Dominate the world

Chapter 690 Fighter Plane War


A thick golden beam of vitality from the Ye family's fighter plane blasted down towards the Zhao family.

The pilot's eyes showed a look of pride, no matter how strong the barrier of his Zhao family land is, as long as he does this again, it is guaranteed to shatter the barrier in an instant, and the people inside will not die if they receive such a strong tremor. It will also hit hard.

It's too late, it's too soon.

A brighter vitality brilliance instantly impacted this golden light, and in the burst of dazzling light, this golden light was directly shattered and flew away to the surroundings.

The radiant light continued to fly and hit the Ye family's fighter plane, causing the fighter plane to shake violently immediately, several cracks appeared on it, and some parts scattered out.

The Ye family pilot trembled all over, tried hard to maintain the balance of the fighter, and climbed up vigorously. He saw those parts, which were all old injuries in the past. Although they have been repaired, they are always much worse than the original factory.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have saved that money..." The Ye family pilot was extremely annoyed. He circled in the air and saw the latest generation of fighter jets that were bigger, stronger and more gorgeous, and looked like alien products. He couldn't help feeling envious. At the same time a little hopeless.

After receiving Ye Fan's order, they immediately calculated the other party's financial and material resources. They were nothing more than a few third-rate families. They had some chariots, but none at all. It's not that they couldn't afford it, but they couldn't afford it. Can't fly.

Therefore, from the point of view of the Jiangnan Ye family branch, even if there are more rats together, they are still rats and cannot become bats.

But this is also a fighter plane flying in. My vitality cannon can't hit the opponent at all, and the injuries caused are negligible. Before the ants kill the elephant, I can't bear it!

"It's not fair!" The pilot roared through the vitality speaker: "You third-rate families, aren't you afraid that the Ye family will send out countless fighter planes to tear you all to pieces?"

"Fuck you!" Ma Hongwu yelled: "This Ye Fan brought ten chariots and three of your fighter planes to sneak attack on us. Is it fair? Don't run away, let me give you a shot!"

Ma Hongwu personally controlled the vitality cannon, and locked onto the injured fighter plane with his Qi machine.


A ray of white light passed through the night sky, hit the fighter plane, and passed through instantly. The fighter plane seemed to let out a whine, glide and fall to the sky, and as for the pilot, there was no more sound.

Boom boom boom!

Zhang Liang commanded ten chariots and bombarded the Zhao family's land, because the opponent's chariots and vitality cannons had fortresses, which were strong enough to withstand the bombardment of the chariot guns, unless they were shot accurately and followed the gap on the opponent's barrels It's very unlikely to get in, so it's better to bombard the clan's land and make their rear chaos.

Under the trembling, after three rounds of bombardment, the enchantment of the Zhao family land, even Jiang Xiaobai used the Tai Chi disc to modify the enchantment, could not withstand such bombardment, and finally shattered. Most of them hid in the bunkers of secret rooms, and those with combat effectiveness rushed to the chariots and forts.

"Damn!" Seeing that the barrier was broken, Ma Hongwu finally found the chariot hidden in the dark, and Zhang Liang was frowning and threatening life and death.

"It's up to you." Ma Hongwu hastily directed the people to turn the muzzle of the cannon, and at the same time ordered: "You continue to bombard Ye Fan for me, don't worry about the sky, leave it to the president."


A golden light impacted in front of Ma Hongwu, the dazzling light, the huge impact energy, even if he is the king, he can feel the powerful power, he looked up to the sky, and saw Jiang Xiaobai's huge fighter, facing Ye The remaining fighters of the family are like an eagle catching two birds, and the opponent does not have much room to resist.

But it was precisely because of this that the two fighter planes formed and bombarded the chariot and the fort respectively. He had already set his sights on Zhang Liang. As long as she was killed, those chariots would lose their backbone. Yes, it will definitely trigger a chain effect.

He gritted his teeth, tried his best to move the huge vitality cannon, poked the muzzle out of the female wall, aimed at Zhang Liang, and pressed the firing switch violently, the vitality cannon sat back with a bang, and the cold iron chain fixed on the ground was instantly shattered. Stretched, strong recoil, you can see the power of the vitality cannon.


The next moment, Zhang Liang was in command, and the chariot beside her trembled, a circular beam of light penetrated the main body of the chariot, and the cannons of the chariot were blown out, sparks flickered from many accessories inside, and gradually burned , the flames hit head-on, but it was the vitality accumulated in the chariot that was ignited.

"Ah!" Zhang Liang only had time to let out a hasty scream, and her whole body was thrown away by the collapsing chariot. That frail body, like a moth pounced on a light in mid-air, burned up and fell to the ground. It was already motionless, and a burnt smell rose up.

"Pretty girl?" Ye Fan frowned, his whole figure flashed, he avoided the bombardment of a vitality cannon, and stood among the chariots. Zhaojiazhai bombarded, and they all understood that today either you die or I die.

"Boom!" A chariot from the Zhao family village was thrown out, turned over and smashed into the Zhao family's field, collapsing a wall.

"Go and have a look, the others will stabilize the formation!" Zhao Zhenglin roared: "We have the initiative now, why don't we dare to fight with the opponent? If they want to escape, we will chase after them, and we must fight for the dead. Brother revenge!"

Ma Hongwu looked at the time and frowned slightly. He totally agreed with Zhao Zhenglin's idea, but why did the reinforcements not arrive at his own side?

The same is true for the Patriarch of the Li family. No matter how poor his family is, he still has three main battle tanks. That is not good-looking and majestic. Logically speaking, even in crawling mode, he should crawl over, right?

Jiang Xiaobai could see clearly from the air that there was vitality and brilliance flashing in both directions of Ma's house and Li's house. It was not because Ye Fan was blocking reinforcements.

Who would that be?

Jiang Xiaobai had no intention of thinking about that. His target was only one fighter plane. After seeing the opponent's trajectory, he suddenly launched the fighter plane and hit it with a bang. At the same time, a rotating drill under the belly of the plane stretched out , got into the Ye family's fighter plane, and then poured gasified fuel into it, and the fighter plane suddenly emitted bursts of flames and flickered.


The fighter plane exploded immediately, and immediately began to disintegrate and disintegrate. The red ball suddenly rolled, and Jiang Xiaobai had already climbed up in the fighter plane, flying towards the vitality brilliance in the distance.

"Good job!" Zhao Zhenglin cheered, and couldn't help but calculate in his mind. Even if the Zhao family suffered a huge loss, the wreckage of the three fighter planes alone is enough for these families to make up for it. It is definitely a huge sum of money.

Ye Fan frowned as Jiang Xiaobai's martial arts fighter crashed away, the feeling of being slighted made him very unhappy.

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