiaobai said lightly: "Why, am I not qualified to kill you slowly?"


Sun Daqiang felt dizzy for a while, this Jiang Xiaobai actually used himself as a stepping stone to sharpen his martial arts, damn it!hateful!

"Why did you leave the battle circle and kill my grandson?" Sun Daqiang pointed at Jiang Xiaobai angrily, his fingers trembling slightly: "You vulgar grassroots, you are simply..."

"You're right. I'm just a grassroots, and I can't do those high-sounding things." Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Sun Daqiang coldly: "If you do something wrong, you have to take responsibility. If it's my kind thoughts, let me It was my fault that I didn't kill Sun's family immediately to ask for an explanation and convince you, I sincerely apologize here, and I won't do it again in the future."

"So, here, not only do I want to kill you slowly, but I also want to show you how I slaughtered the Sun family."

Jiang Xiaobai's figure disappeared in a flash, and in the midst of sonic booms, he appeared in front of Sun Daqiang in an instant, his hand turned into a sword finger.

Wuyun swordsmanship, one sword forms a forest.


Jiang Xiaobai formed a forest with his sword, and the majestic power that emerged in an instant, and the brilliance of vitality blooming all over his body, made him like a land fairy.

The countless sword lights gathered into a forest in an instant, covering the sky and covering the earth, directly covering Sun Daqiang in it.

Sun Daqiang's already cloudy pupils were completely filled with dots of sword light, and he let out a cold snort suddenly.


Trapped beasts still fighting.

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