Dominate the world

Chapter 687 Night Attack

Ye Fan was driving a chariot. In order to hide his figure, he even gave up flying in the air, just to approach it quietly.

As expected, Zhang Liang's contacts were very strong. In less than 10 minutes, it was confirmed that Jiang Xiaobai was in Zhaojiazhai and did not leave.

He didn't go there alone, he also hired a follower, each of them was driving a chariot, although they had been modified according to their own hobbies, but the power would only become stronger and stronger than the chariot that just left the factory.

In the world of warriors, personal bravery still dominates, but no matter whether it is a chariot or a fighter plane, they are all built through the mechanism of martial arts. There is no such thing as unaffordable in the world.

When they were ten kilometers away from Zhaojiazhai, Ye Fan ordered that all the tanks adopt silent mode. Although the speed dropped suddenly, they were silently moving towards Zhaojiazhai.

At a distance of one kilometer, all the chariots stopped. Ye Fan gathered his breath and told his subordinates: "Although your chariots cannot be assembled, each one has its own attack characteristics. Come forward and touch Jiang Xiaobai by surprise, if you want to get a commission, don't hit me."

"As for where to attack, it depends on my instructions."

"Come on." These subordinates didn't know Ye Fan's real identity, anyway, they were recommended by Zhang Liang, the daughter of the Zhang family's prostitute, so they would never lose their commission.

They looked at Ye Fan's thin body and moved forward. They were very cautious, and couldn't help but smile at each other. Mr. Zhang's family is too cautious. After leaving Zhaojiazhai, there is no need to be so cautious, right?

Just a third-rate family.

They were all natives of Jiangnan. In fact, they knew the news that Jiang Xiaobai had approached the Zhang family immediately, and they all secretly concluded that if the Zhang family did not act, it would be hell.

Of these aristocratic families, although the patriarchs all have a certain elegance, which aristocratic family did not come from countless battles?

I've never heard that if you are elegant enough and a gentleman enough, you will be given a family name for nothing.

Therefore, at the first moment, these subordinates knew what they were going to do.

They quickly made preparations and quickly adjusted their attack mode. Although everyone received an advance payment of ten primordial stones, how could it be possible to fill them in at once? In the previous budget, each of their vitality Cannons only need one primeval stone, and it is estimated that each chariot will flatten Zhaojiazhai after five cannons.

The rest is earned, and the commission is of course paid separately. After all, the consumption of the chariot back and forth and the wear and tear of the accessories all cost money.

So they were very careful, and they didn't want to waste any primordial stones, which are rare and good things.

Ye Fan's figure, in the night, is like a ghost, his breath is almost gone, and in other people's five senses, he is like a floating leaf, slowly approaching Zhaojiazhai.

Finally arrived near the gate of Zhaojiazhai, Ye Fan looked inside, there was a sound of laughter, the other party was actually drinking and celebrating.

"It's really a group of clueless bandits." Ye Fan sneered sinisterly, and he quietly made a command, and a small Yuan balloon condensed in his hand, flying towards Zhao's village like a firefly .

"Here we come!" The ten subordinates immediately adjusted their coordinates, and then one after another Yuan Balloons appeared, five in total. They all knew that this meant five consecutive shots, so they entered all the coordinates.


The ten chariots fired the vitality cannons together, and the mighty sound shook the sky, as if ten warriors in the early stage of the king were firing their own vitality. An arc, falling towards Zhaojiazhai.

"Boom boom boom!"

Although Ye Fan had played the most coordinates of the vitality bullet before, he was still adjusting the coordinates, trying to completely cover Zhaojiazhai.

Without the vitality cannon guided by the air machine, it can only be adjusted and corrected in this way.

The beams of light from the vitality cannons flew up into the sky almost in an instant, and with the momentum of destroying everything, they criss-crossed in the air and evenly distributed in the air, covering Zhaojiazhai in an instant. Fall one by one.

"Boom boom boom..."

Bursts of vitality brilliance, almost in the blink of an eye, covered all the main locations of Zhaojiazhai, and bursting brilliance one after another, almost completely annihilated Zhaojiazhai.

"Yo hoo!"

"nailed it!"

All the subordinates cheered, the landing point of the vitality cannon was perfect, although there would definitely be some fish that slipped through the net, it didn't matter anymore.With the mentality of celebrating the victory and getting the commission, they rushed forward.

Ye Fan's eyes were almost completely covered by the torrent produced by the explosion of the vitality bomb, and a sinister sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "This is called attacking the unprepared and being caught by surprise..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that there were bursts of vitality fluctuations above the landing point of the vitality cannon. The fluctuations were not resisting the vitality cannon, but desperately absorbing the huge energy of the bursting sound of vitality.


Ye Fan muttered softly, and his figure suddenly flew backwards, but there were many vitality brilliance around him, one figure after another suddenly flashed out, each vitality brilliance turned out to be the strength of the mid-king class .

No need to ask, he knew that he had fallen into a trap, and those followers who drove the chariot to collect the commission immediately turned the steering wheel, and the huge and heavy chariot threw a beautiful tail-swinging drift, crushing The mud kept splashing out, and the trees fell to the ground one after another, so they didn't care, they slammed on the accelerator and walked away.

Ye Fan was also extremely dumbfounded watching those subordinates leave in a swift and elegant manner. These people's desire to survive is very strong, and they obviously only want to make some pretty money, but don't want to work hard.

"Hahaha, it really did appear. It seems that the president guessed well."

"This guy, who looks like a dog, actually played around in the middle of the night. If he hadn't listened to the president, he would have been prepared, I'm afraid he really suffered a dark loss."

"Just looking at this guy's appearance, you can tell that he is very bad, brothers, don't talk nonsense, take him down first."

Ye Fan looked at these guys, but he didn't see Jiang Xiaobai's figure, so he couldn't help but secretly became alert. Jiang Xiaobai must be there, but he didn't know where it was. Behind the scenes, give yourself a moment.

He smiled proudly: "It's good that you guys are prepared. I expected it too, so this is why I found out the truth. Since everyone wants to do something, I, Ye Fan, have nothing to say, but I'm afraid you have to know my identity first!"

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