In mid-air, everyone in the Qian family couldn't stop looking at Jiang Xiaobai. This was the first time they saw Jiang Xiaobai, and they saw him at a young age, with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, and a good-looking talent.

"Is he the one who caused so many troubles in Jiangnan recently?"

"He's very handsome. Do you think he will die in Jiangnan?"

"I don't know, my second brother was killed by his sword. It is said that he doesn't even have the ability to resist."

"I can't tell, it's still a cruel character."

"Damn, have you all forgotten how our relatives died?!"

In the front, Jiang Xiaobai asked softly: "Elder Qian, your Qian family suffered a catastrophe. I, Jiang Xiaobai, am not a hard-hearted person, and I feel sorry for you. When something happened, all I thought of was going to Zhaojiazhai to ask me, Jiang Xiaobai, for an explanation?"

A disciple named Qian Xiaohao said: "Then there is no need to ask, our Qian family has been concentrating on development recently, and you, Jiang Xiaobai, are the only one who has made enemies. If you don't want to look for who?"

"That's right, our Qian family has been keeping a low profile recently. We only want to improve the cultivation of many of our children. It's not like you people are plundering and fighting for resources."

Qian Yonghao also nodded slightly when he heard the words: "The children are right."

Jiang Xiaobai said softly: "However, even so, I, Jiang Xiaobai, just beheaded a son of the Qian family. Over the years, the Qian family has formed enemies, whether it is in cultivation or in competition for family resources. Will it be worse than me, Jiang Xiaobai?"

Qian Yonghao thought for a while, then nodded again. Jiang Xiaobai was right about this point. Any family, even a third-rate family, which one is in the promotion stage, does not have blood on its hands, obstructing and trying to compete for position Stepped on the opponent?

No one dared to say that his hands hadn't been stained with other people's blood, whether he went up to the Liu family of the first family, or down to ordinary families with warriors in their homes.

It is impossible for any warrior to grow up with only resources and seclusion. It is a flower in a greenhouse. Even a grandmaster may be easily killed by a fourth or fifth rank warrior.

Then the problem is coming.

Why is Jiang Xiaobai so full of thoughts when something happens in the family?

Qian Yonghao led the crowd to finally arrive at the place where the Patriarch broke off, and found that there was no one there. He hurriedly looked around, and finally found the Patriarch's figure on the edge of a cliff, almost motionless, not even breathing. not come out.

"There!" Qian Yonghao roared, and hurried down Yukong, and found that the Patriarch was in dilapidated condition, missing an arm, and lost a leg. There was a big hole in his chest, and he could even see the viscera inside. squirming.


"Second uncle!"


Everyone in the Qian family was extremely sad and gathered around the head of the Qian family.

"Spread out, don't block the airflow, don't you even have this bit of common sense!"

Jiang Xiaobai's voice was very cold, he pushed the two disciples away, went up to him, and looked at the Patriarch's neck with his fingers, there was only a slight pulse, and he was not dead yet.

"People can't live anymore, but now that they have passed their breath, maybe they can get some valuable news." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Everyone in the Qian family was caught in a decision, because with a little medical treatment, the head of the family would definitely not be able to survive, but he could maintain his life mechanism, but in this unconscious state, he could breathe for a while, maybe 10 minutes, maybe half a day , it is impossible to say.

But at this time, if he passed through the breath and used the method of pushing the palace to pass blood, the Patriarch's participating vitality was instantly aroused, and he might say a word, or he might just die like this.

After some discussion, they finally decided that the only hope for the Qian family to survive is to pass through and find out where the enemy is.

Knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can be invincible in a hundred battles.

Of course Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't do anything, even though his mental strength would buy the Patriarch of the Qian family more time, but if something went wrong, he wouldn't be able to clean it up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Qian Yonghao immediately took action himself. After some operations, the Patriarch of the Qian family finally breathed clearly, and the speed of the exposed viscera suddenly accelerated, and more blood flowed out from it.

The Patriarch of the Qian Family opened his eyes weakly, and saw Qian Yonghao and several core disciples in front of him, with a gratified smile on his face, "You are all still alive, very good, very good..."

He turned his head slowly, saw Jiang Xiaobai, stared suddenly, raised his finger and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai: "You!..."

His body froze suddenly, then immediately relaxed, those internal organs stopped wriggling, and more blood flowed out.

"You still say it's not you!" A child of the Qian family pointed at Jiang Xiaobai with tears in his face and roared.

Ma Hongwu waved his hand and slapped him: "Fuck you, our president came here together, can clones kill people? Then our president is an emperor-level warrior?"

Everyone in the Qian family stopped talking. Many people looked at Jiang Xiaobai viciously, as if they wanted to kill him with their eyes, and they were very contradictory.

Logically speaking, Jiang Xiaobai came back from the opposite direction and came here with his party. Even if he had the motive to commit the crime, he didn't have time. Only by thinking of attack can we barely do this.

But the other party was wrapped tightly, and the vitality used had no symbolic existence. The only clue now was Jiang Xiaobai, whom the Patriarch pointed at before he died.

"No matter what, before my father died, he was very excited when he saw you and pointed at you. This matter has nothing to do with you." Qian Xiaohao wiped his tears, and the snot flowed out of his nose, showing the degree of grief.

Jiang Xiaobai's expression was still indifferent, he would definitely not feel good about being framed, and it would be even worse if he was forcibly tied to a chariot by the Qian family.

The strength of the Qian family is even the weakest of these third-rate families.

However, Jiang Xiaobai had to think that no matter who the other party was, the Sun family, the Su family, plus the Qian family, the time of their destruction was almost the same, and they were totally powerless to fight.

In this case, unless it is an emperor-level powerhouse who instantly kills these people, but judging from the traces left on the scene, it is at least impossible for the other party to be really an emperor-level powerhouse.

Otherwise, it would be much more convenient for an emperor-level powerhouse to come forward and kill him without anyone noticing, right?

And judging from the fact that the other party is more blooming and rampant, it is obviously very tyrannical, and it is only possible to do this because it has a very good understanding of its own conflicting parties, and at the same time has a very good understanding of the situation in the Jiangnan area.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat suddenly: "Not good, the Zhao family!"

Jiang Xiaobai's figure immediately flew towards the Zhao family's peace of mind.

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