Many people were stunned.

Almost the entire Jiangnan Province fell silent in an instant.

The vision of heaven and earth caused by Jiang Xiaobai's breakthrough, coupled with setting foot on the Zhang family's Lin'an Town, beheading the main members of the collateral lineage, defeated the Zhang family's son Zhang Chen with a single sword.


Too domineering!

Among the various aristocratic families in Jiangnan Province, many people were short of breath and felt a strong shock; some were so angry that they broke their teacups and shattered everything around them; Zhao Zhenglin and Ma Hongwu.They never expected that Jiang Xiaobai would win so easily, and was able to withdraw completely. It seems that the Patriarch of the Zhang family is indeed like everyone else.

All of a sudden, countless radio signals were intertwined in the sky above Jiangnan Province, desperately communicating and confirming, and at the same time, the signals had to spread out of Jiangnan Province.

"Jiang Xiaobai has only been in Jiangnan Province for more than a month, and he has broken the blockade of many aristocratic families. Don't tell me, a grassroots can do this!"

"I really can't imagine that the third-rate family can't do anything against Jiang Xiaobai, and even the second-rate family's son is defeated. Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai is really going to grow up completely?"

"I heard that Zhang Jing from the Zhang family caused the trouble. No matter what, someone will clean it up. After all, she is the daughter of a second-rate family."

"Who knows, anyway, Jiangnan is full of smog. I feel that Jiangnan Province may be about to change."

"Have you heard of the Jiangnan League? Now Jiang Xiaobai is the president, and the three third-rate families have publicly expressed their attachment to him."

"But it's just jumping around at this level. Once the first-class family gets serious, will Jiang Xiaobai have a way out?"

"I really feel sad for those third-rate families. After being proud for so long, they were defeated in this way. Could it be that their management and cultivation all these years have been cultivated on dogs?"

"Apologize to the dog..."

Almost all of Jiangnan Province was in chaos, and conflicts of opinions continued to occur among various families, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

The rise of Jiang Xiaobai represents the emergence of a new force. The balance that Jiangnan Province has maintained for many years is very likely to be broken because of this, and the impact is by no means ordinary.


Many people were excited because of Jiang Xiaobai's return, and even many parents secretly took their children to the place where Jiang Xiaobai broke through before, hoping that the children could feel a little bit of mystery.

"The president has returned completely, and it should be clear!" Zhao Zhenglin laughed heartily, very carefree. As for what happened during the day, there is sadness, but it can't occupy the dominant emotion.

In the current world environment, strength is the most important thing. If you lose, you have to think about the reasons for your failure. Blindly mourning will only make you fall into a more passive situation.

The world of warriors is absolutely beyond the reach of human thinking.

But Jiang Xiaobai still has regrets in his heart. Judging from the reactions of everyone in the Zhang family, it seems that his visit is very hasty. It seems that there is nothing against him beforehand. Everything is a routine method, so he is vaguely aware of it. , Zhang Liang is not fighting alone, at least not the Zhang family.

He rejected Zhang Chen's appointment to fight, the purpose was to inspire the real instigator behind it to come out to fight with him, but he didn't want to fail.

Probably, the identity of that person is something that the Zhang family is also afraid of.

Regarding Zhao Zhenglin's proposal, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slightly: "The whole Zhao family will move out of this place tonight. I will prepare for the battle here. I can't think of a better place than here."


Everyone in the Zhao family was stunned, "Since the president has returned safely, the Zhang family will never take action secretly again, otherwise how can they be worthy of the name of the Zhang family?"

"That's right, President, I think you're really thinking too much."

"If you want me to say, let's live as we want, so that many aristocratic families in Jiangnan Province can understand that the president is invincible."

"President, you are too careful. Since we are tied together, we should share weal and woe. We will never compromise in the face of a strong opponent."

Everyone in the Zhao family spoke one after another.For the current situation, they were powerless to make any other plans. They could only follow Jiang Xiaobai all the way to the dark, otherwise the Zhao family would definitely not be able to bear the name of a slave with three surnames.

Jiang Xiaobai looked around at everyone, and then said: "I definitely don't want to abandon you. If the Zhang family attacks, it will only send out the most elite fighters. The current losses of the Zhao family are already enough. If there is any loss, I feel My thinking was all wrong."

Everyone in the Zhao family glanced at each other, but in the end they all shook their heads. Zhao Zhenglin said: "President, the Zhao family can't stand the torment anymore. If the president feels something, you might as well discuss it together. It is true that the family does not have powerful warriors, but they have done some research on some formations."

"If that's the case, let's discuss it." Jiang Xiaobai could no longer refuse the Zhao family's kindness. Sometimes, facing a crisis in a state of being unable to distinguish reality may be the best choice, and this is also the choice of the Zhao family.


On the deck of the yacht on the lake, Ye Fan looked at the night sky. He felt a lot about Jiang Xiaobai's arrival, but Zhang Daoling's words were more harsh to him than Jiang Xiaobai's victory.

Because Zhang Daoling knew about his existence and all the details.

He suddenly laughed: "I, Ye Fan, when did I get so reduced that I was scolded by the head of a second-rate family?"

Zhang Liang's soft body was next to Ye Fan's, and her plump upper body kept rubbing Ye Fan's arm, "My dad is just worried, there is absolutely no other meaning, otherwise he wouldn't kill me?"

"You don't know him yet, but when you do, you will know that everything he does is for us."

"After all, our strength is still a bit weak. It's human nature to avoid fighting. The old man didn't blame us. He just felt that it was a mistake for us aristocratic families to be stepped on the door by a grassroots clamor. face."

"You know, even if any elder-level person goes to fight Jiang Xiaobai, it shows that Jiang Xiaobai has already won without a fight."

Why didn't Ye Fan feel this way?

It's just that the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Jiang Xiaobai's expression when he left Lin'an Town was a strong mockery.

If you don't think about it, it's over, but when you think about it, it's out of control.


Ye Fan stood up abruptly, and Zhang Liang, who was attached to him like a caterpillar, was instantly shaken away, with a stunned expression: "You, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Fan snorted coldly, "Jiang Xiaobai is not dead, and my thoughts will be difficult to understand for the rest of my life. Zhang Liang, if you want to help me, you should quickly use your Zhang family's connections. I just want to know Where is Jiang Xiaobai!"

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