Dominate the world

Chapter 678 The Chaos Begins

Jiang Xiaobai's speed was so fast that he disappeared almost in the blink of an eye, leaving only a series of sonic booms rumbling.

In the light of the setting sun, several afterimages slowly dissipated, and the bursting water mist reflected the rainbow.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't try to run if you don't speak clearly." Qian Xiaohao chased after him fiercely, but he, who was already a half-step king, couldn't even smell the sonic boom mist behind Jiang Xiaobai.

Zhao Zhenglin's complexion changed, and he quickly followed without saying much.

Ma Hongwu was also very uncomfortable, and he also had a premonition that since the Su family, the Sun family and the Qian family, and the aristocratic families connected with Jiang Xiaobai had suffered, it must be him and others next.

But who knows for sure which one will be next?

Everyone gathered together, there is still some hope, if they still disperse, they will end up like the Qian family and the Su family.

He quickly contacted the family and found that there was no abnormality. He breathed a sigh of relief and ordered all his strength to prepare for defense and enter a state of first-level combat readiness to avoid being attacked.

Zhao Zhenglin contacted the family, and sure enough lost contact, his complexion changed again, and he burst out with unprecedented strength, surpassing the main force almost instantly, and Qian Xiaohao was also overtaken.

"Accomplice, where are you running!" Qian Xiaohao yelled.

Zhao Zhenglin turned back abruptly, slapped Qian Xiaohao loudly both front and back, and chased after him, only then came a cold voice: "In the eyes of the president, you are completely weak, he doesn't care about you , it doesn’t mean that your Qian family has suffered a disaster, so you can talk nonsense, and then you can talk nonsense, and I will destroy you!”

Qian Xiaohao's face was hot and he didn't speak any more, but his eyes became even more resentful.


Jiang Xiaobai's speed was extremely fast. After half an hour's journey, he rushed back in 15 minutes. Seeing the vitality of the Zhao family flickering and roaring continuously, he immediately accelerated his speed. He saw two figures flying up and down, as if To massacre everyone in the Zhao family, he slashed with two sword qi respectively.


The sound of splitting the sky suddenly emerged, causing those people who were acting recklessly in the Zhao family's land to look at the sky. The expressions of the two who were the first to bear the brunt changed drastically. In front of him, people and warriors combined with each other and charged at the Five Sacred Sword Qi.


The sword energy was still impacting, and the two people were like cotton. They were pierced without any hindrance to the bombardment of the sword energy. Under the high-speed vibration of the sword energy energy, the bodies of the two people turned into countless pieces, Falling down in mid-air.

These people suddenly sensed the deadly threat, and they rose up against the sky one after another, and stood on guard in the direction of the sword qi.

When Jiang Xiaobai looked at the clothes of these people, he knew they were from the Su family, and there was another group of people led by Zhang Qiankun. They acted recklessly in Zhao's house, and nearly half of the servants were killed or injured. From time to time, some women wailed pitifully. outgoing.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure fell into the courtyard like a shooting star, beheaded a child of the Su family with one sword, and then entered the room.

One of Zhang Qiankun's subordinates was pressing Zhang Liwei on the table and tearing Zhang Liwei's clothes. There were slap prints on both sides of her cheeks. Viciously, "Kick me again and kill you, believe it or not?"

Jiang Xiaobai slashed across the man's head with a sword, the fierce look froze on his face, half of his head slanted down and fell into Zhang Liwei's arms, his white brain was still trembling slightly.

"If you're interested, you can make a teacup." Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly, and stretched out a hand towards Zhang Liwei.

Zhang Liwei hesitated for a moment, but still hugged the half of the head, grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's hand with one hand, stood up on the table, did not cry, but the tears flowed down silently, uncontrollably, tidying up the tattered clothes on her body clothing.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and walked out of the room, his figure disappeared in an instant, and a series of sonic booms came from the air, killing all these troublemakers, while the rest of the people rose up in a panic, forming a group in midair.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped into the air alone, with a cold expression on his face.

Everyone in the Su family suddenly shouted: "Jiang Xiaobai, you are very powerful, yes, but our Su family cannot die in vain. Even if you didn't kill them, they have a lot to do with you."

"So, you are here to harm the Zhao family?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"The Zhao family is the same as you, so death is not a pity!" Zhang Qiankun chimed in.

"Yes, that's right. Anyway, so many people died in our Su family, why should we care about other people's lives?"

"You, Jiang Xiaobai, are a shit-stirring stick. If you don't come to Jiangnan, everything will be fine. Once you come, everything will be messed up."

"trouble marker……"

Jiang Xiaobai said: "Zhang Qiankun, you troubled me before, I didn't care about it with you, you know in your heart whether the Su family was killed by me, the Su family is eager to take revenge, I can understand, but you took the opportunity to make trouble, what is the reason? ?”

Zhang Qiankun said proudly: "Since there is already chaos in the south of the Yangtze River, let's make it even more chaotic, isn't it good?"

"As the saying goes, heroes come out of troubled times. I, Zhang Qiankun, was born in a poor family, and I have no chance to obtain more resources. Only when chaos arises can I fish in troubled waters. There is nothing wrong with me doing this, right?"

"Your reason is indeed your own reason."

Before Jiang Xiaobai finished his sentence, his whole body flashed and appeared in front of Zhang Qiankun with a bang. Zhang Qiankun, who was blown by the strong wind, stood unsteadily in mid-air and was on the verge of falling, with the three-thorned sword flat on his head. , immediately knocked him down into the sky and fell into the ground.

With a bang, the earth flew up and the earth trembled.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai rushed into the crowd of the Su family, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, there was no enemy at all, the stumped limbs and broken arms kept falling down in mid-air, and the mournful wailing kept ringing out, like a purgatory on earth .

Just at this time, Zhao Zhenglin rushed over. He saw the dilapidated family land from a long distance away, his heart was filled with anger, and he joined the battle group, and some people took the opportunity to escape.

"Where is the escape!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled, Jiutian Leidong struck out instantly, and the Su family was smashed into the sky in a flash of lightning.

Immediately afterwards, several elders of the Su family who took the lead were all blasted into the ground one by one. Some people wanted to struggle, but found that the meridians all over their bodies were shattered. Under the injury, they were not even as good as an ordinary person. This is only two or three meters away. The deep pit was like a cage.

No one was standing in the air anymore, Jiang Xiaobai's figure fell to the ground, pulling Zhang Qiankun and several elders of the Su family up with his mental strength.

Everyone in Zhang Qiankun trembled, and there was no sign of the previous cruelty at all.

Zhao Hanqing's face was ferocious, and with a flick of his wrist, a dagger-shaped soldier landed in his palm, standing in front of Zhang Qiankun.

"Don't kill me, I have something to say..."

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