Dominate the world

Chapter 670 The strongest player

The sky exploded again and again, the air flow rolled on the ground, there was a heavy rain for a while, and then it turned into a gust of wind. There were countless gullies on the ground, which were constantly shaking, and even landslides, mudslides broke out suddenly, whining.

Su Wanqing never compromised. In order to prove her martial arts skills, she continued to show her strongest skills, almost destroying everything in the mountains below.

Jiang Xiaobai kept going forward.

If he wants to sharpen his martial arts foundation, he can only do it step by step. Otherwise, if he kills Su Wanqing with one blow, no one will accompany him to fight and sharpen his martial arts.

He doesn't care if Su Wanqing is real or not, what if it's true, and what if it's fake?

The Su family blocked the way, if he questioned Su Wanqing and reported that she was a fake, Su Yong'an might take action, get involved, and completely kill Jiang Xiaobai.

Because with Su Wanqing's cultivation base, even if it was fake, Su Yongan would recognize it.

"Are you all these moves?" Jiang Xiaobai snorted lightly: "If you have any means, use them quickly, don't be polite, otherwise, you will have no chance."

Su Wanqing frowned, her face darkened, she is a strong person, she hates this kind of domineering who is as strong as herself, like a domineering president.

"Come on!" Su Wanqing's voice was as cold as her ice pick.

In an instant, the cold wind howled all over Su Wanqing's body, and the cries of narwhals could be heard incessantly. The whole body was already frozen to death, and strangers should not come near it.

"Wow! Su Wanqing is so powerful, I'm afraid this move has reached the peak level of the middle stage of the king!"

"That's right, this breath is really terrifying. Fortunately, she is facing Jiang Xiaobai. If it were me, I wouldn't even have a chance to escape, and I would be frozen into an ice sculpture."

"What an iceberg beauty!"

"No, I can't leave no matter what I say today, I must see the ending!"

There was a discussion among the audience.

Su Yongan frowned slightly, this move did not exist in the Su family's unique technique, how could it be...

Forget it, no matter what, they are all members of the Su family.

Su Mufeng was extremely astonished, just about to speak, when he felt the coldness in his grandfather's eyes, he shivered and dared not speak any more.

"Then I'll do it." Jiang Xiaobai waved the three-thorn sword in his hand, and a forest of swords appeared in front of him.

"Another sword forest?!"

"Damn, no way, how much vitality has been consumed by Jiang Xiaobai, even if he is a human-shaped primordial stone, he will be almost consumed soon, right?"

"This guy's combat endurance is a bit strong."

Everyone couldn't help exclaiming, because in the sky, the ancestor of the Sun family was imprisoned with a forest of swords, and now Jiang Xiaobai created another forest of swords. This method is really too terrifying.

Combat endurance is the foundation of a warrior. Otherwise, no matter how deadly a move is, he must leave the battlefield, otherwise he will only be sent to death.

Jiang Xiaobai's profligacy as if he didn't need money for his vitality really caught the attention of these people.

Everyone is a warrior, why are you so arrogant?

Everyone in the Su family was even more astonished. After all, the ancestor of the Sun family was imprisoned in the sword forest. This kind of sword technique must be extremely powerful, and they all raised their voices to remind them at once.

Su Wanqing turned her head and snorted coldly: "You all think I'm afraid of him?!"

With just one glance, everyone in the Su family felt a chill all over their bodies, rushing straight to their brains, and they were all speechless.

Immediately afterwards, behind Su Wanqing, icebergs appeared one after another, and narwhals jumped out in groups. This sacred place in the south of the Yangtze River seemed to have reached the extreme north in an instant.

"This is Su Wanqing's strongest hand!"

"Unexpectedly, after fighting for so long, she still retains her strength."

"That's right, Jiang Xiaobai's sword forest is really terrifying. The ancestor of the Sun family is the best example. Naturally, we must go all out."

Su Yong'an was horrified. With this strength alone, Su Wanqing was not even defeated by him. When the two sides fought, the outcome was [-]-[-].

Under the surprised gazes of countless people, Su Wanqing slightly raised her slender eyebrows, her eyes were extremely cold, as if this gaze alone was enough to freeze Jiang Xiaobai completely.

Her hands are constantly changing, using secret exercises to drive the glacier, and at the same time, using spiritual power to control those narwhals.

"go to hell!"

Su Wanqing yelled softly, icebergs flew across the sky, and a huge narwhal leaped loudly, charging towards Jiang Xiaobai with infinite killing intent.

However, in the next moment, Su Wanqing's heart trembled suddenly, and Jiang Xiaobai, who was opposite her, was completely different from what she expected, and was still giving birth to Jianlin!

I saw the three-thorn sword in Jiang Xiaobai's hand constantly waving, and the forests of swords formed a picture scroll, as if in the sky, there were endless mountains and forests everywhere.

What's more, Jian Lin appeared behind Su Wanqing, and everyone in the Su family saw it, as if separated by mountains. Even if someone wanted to rescue him, he had to consider his own strength, and the timing was even more elusive.

A giant thunder beast ran wildly and roared in the mountains formed by the forest of swords.

Seeing Su Wanqing shuddering and feeling very bad, at this moment, she heard Jiang Xiaobai's voice.


Jiang Xiaobai let out a loud roar, and countless sword qi shot at Su Wanqing's figure, densely packed like locusts in a catastrophe, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the bursts of roaring brought a kind of despair.

Su Wanqing's expression changed drastically. Even before, she didn't deliberately suppress her realm, and she was tied with Jiang Xiaobai, which made sense, after all, she also secretly retained her strength.

Seeing how easily Jiang Xiaobai conjured up so many sword forests, Su Wanqing was shocked and angry.

This was supposed to be a battle of fame for her. She can enter the eyes of the big families, and the resources will be extremely rich at that time, and even in the shortest time, she can aspire to the imperial rank.

But now...

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slightly, his expression full of disdain: "Is that all you can do? I still think you are so powerful. I have prepared so many sword forests. It seems that you are nothing more than that. You want the realm to suppress me. ?”

"Ah!" Su Wanqing roared indistinctly, controlling the iceberg and the group of narwhals to slam into the sword forest.

On the surface of her body, due to the excessive stimulation of vitality, cracks gradually appeared, like countless baby mouths, and many holes were torn in the clothes.

"Crazy! This is crazy!" Su Yongan was heartbroken. Once he released his vitality in this way, he might hurt the foundation of martial arts. This is not worth the candle!

On the ground, countless people pointed at Jiang Xiaobai angrily: "Shameless, how can this person be so shameless? It's really shameless to taunt my goddess Wanqing at this time!"

"Damn, I wish I could kill him!"

But no matter what happened to these people, Jianlin finally collided with the iceberg.

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