The Sun family's land was built on the mountain, and it was the strongest granite rock, and molten iron was poured into the cracks on it.

The residential area is built like a castle, which is absolutely easy to defend and difficult to attack. Sun Daqiang's self-confidence is not groundless.

But at this time, the spiers of the castle in the Sun family land all collapsed, huge boulders rolled down, and the vitality fortress was completely turned into ruins, as if it had been slapped by a huge palm.

It can be said that there are corpses all over the field, a mess.

Sun Daqiang was completely dumbfounded, he couldn't believe everything in front of him, but Jiang Xiaobai was always by his side, it was impossible to come over by himself, his people never left, and it seemed that there was no one left alive.

"Uh!" Sun Daqiang was so angry that he was shaking in mid-air, but Jiang Xiaobai's sword forest did not relax at all, he was so strong that he did not faint, and his expression became much more sluggish.

Jiang Xiaobai fell into the castle, looking at the mess in front of him, feeling very bad.

"President, judging from the scene and the direction of the death, someone broke through the defense from the southeast corner, then gradually chased and killed them, circled around, and finally left again from the southeast direction." Zhao Zhenglin said.

On this side, Ma Hongwu turned around and came back and said: "From the fragments of the corpse, it is impossible to judge that it is some kind of cheat or unique skill. No one took the initiative to testify, which means that the speed of the other party is extremely fast, the technique is very good, and the cultivation level must be extremely high, at least completely crushing the Sun family."

"Look over there, where the elders and Patriarchs of the Sun family are. They wanted to form a defensive formation, but they were still crushed to pieces, leaving only some stumps and broken flesh."

Jiang Xiaobai was surprised: "Who is here to help? But since it's helping, don't you plan to see my thoughts before making a decision? I'm afraid this may not be helping."

"You may not know that when I was still at Qilu Wuda, someone targeted me, and it was even worse when I came here."

"The Cao family?" Zhao Zhenglin and Ma Hongwu looked at each other. They didn't want the answer to be this. After all, the Cao family is a first-class family. Three emperor-level warriors sit in the town. Although only one ancestor is a middle-level emperor, it is enough. Too many forces have been crushed.

Comparing my own family with the Cao's family, that's called an egg hitting a stone.

"If the Cao family does this, I'm afraid it's really unethical. They will definitely think that the first thing I think of is the Cao family, so I think there should be someone else." The basis of Jiang Xiaobai's analysis , It is from the consideration of human nature that it is impossible for the Cao family to be so hasty.

Because, if it is the Cao family, it is not planting the blame on yourself, but helping.

At this time, several figures came from the sky above the mountains. Their faces were livid and they had different injuries on their bodies, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't recognize them. Could it be that the murderer returned?

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't you recognize me? You definitely don't. I'm one of the people who gathered around the audience just now. My name is Zhang Qiankun." Zhang Qiankun, the leader of the four, shouted loudly.

"Speak directly." Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently.

Zhang Qiankun snorted coldly: "Didn't you promise not to embarrass the Su family anymore? Why were they attacked by unknown people after they rushed back to the Su family, and the whole family was wiped out?"

"You really are a despicable and shameless person!"

"You could kill them just now, but you still let them go, wanting to give them hope, and then kill them on the spot, right?"


"You just..."

Jiang Xiaobai's vitality bloomed, and these people shut up instantly. He looked at Zhang Qiankun and said, "Do you have evidence that I did it?"

Zhang Qiankun was shocked by Jiang Xiaobai's aura and kept taking seven or eight steps backwards before he stabilized his figure. He was a little guilty, and bluffed: "Who else but you?"

Suddenly seeing the situation of Ma's family, he stared at him immediately: "You still say it's not you? You even wiped out the Ma's family, and there are children. You are really cruel and evil. I must report this matter to the Martial Arts Department. Ministry, you must give me an explanation."

Zhao Zhenglin took a step across, and sneered disdainfully: "Zhang Qiankun, who do you think you are? Do you know where the door of the Martial Arts Department opens? One by one, do you believe I will kill you now?"

Zhang Qiankun was even more guilty. He found that although Jiang Xiaobai was powerful, he seldom attacked the weak, and even if he did, he would not kill anyone. However, people like Zhao Zhenglin were different. of.

He quickly took two steps back, consciously feeling a little safer, and said, "Of course you can kill me, but with these facts, you are the biggest suspects. If I don't look for you, who will I look for?"

"You can look for whoever you like, but if you find us, you are wrong. You can ask the ancestor of the Sun family, did we destroy his family?" Ma Hongwu pointed at Sun Daqiang.

Sun Daqiang shook his head slightly, but did not speak.

Everyone in Zhang Qiankun looked at each other, frowning, even the ancestor of the Sun family was sure that it wasn't Jiang Xiaobai who did it, who else could it be?

The Cao family?No, there is no need to say anything else. If they have this idea, they can just kill Jiang Xiaobai. Once the Cao family makes up their minds, even the Liu family may not be able to snatch Jiang Xiaobai back alive from the hands of the Cao family. .

From this point, they analyzed that the Liu family would not do anything, nor would the Cao family.

It's better to let those second- and third-rate families toss with Jiang Xiaobai.

But no matter what, Jiang Xiaobai is the only suspect now.

"Perhaps what you said is reasonable, but what I saw, I still have to tell others." Zhang Qiankun maintained the last bit of stubbornness.

Zhao Zhenglin sneered: "You can talk to whoever you like, but if you don't leave now, I don't want you to go."

Zhang Qiankun and the others turned around and ran, Yu Kongxia was not slow.

Gradually, eyes gradually came from around.

This feeling, even a normal person, will be alert if someone is watching from behind, not to mention Jiang Xiaobai's current five senses.

The number of people kept increasing, and they looked at them very curiously. They gradually emerged and no longer hid themselves. They were all sent by various families to check the situation.

Fights between families are common, but no one would do such a thing as extermination without great resentment.

Jiang Xiaobai dispersed the sword forest that besieged Sun Daqiang. The Sun family was wiped out, but there was one more thing. Since the truth was hidden in the clouds, someone must witness it, so he let Sun Daqiang go.

What's more, there must be someone to collect the corpse, and someone should pass on the unique knowledge of the Sun family. They are all treasures of human warriors and cannot be obliterated like this.

"Old Patriarch of the Sun Family, the sincerity of our president is definitely enough." Zhao Zhenglin said, "Besides, you know that the matter of the Sun Family's extermination has nothing to do with us."

Sun Daqiang nodded, turned around and walked into the ruins, looking around slowly, as if trying to imprint everything in his eyes.

Immediately, he turned into a wild lion and rushed towards Zhao Zhenglin who was talking to him.

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