Dominate the world

Chapter 668 I lost

Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect Yan Qiwei to remain calm amidst all the compliments, obviously he came here with his head.

It seems that the aristocratic family members are indeed not so easy to deal with. These rich second generations have very rich experience.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at these spectators, with a faint smile on his face. "Look, the people who are willing to protect you have caught a cold."

These people backed away abruptly, with a guilty conscience, that's right, they were just entertaining Jiang Xiaobai for free when Jiang Xiaobai was beating his life to death, who told him that he was handsome enough and lucky enough?The prospective son-in-law of the Liu family, which of these young people in Jiangnan Province does not want to be the son-in-law of the Liu family?Why did you Jiang Xiaobai do it?

Although he can't beat him, but if you say a few sarcastic remarks and maliciously slander him, there will always be nothing wrong, right?

Moreover, they wanted to drag Yan's family into the water. After all, it was a second-rate family. As long as Yan Qiwei was injured or died, the Yan family would definitely face Jiang Xiaobai. By then, Jiang Xiaobai would end well?

Jealousy is beyond recognition.

However, they didn't expect Yan Qiwei to give up at a critical moment, which made all their calculations come to nothing.

What was even more unexpected was that Jiang Xiaobai actually came for the truth, and they couldn't help feeling a little regretful. They would just wait for Jiang Xiaobai to fight before talking, and he would never dare to be distracted at that time.

Su Wanqing frowned slightly. She thought carefully about Jiang Xiaobai's words. It wasn't a lie. Could it be that the original Su Wanqing was still alive?

Didn't he sell her to Ao Jun at the beginning, how could he live till now?

Could it be that Ao Jun saw that Su Wanqing was young and beautiful, so he made a cauldron?

If this is the case, the situation will be a bit bad. Although the Su family is only a third-rate family, they have poured all their resources into themselves in the past few years, which has greatly increased their strength. Originally, they planned to squeeze the last resources of the Su family. Already at the peak state of the king, a war can be triggered. The Su family will definitely fight desperately for themselves. At that time, I can get more benefits from it.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would come. Although the ancestor of the Su family didn't question Jiang Xiaobai directly, his expression clearly showed that he was thinking about the real Su Wanqing's disappearance and the details of his own arrival.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Jiang Xiaobai is killed, his identity can continue to be maintained, and he can continue to enjoy the resources of the family.

She chuckled lightly: "Jiang Xiaobai, your opponent is me, bullying the weak, embarrassing those low-level fighters, it won't show your strength. It will only ruin your character."

Su Wanqing's tone was very light, but it immediately strengthened the confidence of those around the audience.

"That's right, what's bullying us? We couldn't beat you in the first place, why don't you say a few words?"

"Who knows, you have done everything, and we can't say a word?"

Jiang Xiaobai's gaze suddenly turned to this person, "What do you see me doing?"

"I think you look like my father, what's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaobai: "..."

This man was so confident that Jiang Xiaobai was speechless.

He shook his head, turned around and went back in the air. Sure enough, only practice can witness the truth. The degree of shamelessness of these people is beyond imagination.

"I lost." Jiang Xiaobai sighed softly in his heart. These people made full use of their own advantages, lowered their minds to their level, and then used their best shameless methods to attack themselves. In the field they are good at, I can't beat them.

Jiang Xiaobai remembered that a master said that the research and development of martial arts fighters was the painstaking efforts of many generations. After countless careful calculations and experiments, it finally took shape and was produced.

Some people pointed out that it is too wasteful for the martial arts fighter to use primordial stones as fuel, and they have to burn coal, preferably the coal produced in Yuzhou Province.

If this martial arts fighter expert takes a look at the speaker, then the fighter fighter expert will lose.

Because wise people don't care about Shabi.

It seems that I still need to improve!

"Mr. Su, are you sure you want to participate?" Jiang Xiaobai finally asked.

"Why? Are you afraid now?" Su Yong'an sneered proudly: "My Su family's unique skill, the Nine Transformations of Freezing, Wan Qing has mastered all of them. If you cripple your arm and kneel down and kowtow, I can spare you."

Jiang Xiaobai knew in his heart that until now, he still had to rely on his own strength to fight a big battle, otherwise he would not be convincing.

With a cold shout, vitality burst out of his body in an instant, and he shouted loudly: "If you want to fight, then fight!"

"Grandpa, step back and watch me kill him!" Su Wanqing shouted coquettishly, and everyone in the Su family quickly backed away, moving away from the field, and let their Tianjiao let go of their hands and feet to fight a battle, to promote the prestige of the Su family.

Su Wanqing's hands glowed with water-blue vitality, and as soon as she shook her hands, a few icicles shot towards Jiang Xiaobai at a speed as fast as lightning.

"Have you all seen it? This is the wrist of Tianjiao of my Su family. Once the ice changes, you have to study carefully." Su Yongan taught the descendants of the Su family earnestly. In fact, the key to taking care of the Sun family this time is To make Su Wanqing famous, Jiang Xiaobai has recently become famous in the south of the Yangtze River, and it happens to be a stepping stone. If he is killed, he will be killed. How can the Liu family really care about these many aristocratic families?

Otherwise, behind Jiang Xiaobai, there must be at least one person at the level of the head of the Liu family to follow.Its status is obvious.

In just a few moments, Jiang Xiaobai and Su Wanqing fought more than 30 moves, and Su Wanqing's nine frozen transformations had also been used to the fifth transformation.

In an instant, the surrounding air turned into a cold wind, and countless snowflakes fell in the air. A bird flew past, stuck to a piece of snowflake, but was cut into countless pieces in an instant.

A child of the Su family's eyes lit up, he stood up abruptly, and came to Su Wanqing's side: "Little sister, let me try my hand too."

When Su Wanqing saw that he was the eldest brother of the family, Su Mufeng was already 35 years old, and his cultivation base was not low. He had just entered the king realm, which was definitely not low compared to other warriors, but in a family of aristocratic family, he seemed a bit shabby, probably Seeing the battle, I want to confirm my understanding of martial arts, but I still have time. Now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, brother and sister join forces to fight against Jiang Xiaobai, what's the matter?

Just as Su Wanqing was about to open her mouth, Su Mufeng said, "Little sister, why don't you just step back, you just left the customs, let my brother fight for you this time, you and my brother and sister team up, this is considered bullying, even if you kill him, but But it has fulfilled Jiang Xiaobai's reputation."

"After all, when Jiang Xiaobai first came to Jiangnan, he was only a peak master, and I have just entered the realm of king, but I am a member of a family after all, so just stand aside, little sister, and watch my brother freeze him into an ice sculpture. "


Jiang Xiaobai's figure suddenly disappeared into the air.

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