Dominate the world

Chapter 689 Blocking

The slightly surprised expression on Ma Hongwu's face was the biggest mockery of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan couldn't see that expression at all, his eyes were flushed with anger, and the vitality that bloomed all over his body seemed to fade in an instant like the vitality of Zhao Zhenglin's body.

This is the advantage of a high-ranking family, an innate advantage that cannot be matched.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhao Zhenglin finally understood that the resources possessed by the real big boss, whether it was cultivation techniques or spiritual materials, he couldn't catch up even if he set his butt on fire.

Ye Fan raised his hand, and the spinning battle ax seemed to be cut into the sticky butter. The speed dropped sharply, more than ten times slower. Ye Fan swung his fist and hit the battle ax hard. Punch down.


With the sound of gold and iron shattering, the king-level soldiers were instantly reduced to dozens of pieces and flew out.

"Pfft!" Ma Hongwu immediately spat out a mouthful of blood as if he had been hit hard, and his complexion was a little pale. Unexpectedly, the gap between the two sides was so large.

"Based on this, you want to touch me, Ye Fan?"

Ye Fan completely ignored that Ma Hongwu's cultivation level was a little higher than his, and blatantly smashed the opponent's soldiers with a punch, wounding Ma Hongwu, with a look of arrogance on his face.

"Yeah!" Zhang Liang waved her fist excitedly.

Ma Hongwu looked at each other and shook his head involuntarily: "It seems that the president still has the foresight. Under the fist, we are definitely not opponents."

"Then I won't try it." Zhao Zhenglin grinned and waved his hand down.

As if the curtain had been lifted, more than a dozen chariots and six or seven large-caliber vitality cannons appeared in the Zhao family's field, with huge and dark barrels, facing Ye Fan's direction, constantly correcting their orientation.


Ye Fan frowned suddenly, these things are not a joke, even if it is a golden iron mountain range, it can blast a big hole.

"Don't you even have the courage to fight?" Ye Fan looked completely fearless. He sacrificed his soldiers, but it was a nine-ringed broadsword with a very wild shape. The end of the knife handle was shaped like a tiger's head, which looked very fierce.


While the chariot was trembling, a beam of light surged out from the barrel.

Ye Fan pointed to the nine-ringed broadsword, and raised his hand to strike. The vitality cannon that was bundled into the thickness of a fist was suddenly picked up by him, brushed past him, flew to the distance, and slammed into the dirt bag. The bag immediately turned into crumbs and flew out.

"Then it depends on whether you have enough primeval stone reserves." Ye Fan smiled proudly.


In the sky above the Ultimate Road Mountain Range between Lin'an Town of Zhang Family and Zhao Family Village, two figures were facing each other.

One of them was a burly middle-aged man, the Zhang family advocated Dao Ling, and the one standing opposite him was naturally Jiang Xiaobai.

"Are you waiting for me?" Zhang Daoling frowned secretly.This Jiang Xiaobai actually predicted that he would come, and waited here in advance?

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "Master Zhang, our grievances have been written off before. If you intervene in the matter between me and Ye Fan, I am afraid it will be detrimental to the Zhang family."

Hearing this, Zhang Daoling smiled: "There are not many people who threaten me, and you are one of them."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed softly and said, "It doesn't matter whether there is a threat or not. I just put the situation in front of Master Zhang. If you have a reason to go, I won't stop it, and I can't stop it."

Zhang Daoling said: "Jiang Xiaobai, I would like to advise you, sometimes, just bow your head, and the matter will be over. Between warriors, strength is the most important thing. When you become stronger in the future, fight back and let the other party bow their heads."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and smiled, "Patriarch Zhang, I, Jiang Xiaobai, am just a grassroots, but everything is done carefully, so as not to offend, try not to offend, but there are many times, you can't get over by bowing your head. If you turn your head, it will arouse the other party's disgust even more, and he will bully you to death."

Zhang Daoling nodded slightly. He knew that Jiang Xiaobai was telling the truth. Some things could be passed in front of some people even if they were serious.

Zhang Daoling knew Ye Fan's character well. He didn't expect his daughter to hang out with Ye Fan. He thought it was a good thing. If you give him a meal, he will feel that you are looking down on him.

Especially in the recent period, with some Ye Fan's help, his daughter has changed completely, she is very perverse, and he dare not listen to the rumors outside.

"Forget it." Zhang Daoling sighed softly: "If the matter is irreversible, I still advise you, stay a line in life, so that we can meet later."

"Thank you, Patriarch Zhang, for making it happen." Jiang Xiaobai cupped his fists and said, but didn't listen to the second half of his sentence.

Regardless of Ye Fan's life or death at this time, Jiang Xiaobai has already formed a bond with the Ye family. In this Jiangnan Province, it is not a ring, just the winner.

Zhang Daoling vaguely saw martial arts fighter planes flying by in the sky in the distance, so he stopped talking, nodded, turned around and flew towards the Zhang family. Those fighter planes had the logo of the Ye family on them. It is a force not to be underestimated.

Anyway, I have done my best, so let them resolve the battle between Ye Fan and Jiang Xiaobai by themselves.

Zhang Daoling turned around casually, and left in the air.

Jiang Xiaobai's expression remained unchanged. If he couldn't stop Zhang Daoling, he could only surround Wei to save Zhao and attack Zhang's family.

However, Jiang Xiaobai's impression of any stranger will not change in any way. Here, it's all about the check and balance of interests.

He turned back and headed towards Zhaojiazhai Yukong. On the ground, more than a dozen chariots followed Jiang Xiaobai's figure and marched together. These are all necessary preparations. Even if they don't pose a fatal threat to Zhang Daoling, they should be hindered. It is always possible, but even if it is Zhang Daoling's imperial class, it will definitely not feel good to be shot.


In the sky, the sound of martial arts fighters began to come out. They were three first-generation fighters, the armed forces of the Ye family's side equipment, and the huge fuselage seemed clumsy, but Jiang Xiaobai, who had the same fighter, knew it. No matter how clumsy it is, a fighter plane is equal to the attack power of a battle group of tanks.

In an instant, dozens of vitality cannon brilliance in the sky were released from the martial arts fighter. Amid the continuous bursting sound, the enchantment of the Zhao family trembled, and cracks appeared in an instant.

The large array has already been damaged beyond repair.

Jiang Xiaobai sacrificed that second-rate family member to support Su Wanqing's new generation of fighter planes, and then rose from the ground and flew towards those Ye family fighter planes.

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Xiaobai's martial arts fighter began to show off its power.

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