A cold shout came from the setting sun, like thunder rolling, mighty and mighty.

Zhang Liang's heart skipped a beat. It didn't feel good to be called. She stood on the deck of the yacht with a suspicious expression, watching the figure that could compete with the setting sun. Look, Zhang Liang is a little dumbfounded,

"Jiang Xiaobai?!"

"My God, the genius who just broke through is Jiang Xiaobai?"

"How is this possible? He Jiang Xiaobai is just a grassroots, why?!"

Zhang Liang was so astonished that she could accept the reality if she was a son of any family, even a third-rate family. For a while, she almost began to doubt life.

Ye Fan also stood up, frowning, his eyes were full of disbelief, mixed with a trace of unwillingness.

At this time, the setting sun was falling down the mountain, and Jiang Xiaobai's figure was like a brilliant sun in mid-air. All the brilliance radiated from him, and the aura that could almost cover everything seemed very arrogant. .

Yes, in Ye Fan's unwillingness, jealousy appeared at the same time.

Ye Fan was born in a famous family, and the entire Huaguo is among the top existences. There are quite few things that can arouse his envy and jealousy.Nothing less than the most natural thing, one is the foundation of a warrior - talent.

Another one, originally Ye Fan liked women very much, but after spending thousands of difficult days and nights in the Yellow River Palace, he was almost immune to this aspect.

Unless, it is the kind that is very clean and very healing.

For example...Liu Douer.

This Jiang Xiaobai, just a grassroots, how could he have such a talent?Got Liu Douer's heart again?

Why are all the good things on his side?

At this time, a figure rose from the sky in Lin'an Town, and flew towards Jiang Xiaobai's figure.

"It's the collateral deacon Zhang Qianlin." Zhang Liang recognized the deacon who was only 30 years old at a glance. His talent was considered high among the collateral, and his cultivation had reached the early stage of the king, and he became one of the main members of the Zhang family. .

Sending Zhang Qianlin out to face Jiang Xiaobai would not be done according to the rules, but deliberately look down on Jiang Xiaobai. After all, the other party's hidden identity is the prospective son-in-law of the Liu family.

But from Zhang Liang's point of view, it's enough to just send a collateral child over there, what else does Jiang Xiaobai dare to do?

How dare he?


In mid-air, Zhang Qianlin looked proud, he represented everyone's demeanor, a real second-rate family, there were only seven in the entire Jiangnan Province, and his gestures and gestures exuded the aura of aristocrats.

"You are Jiang Xiaobai?" Zhang Qianlin raised his head slightly, his nostrils were big and covered with thick hair.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop, passing by Zhang Qianlin and continuing towards Lin'an Town.

Zhang Qianlin: "..."

Just after stabilizing his figure, Zhang Qianlin's position was actually not as random as it appeared on the surface, but after careful calculation, he could intercept Jiang Xiaobai from all directions at the fastest speed.

However, he never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would just pass by him like this, and he would not even have time to react.

"It's the first time for the whole family to come out to do something under the watchful eyes of everyone, and it's just a small matter like blocking a person, so you lose out like this?"

Zhang Qianlin's heart was full of astonishment, and he felt that everyone in the family must be full of disappointed gazes on his back, and even the elders were shaking their heads. Although he didn't see it, it must be like this.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you dare to trick me!" Zhang Qianlin became furious, turned around, and immediately yelled, he felt that he had no face to go back to the clan and face those clansmen.

However, Jiang Xiaobai's figure didn't even intend to stop at all, just like that, flying towards the Yukong of Lin'an Town at a constant speed.

"Stop!" Zhang Qianlin revealed a ferocious expression, and sacrificed a soldier. It was a hammer-shaped weapon with a three-meter-long chain, and at the end was a dart head, like the tail needle of a poisonous scorpion. of light.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's figure go away, he let out a roar, and his vitality was almost pushed to the extreme state, there was an explosion in the air, he grabbed the chain with one hand, and the whole person chased Jiang Xiaobai's back fiercely.

"Kill!" The soldier spun around in Zhang Qianlin's hands a few times, and the watermelon-sized hammer slammed into the back of Jiang Xiaobai's head like a cannonball.

This kind of soldier is extremely lethal in the front. The most difficult thing is that once the opponent blocks, the dart head at the end will wrap around with the huge inertia. Once the opponent is contaminated, there is no need to pierce the opponent. the skin of the opponent, the venom will be sprayed on the opponent's body, and the venom with a strong corrosive effect will burn and penetrate the opponent's vitality until it burns to the opponent's bones.

Every time he attacked, he was caught by surprise. When he was fighting for resources, he even leapfrogged and killed a master who was at the peak of the middle stage of the king.

Seeing Zhang Qianlin's decisive attack, everyone in the Zhang family couldn't help but nodded. At this time, only by killing Jiang Xiaobai quickly can Zhang Qianlin's face be saved.

"Although Zhang Qianlin is only a collateral descendant, his decisiveness is not inferior to that of the old ancestor."

"This Jiang Xiaobai is really arrogant. He even ran to the Zhang family's property indiscriminately, and even uttered wild words, asking my daughter of the Zhang family to go out and die. I don't know what it means."

"I've heard of this Jiang Xiaobai, but when he came to Jiangnan, his cultivation base was no more than the peak of the master. After a battle, he entered the king's realm, but why didn't he hear the news for a day and saw him? How did he break through to the middle stage of the king? And he found the door of the Zhang family in the first place? What kind of intentions does this person have?"

"It doesn't matter what he does so much. Since he dares to come to the door, he should be killed. Anyway, the Liu family is on the side of the Cao family to check and balance."

"After Jiang Xiaobai is killed, whether it is the Cao family or other big families, the resource area will definitely be allocated to us. After our Zhang family, we can hope to be promoted to a first-class family."

"Not to mention, this Jiang Xiaobai is really the lucky star of our Zhang family. Without him, how could so many conditions fall on our Zhang family?"

"Yes, yes, the more I look at him, the more pleasing I am. After he dies, I think we can bury him. When future generations recall the development history of our Zhang family, look back. This person is indispensable to the Zhang family. An important part."

"Look, the meteor hammer is about to hit him..."

The eyes of the crowd quickly focused on Jiang Xiaobai. The meteor hammer, whose head was almost three circles bigger than Jiang Xiaobai's head, was about to hit the back of Jiang Xiaobai's head when it was suddenly struck by an invisible big hand. In general, the shuttle flew backwards with a whoosh, which was actually faster than when it was thrown from Zhang Qianlin's hand.

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