
Su Mufeng was slightly taken aback, because he was always locked on to Jiang Xiaobai's aura, and suddenly he couldn't catch the opponent's figure. It seems that Jiang Xiaobai was scared away as soon as he appeared on the stage!

He was a little proud just now, when there was a burst of sonic boom in the air, circles of water vapor bloomed out of thin air, and a vague figure passed through his frosty area, it turned out to be Jiang Xiaobai?

He didn't run, why couldn't the air machine be locked?


Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the wreckage of a martial arts fighter from the space token, and immediately smashed it into the frosty area.

The special material of the Martial Arts Fighter is very strong. The frost that hit it splashed around and collapsed continuously. It passed through the area and bombed in front of Su Mufeng, smashing all the ice cones in Su Mufeng's hand immediately.

"Martial Dao Fighter?!" Su Mufeng watched as Jiang Xiaobai rushed towards him with the Martial Dao Fighter in one hand, smashing the ice pick he had condensed, and almost hurt himself.

"You want to freeze me into an ice sculpture?"

Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the martial arts fighter and threw it at Su Mufeng's head.

Huge fighter planes and ferocious strength combined with each other to emit ear-piercing roars.

Su Mufeng's complexion immediately changed, as if I hadn't finished pretending to be aggressive, but you interrupted me, making me lose face in front of my sister and grandpa, I'm so impatient!

With a roar, he changed his hands again and again, trying to condense out an ice spear and stab Jiang Xiaobai to the core, but the huge fighter had already reached the top of his head.

"It's over..." Su Mufeng's eyes flashed with despair.

"Woo!" With a muffled sound, Su Yong'an immediately pulled Su Mufeng to the rear, his attack was a bit reckless.

boom!The huge martial arts fighter exploded at Su Mufeng's original position, and countless metal fragments flew around. Su Yongan protected Su Mufeng, but he couldn't protect the others. Those fighter fragments, like sharp flying swords, fell on the spot. Pierce through two disciples of the Su family at the master level and fall from mid-air.

The spectators below were in a state of chaos, and only two people were injured by the fragments of the fighter plane, but when these people rushed to escape, one was trampled to death, and seven or eight people were injured under the pushing and crowding.

"Damn it..." Someone yelled, and immediately the sword energy pierced through it.

"Jiang Xiaobai! What do you mean!" Su Yongan's face was livid, and he was very worried about the two seriously injured children.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "Why don't you all go up together, I'm really too lazy to care about who joins the battle."

"Back off, all of you!" Su Wanqing shouted coldly.

"Okay, I'll leave this place to you." Su Yongan finally nodded in agreement, Su Mufeng withdrew far away, just a moment ago, he felt desperate, if not for his grandfather, he would have died.The fear in his heart made his face even more ugly.


The moment everyone in the Su family retreated, the vitality on Su Wanqing's hands gradually changed from water blue to dark blue, like a ten thousand year old glacier, cold and solid, and the surrounding air seemed to be frozen.

"Frozen Nine Changes!"

Su Wanqing shouted in her heart, this is her continuous training, pushing the Ninth Transformation to the most powerful state, using it to transform into a beast, behind her, a narwhal emerged from the air , with a loud bang.


Immediately, the huge unicorn on his head bumped towards Jiang Xiaobai with a heavy chill.

"This is the ultimate realm of the Frozen Nine Transformations?" The eyes of everyone in the Su family were full of admiration. Only those warriors who practiced this kind of secret book can understand how difficult it is to cultivate to the extreme.

It is not only the perseverance and hard work required for cultivation, but also a kind of progress on the level of visualization, which is an existence that many people cannot visualize for a long time.

Su Yongan's expression was extremely gratified. I'm afraid Jiang Xiaobai will suffer a serious injury this time, and the reputation of Wanqing's granddaughter will spread throughout the entire Jiangnan land overnight.

Jiang Xiaobai saw the opponent's attack, wrapped in spiritual power, and his expression was serious, but he didn't have the slightest fear. He grabbed the air with his hand and sacrificed the three-thorn sword. A giant thunder beast gradually appeared.


The passionate roar seemed to be the howling that started the war.


At the moment when the three-thorn sword collided with the Frozen Nine Changes, it was like a ruthless collision between a mountain and an iceberg. Countless vitality exploded, and the bright light instantly illuminated the entire sky. The vitality, like two huge mushroom clouds intertwined in one place, buried the figures of the two, and gradually spread out to the surroundings.

The strong confront each other, fighting to the death.

Whether it is Jiang Xiaobai or Su Wanqing, they are both strong. They have their own persistence and beliefs in their respective fields. No one backs down, just like this.


There were sonic booms, resounding through the sky.

On the ground, there was that lowly martial artist who ran back quietly, trying to stimulate Jiang Xiaobai with words to distract him, but he encountered the tumbling debris of vitality.

He was first strangled to powder by the mountain-like fragments of vitality, and the moment it exploded, he was frozen by the icy fragments of vitality.

With a bang, it fell to the ground like a piece of ice sculpture, like an ice scene.

The rest of them backed away in horror, and almost all used their strength to feed, but still a third of them were strangled or froze to death.

Everyone in Zhao Zhenglin was stunned. Fortunately, they were relatively far away. With this kind of influence, how could there be any way to survive?


"It's really terrifying. Among them, no one backs down."

"This kind of martial arts spirit is terrifying, no wonder they can become the best."

On the other side, Su Yongan frowned. Even with his cultivation, he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the explosion. It was really amazing.

In Su Mufeng's heart, he was completely shocked. Seeing this scene, he was really thankful. A battle of this level was no longer something he could participate in.


There were two explosions, and the two figures withdrew from the mushroom cloud-like thick fog respectively.

They stood in the air, looking at each other, their eyes were cold, without any other expression.

In the next instant, the two figures collided again.

"Oh my god!" Someone continued to run wildly, so as not to be affected, and if they touched it, they would die.

"Boom boom boom..."

Among the explosions one after another, Jiang Xiaobai, who was at the beginning of the king class, and Su Wanqing, who was at the middle stage of the king class, seemed to be like comets, dragging a long tail flame.

One is the color of the Five Sacred Mountains, the other is icy cold and dark blue, they are entangled with each other, every time they collide, a mushroom cloud will be knocked out, gradually engulfing the world.

Sun Daqiang was in the sword forest, watching this scene silently, and suddenly felt that his loss was not wronged.

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