Dominate the world

Chapter 682 Three Hammers Killed

Zhang Qianlin was chasing fiercely, he secretly calculated that even if the Meteor Hammer couldn't kill Jiang Xiaobai in an instant, it would still stop him.

However, Zhang Qianlin didn't take into account that Jiang Xiaobai didn't make any extra moves, so he counterattacked the meteor hammer very quickly.

However, this is nothing, after all, it is a soldier, and it can be controlled with the mind, so what if it is fast?

An extremely confident sneer appeared on Zhang Qianlin's face, and with a change of finger in his hand, the meteor hammer bombarded his face without slowing down at all.

With a bang, Zhang Qianlin's head was inlaid with a gigantic hammer head, which looked extremely large. His hands were still subconsciously switching commands, but his whole body could no longer continue to control the air and fell down.


Everyone in the Zhang family jumped back suddenly, very shocked. They clearly saw Zhang Qianlin's command change and tried to control the meteor hammer, but why didn't it have any effect?

What happened?

I'm afraid even Zhang Qianlin himself doesn't understand.

But there were still a few elders who saw the way. The moment Zhang Qianlin controlled the soldier, an invisible spiritual force surrounded the meteor hammer, making it impossible for Zhang Qianlin's mind to connect with the soldier.


Zhang Liang's bare feet stepped on the deck fiercely. Fortunately, this yacht was built by a martial arts mechanism, otherwise there would be a hole in her foot.

"Damn Jiang Xiaobai, dare to take the lives of our Zhang family to show off?! It's absolutely disgusting!"

Zhang Liang's attention was entirely on Jiang Xiaobai's limelight, and he didn't feel much about Zhang Qianlin's death. The collateral branch, since it obtained the resources of the main family, did everything it could to do its duty.

"Hmph." Ye Fan snorted softly, and shook his head, "It's just a small skill, if Jiang Xiaobai puts all his heart into it, he is destined to not go far along the way of martial arts."

But immediately, his complexion sank. The resources in his family can be mobilized at will. Even in the Yellow River Palace in the embarrassing memory, there are a lot of resources, but now Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation has surpassed own.

Just now I was still mocking...

He laughed at himself, "This Jiang Xiaobai is really surprising."

Zhang Liang pursed her lips, and the unbearable past at Qilu's side emerged in her mind, and she also fell silent, resting her chin on her hands, with a cute appearance, very deceiving, if she can dress decently if.

On the side of the gate of the Zhang family, a prostitute who is about the same age as Jiang Xiaobai rises up from Yu Kong. He looks a little younger than Jiang Xiaobai, but his cultivation is actually the peak of the terrifying double king, and he is very imposing. , as if the true pride of heaven, Yukong proudly greeted Jiang Xiaobai.

"Little brother?" Zhang Liang frowned. That was her own younger brother. He was very talented, but he didn't go out much. He just focused on cultivating in the family without much experience.

At the same time, the two elders stood up from the sky and protected the younger brother, which made Zhang Liang feel at ease. No matter how high the younger brother Zhang Chen's cultivation base is, he might not be the opponent of Jiang Xiaobai, because that guy It grew up from the grassroots, and its experience can be written into a book, which is very rich.

"Are you Jiang Xiaobai?" Zhang Chen looked at Jiang Xiaobai curiously, "I've heard of you a long time ago, but this is the first time I've seen a real person. Is Liu Douer really your girlfriend?"

Jiang Xiaobai stopped his figure, looked at the curious Zhang Chen, and felt that although the other party was about the same age as him, he looked like a child, so he said, "That's right."

Zhang Chen gave a thumbs up: "Then you are really good. Jiang Xiaobai has so many family members who failed to catch Liu Dou'er's eyes. I think you must be very special."

"It's really unusual at first sight. He's handsome and powerful. He must be the dream of many girls. But it's a pity that you are going to die, because you broke into our Zhang family's land, killed Zhang Qianlin, and also killed my sister. , I can’t let you go no matter what.”

"It's just that I'm a little curious. My sister Zhang Liang is equivalent to helping you eradicate dissidents. Why do you want to kill her?"

"If I hadn't discovered it early, I'm afraid I'm already the public enemy of many families in the south of the Yangtze River. Is this helping me?" Only then did Jiang Xiaobai know that this guy was Zhang Liang's younger brother, and said: "This is Zhang Liang's brother. My personal grievances with Zhang Liang, it is understandable for the Zhang family to block, after all, you are a family."

"If you want to kill her, I have to kill you. There is no reason." Zhang Chen nodded: "Two elders, please back off, I'm going to kill someone."

"Zhang Chen, according to your father's order, you are not allowed to participate in the battle." The two elders hurriedly dissuaded them, "Leave the battle to us, and you can just watch the battle from the sidelines."

"That's right, Zhang Chen, we are now in the sky above the clan land, and all your actions are in the eyes of the Patriarch. Do you want to make the Patriarch unhappy?"

But at this moment, the two elders burst out with aura, and the body-protecting vitality instantly enveloped all three of them, and then they trembled.


A meteor hammer crashed and flew out. If the reaction was a little slower, someone would definitely be hit.

An elder suddenly turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai. While keeping his composure on his face, he made a sneak attack and died in battle against Zhang Qianlin's soldier. It was extremely shameless.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you really don't have the slightest demeanor of aristocratic family, you are simply hopeless."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly: "I'm just a grassroots person. You're all there discussing how to deal with me, and I'm not allowed to take the lead? But this Zhang family elder, your vitality defense ability is very strong, which is very rare. , the direction of your cultivation is not just defensive, right?"

The elder's name was Zhang Daocheng, his complexion changed slightly, but his heart skipped a beat. Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to reveal his own reality all of a sudden.

That's right, he once obtained some relics of the ancient mythical beast Xuanwu. Although there were only a few words, after comprehension, the strength of his vitality was astonishing, so he followed Zhang Chen this time, since the purpose was to protect Zhang Chen. Chen's thoroughness.

"Jiang Xiaobai, since you are sincerely looking for death, if our Zhang family does not fulfill you, we will be ashamed of your sincerity." Zhang Daocheng stretched out his right hand, and a shield appeared in his palm, and he threw it towards Jiang Xiaobai. , I saw the shield rising against the wind, and he kept waving his hands, changing his commands, and the shield immediately turned into a ten-meter radius, spinning continuously.

He turned around and said, "Zhang Chen, if you want to fight, you have to use my Huntian Shield, otherwise I can't promise you."

"Okay." Zhang Chen readily agreed, his figure fluttered from behind the Huntian Shield, and he sacrificed a soldier in his hand. It was a simple bronze sword with a majestic and complicated cloud pattern on it, revealing a sense of mystery. charm.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I only use one sword."

Zhang Chen said proudly.

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