Dominate the world

Chapter 665 Give me face

Jiang Xiaobai saw all kinds of evil things done by monsters. He never showed mercy to monsters, but he never had such a serious intention to kill human warriors.

However, the Sun family's actions successfully pushed Jiang Xiaobai's murderous intentions into a spreading trend like a spark.

This reminded Jiang Xiaobai of a not-so-big animal in his previous life, nicknamed Brother Pingtou, who only had a kind of barbarism in his bones. No matter what the opponent was, he would rush up without hesitation, even if it was a lion and a hyena. No scruples, of course, this situation is to send a little ration to the other party.

Because Pingtou's body is not as big as a lion's head.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai imprisoned the ancestor of the Sun family with sword energy, and went to the Sun family in the sky, which attracted the attention of many people. Some families that had nothing to do with him also sent people to go, wanting to go to the Sun family. Find out.

"It looks like the legendary parade in Caishikou when his head was beheaded?" A second-rate family member shook his head slightly, feeling a little emotional: "The old ancestor of the Sun family was very powerful at that time. The beheading made those families lose the capital to snatch the places of the third-rate families, and finally they all died overnight."

"That's right, there were rumors at the time that it was the method of the ancestor of the Sun family, but because there was no evidence, it was nothing."

"So what if there is evidence? This is the world of warriors, strength is the most important thing, and the weak prey on the strong. Is there any right or wrong?"

"You're right. Potential threats must be removed. You'd be a fool to see potential opponents getting stronger."

"However, the Sun family is exhausted. In a hundred years, no one has successfully reached the peak of the king and can hit the imperial level. It can be said that they have enough time."

"Has the retribution finally come?"

"It must be uncomfortable to switch roles between killing and being killed?"

A crowd of people talked and pointed.

Sun Daqiang's face was livid, and he felt like a monkey in a zoo. Even his hair became the object of study for the onlookers.

But he didn't respond, and became more and more silent, especially when he saw a few sword qi, there was always an obscure meaning in his eyes.

"Eh? Look, those people in the distance are Zhang Wanlin, the eldest son of the Zhang family from a third-rate family?"

"Yes, look at his expression, he is obviously very angry, and he will probably fight Jiang Xiaobai later."

"It's just that the ancestor of the Sun family was caught by Jiang Xiaobai, so he dares to do it?"

"Then why not dare, isn't the Zhang family out of a peak king? It's full of confidence."

At this time, several figures appeared in midair, and Zhang Wanlin was the one who took the lead. He was also slightly taken aback when he saw this situation. His impassioned enthusiasm has been reduced a lot, but since he is already in the way, if he doesn't say a few words, how can he save face?

On the surface, there are many aristocratic families watching the situation, and secretly, there may be many people gearing up, just waiting for the right time.

"Jiang Xiaobai, how can you do this! Even if the Sun family is your enemy, but after all, you are so old. From a humanitarian point of view, you shouldn't do this. You don't consider the reputation of the Sun family, you You should also think about your own future, right?"

Zhang Wanlin's expression was agitated, his words were fierce, and he was always thinking about Jiang Xiaobai, which made everyone around him startled and suspected that he had heard it wrong. You know, Zhang Wanlin was among the people in the aristocratic family who went to trouble Jiang Xiaobai. , it was only because of Wang Lin's family status that he withdrew temporarily, but he didn't want to save his life.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Wanlin and said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Zhang Wanlin laughed, and hurriedly stepped forward to cup his fists and said, "Brother Bai, do you think you forgot me so quickly? I haven't heard from you for a long time. This is not preparing a banquet at home. I want to invite Brother Bai to have a drink or two." Let's catch up on the old days. When the time comes, call Mr. Wang Lin, let's..."

"Are you here to buy time for the Sun family to prepare?" Jiang Xiaobai's tone was indifferent, and his eyes were even more indifferent.

Zhang Wanlin shuddered, and quickly hid aside, "Don't dare, I just came to see, there is absolutely no malice."

Jiang Xiaobai continued to walk in the sky.

Those aristocratic families also shook their heads speechlessly. They thought that Zhang Wanlin was strong, but they didn't expect this to happen. What's the difference between this and a clown?

Zhang Wanlin scratched his head and chuckled: "You guys know what the hell."

After all, he swaggered away, but secretly thought in his heart, this is the second time we meet, once acquainted twice, the next time we meet again, it will be an old acquaintance, as long as he is still alive, then I am on his side .


At this time, there was a roaring sound in the air, and amidst the radiant light, an old man paced in the air. His beard and hair were all white, but his eyes were very energetic.

"Patriarch of the Su family? Su Yongan?!"

"My God, the ancestor of the Su family announced his retreat half a year ago, and now he is forcibly leaving the customs for the sake of the ancestor of the Sun family?"

"Yes, yes, the Sun family and the Su family are related by marriage. The old two fought hard together in the past, so they must have feelings."

"However, a few years ago, Su Wanqing, the most talented woman of the Su family, suddenly disappeared. It is said that she got some kind of inheritance. If she wants to inherit the mantle, she has to retreat and fail to do so. It's a wish."

"That's right. Back then, Su Wanqing used her mental power to overpower her. She can be regarded as a leader of the younger generation, and she will become a great weapon in the future."

Su Yongan Yukong stood in mid-air. He was thin and thin. He looked at Sun Daqiang with rapt eyes, then looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and said, "I don't have any enmity with you, but Sun Daqiang and I are childhood friends. The two of us practiced together and grew up together, so I can't ignore this matter."

"So, what do you want to do?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in a deep voice.

This is the challenge.

But Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid at all.

Su Yong'an saw everything in his eyes, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Give me some face, and pretend that this incident has never happened. If the Sun family troubles you in the future, it will be against my Su family. My Su family will definitely How about asking the Sun family for an explanation?"

Jiang Xiaobai said: "Did you go to Sun's house to ask for an explanation after I died, or after the people around me died?"

Su Yongan's face jumped up, his majesty swept the floor, he immediately shouted coldly: "Where is the son of the Su family!"



Amidst the sound of vitality blooming, more than a dozen figures rose from the sky and gathered behind the ancestor of the Su family, with an incomparably mighty momentum.

Sun Daqiang suddenly had tears in his eyes. Over the years, the Sun family has made many friends, but when things come to an end, he is the first one who can stand up like the Su family.

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