Dominate the world

Chapter 676 Poor people must have something to hate

The Sun family land was in a mess, corpses were strewn all over the field, no one survived, and death gradually permeated.

Sun Daqiang originally wanted to show off his own defense ability when Jiang Xiaobai attacked the family land, but he never thought that this scene would be waiting for him.

At this moment, even though Jiang Xiaobai had let him go, in Sun Daqiang's heart, the painstaking efforts of several generations were ruined in one go, and he was determined to give up, with no desire to survive at all.

His single arm turned into a sword, and rushed towards Zhao Zhenglin.

The majestic vitality impacted on Lang Chao, his feet stepped on the gravel, and even the stumped limbs and arms of his descendants, he completely ignored it, only wanting to kill Zhao Zhenglin.

Zhao Zhenglin hastily parried, and the whole person who was bombarded by Sun Daqiang's sword raised his head and spurted blood, and flew backwards crazily.

"Kill you!" Sun Daqiang let out a lion's roar, and the air was urged to send out many ripples, which spread out to the surroundings. Those warriors at the master level suddenly felt extremely painful, and they coughed up blood one after another under the resistance of their vitality.

Jiang Xiaobai released his vitality in an instant, and his mighty vitality bloomed with five-colored brilliance, covering those aristocratic families. Even if Sun Daqiang's lion's roar skill was offset, the powerful aura oppressed the old man, and his beard and hair immediately fell back , although the whole person is in a strong state, his figure can no longer move forward.

Jiang Xiaobai said in a cold voice: "Sun Daqiang, we didn't kill your clansmen. You clearly know about this. Why don't you save your strength to avenge your descendants, instead you just rush to kill us?"

Sun Daqiang sneered three times: "Do you think I don't want to take revenge? But in my current state, can I take revenge on the enemies who can completely destroy the Sun family? Now I kill one to earn back, and kill two to earn one." , As for being an enemy or what, I don't care."

A word suddenly popped up in Jiang Xiaobai's mind - revenge on society.

It means that when a certain individual is treated unfairly or suffers, he dare not go to the person who inflicted the treatment and suffering on him, and can only vent his anger in the face of the weak and innocent.

Such people are often very narrow-minded, and if they cannot be controlled in time, the consequences will be very dangerous.

Because they will only send out impotent rage against the weak.

"Then you don't need to live." Jiang Xiaobai's voice was very cold, it was a kind of indifference without any emotion.

Hearing this, Sun Daqiang laughed wildly: "The moment I was imprisoned by your sword forest, I was already prepared to die. Although I, Su Daqiang, have been practicing all my life, I was barely on par with you, the arrogances of heaven, and I was once again beaten by you." If the youngsters are captured alive, how can they have the face to live on?"

Sun Daqiang spoke with confidence, and with a look of madness on his face, he rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.


There were bursts of buzzing in the air, and the sword forest suddenly appeared, and Sun Daqiang's face suddenly showed a look of fear, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, "If you think I am pitiful, then let me kill you, pity me, old man!" !"

Jiang Xiaobai's face was very indifferent, and he pointed the three-thorn sword in the distance, and more than a hundred sword qi from the sword forest bombarded Sun Daqiang instantly.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a series of explosions, Sun Daqiang's figure flew backwards, and his whole body was crippled. He hit the castle wall, and a helpless smile appeared on his gray face: "I am also... desperate, but I am still What can I do? Me too... I can't help it, I..."

Zhao Zhenglin came back staggeringly, jumped up against the sky, and hit Sun Daqiang's disclosure with his palm, smashing his entire head.

"Bah!" Zhao Zhenglin spit out bloody phlegm, "I had some sympathy for what happened to your Sun family, but now, I bah! Old thief, you are really an old thief."

"Good death." Ma Hongwu said viciously: "Thankfully, I just devoted myself to finding some witnesses for him. Even if there is no gain, but there is hard work without credit. This kind of person is simply unreasonable."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slightly: "Forget it, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's evacuate as soon as possible."

"Okay." A group of people had no interest in the belongings in the ruins, so they rose up from the sky and left the place.

Instead, at the edge of the sky, several figures frantically walked through the sky.

The one who took the lead was the elder of the Qian family. He was covered in blood, and with several elders and children, he flew almost desperately towards the Zhaojiazhai. In the end, he still felt that only Zhaojiazhai was the closest to protect the few core disciples, and he wanted to go there to ask for an explanation.

In less than half an hour, the elders of Qian's family appeared in the sky above Zhaojiazhai, and someone was approaching from the sky, who else could it be if it wasn't Jiang Xiaobai and the others?

"Jiang Xiaobai!" The Qian family elder yelled: "You want to build your own power, you don't want my surname Qian to kick me away, it's nothing, I didn't even mention it when I returned to the family, But why did you send people to kill my Qian family? More than 200 people!"

"The patriarch was killed by that person in retreat. Only the patriarch can fight with him. If he dies alone, it may be more or less ominous at this time."

"Jiang Xiaobai, do you want to destroy Jiangnan Province so that you can establish your own power?"

Amidst the questioning, Qian's elders were choked up, and the children behind him started to cry even more. The relatives who were playing together one moment turned into corpses the next. They couldn't accept the fact at all, but the other party was very fierce. They had no choice but to avoid the battle and run for their lives to ensure that the blood of the Qian family would not be destroyed.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai and the Patriarchs of Zhao Zhenglin looked at each other, and the latter's complexion was not good-looking, he pondered seriously, and said: "President, I am afraid that someone is going to use your name to eradicate dissidents in order to Get more resources here."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head when he heard the words, "Aren't there still living people here in the Qian family, just let them identify them."

He walked towards the elder Qian's family head-on, and clasped his fists slightly, "Elder Qian, if I want to kill everyone in the Qian family, I can do it, but I will definitely pay the price of serious injuries, because you will never kill everyone in the Qian family. My strength is not enough to evacuate without injury."

Everyone in the Qian family couldn't help but glanced at each other. Jiang Xiaobai's tone was loud, as if he didn't think much of the Qian family, but he was also humble enough to recognize that his own strength was not strong enough.

"Who knows if you have helpers?" The Qian family kid snorted coldly.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't even look at this person: "Isn't your Patriarch in the end? I'll go back with you to have a look, and the answer will appear."

Everyone in the Qian family glanced at each other, and their faces suddenly showed a look of surprise. They were shocked by the man's ferocious methods just now and turned around to lead the way: "Go. Let's go!"

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