The outbreak of the war was extremely fierce.


At this time, Sun Daqiang snorted coldly, "I have to admit, your Jiang Xiaobai's combat skill cheats are extremely powerful, even my third-rate family can't match them. If I guessed correctly, it must be due to the Ministry of Martial Arts and the Liu family." Bar?"

"However, don't forget that your realm is still at the peak of the early king, and I am at the peak of the late king. Your level of vitality is far behind me."

"Now, do you want to use this kind of vitality to transform the sword forest and surround me? You think too much. If you gather your vitality into a bunch, the old man will feel a little jealous. Your way of doing this will only waste your vitality indiscriminately."

Sun Daqiang smiled disdainfully, and shook his head again. Of course, he didn't mean to instruct Jiang Xiaobai how to distribute his energy during the battle.

But after fighting for so long, half of his own vitality has been consumed. According to Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation base, his vitality should only have one-third left. As long as the battle continues, then Jiang Xiaobai bound to fail.

He only said it because he thought he had won the battle.

Looking at Sun Daqiang who was full of complacency, Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly and said, "Have you heard of Infinity Brawl?"

"What?! What fight?" Sun Daqiang was slightly taken aback, this is an extremely unfamiliar word, he can be sure that this is the first time he has heard it.

There was pity in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, and he shook his head, but he didn't say anything, and there was a little nostalgia in his expression.

The place where I used to live should be the sound of firecrackers, the banquet is set up, and the taste of the old age is full of joy and peace. That game should also start a limited-time event, right?

"How dare you look down on me!"

Sun Daqiang's roar interrupted Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts, he suddenly lost interest, raised his hand and shot out a burst of vitality, and clung to Jianlin. Like flying a huge kite, he dragged Jianlin towards Sun Haiyang. Go in the direction of Yukong.

"If you want to prove yourself, then the time has come."

Jiang Xiaobai's voice was heard in the ears of Zhao Zhenglin and everyone, making them suddenly realize that this is going to attack the Sun family!

The crowd hurriedly followed.

In the sword forest, Sun Daqiang was stunned, what does this mean?Lao Tzu is still here, and you are going to take revenge at the Sun family?

"You underestimate me, Sun Daqiang, and blind self-confidence will only speed up your demise!"

Sun Daqiang's vitality and brilliance suddenly burst out, and he was even more tyrannical than before. It turned out that he also had reservations.

His hands turned into knives, and there seemed to be a chill between the heaven and the earth. He has always been a fierce and decisive person, but he has never foreseen someone who dares to ignore him like this.

Even the Cao family didn't dare to belittle themselves.

As soon as he palmed the saber, he slashed on a sword qi in the sword forest.


The vitality that held the knife collided with the sword energy, and there was a powerful crackling sound immediately. The sword energy collapsed like a glacier, and the scattered sword energy overflowed, floating Sun Daqiang's long hair, but he was not excited. , his complexion became extremely dignified.

He tilted his head to look at his right arm.

"Crack clap clap..."

Intensive cracking sounds came from the arm, no matter how Sun Daqiang mobilized his vitality to repair it, it was useless. In a blink of an eye, the arm turned into dozens of pieces and fell into the sky.


Sun Daqiang was startled and angry, he couldn't understand how this sword energy contained such power.

With Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation, it is impossible to condense such a pure and powerful vitality no matter what.

But one of his arms was shattered like this. Although it died together with a single sword qi, there were more than a hundred sword qi in his body?

Sun Daqiang finally understood why Jiang Xiaobai's eyes seemed to be showing signs of disenchantment.I am not his opponent at all, and even the martial arts sharpening stone can't play much role?

Sun Daqiang's heavy bags under his eyes were twitching. He had been in seclusion for five years, and he had just left the seclusion. He never thought that the grassroots and vulgar warriors in his mouth would teach him a bloody lesson.

I can't wait to bump my head to death on the sword forest.

But Sun Daqiang was reluctant, he was only one step away from the peak of King Realm.

If he crosses over, his lifespan will be increased by at least 30 years, he can pursue the emperor rank, and he can extend his life for a long time. If there is another opportunity to advance to a higher level in martial arts, then no one can say for sure thing!

Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?Anyway, Sun Daqiang would not admit that he was counseled.

Seeing Sun Daqiang's arm shattered, everyone in Zhao Zhenglin was astonished, but then seeing Sun Daqiang's expression, that kind of domineering and cowardly, he had to follow the movement of the sword forest and fly in the air, and couldn't help bursting into a roar laugh.


Everyone in Zhao Zhenglin knew that once Sun Daqiang defeated Jiang Xiaobai, all of them would be killed, and even slaves might be rotated.

Sun Daqiang's face was livid, and his eyes showed a sinister look, "You people, look at your ugly faces, you deserve to die, you deserve to be cut into pieces, and your skin is cramped."

"Please ask yourself first!" Zhao Zhenglin snorted coldly, obviously not in a good mood.

Look, you are having a drink with your leaders and friends at the dinner table. Everything is in a good mood, and it seems that it is obviously developing in a good direction. Threat, who can be in a good mood?

"Your Sun family has always been vengeful. I don't want to say how many innocent people have been killed indiscriminately over the years, but you should know it yourself?" Ma Hongwu sighed: "If Sun Haiyang went back and suffered some grievances, just bear it." , Didn’t you say it all yourself, winners and losers.”

Sun Daqiang frowned, and his voice changed slightly, showing a little sincerity: "But, the family is not as bad as it is!"

Zhao Zhenglin and Ma Hongwu stopped talking. This is not something they can answer. Everything has to be decided by the president. An overreaching move will only make people lose their future and even kill them.

"Cut the weeds to get rid of the roots." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, deciding the fate of the Sun family.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you must die!" Sun Daqiang cursed viciously: "You are also a warrior, don't you think about the feelings of your family? If you lose the battle, you will think that they are all like you and want to die? In my family, there are many children, they don't understand anything, are you going to kill them all!"

"You are a devil!"

"Everyone gets it and kills it!"

Sun Daqiang roared furiously, his face was cut several times by the sword energy, bleeding, looking extremely miserable and pitiful.

Like a white-haired old man, watching his family members die, all he can do is powerless and furious.

"In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."

Jiang Xiaobai's voice was very indifferent.

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