Dominate the world

Chapter 703 Top 2 Kings List

Jiangnan Province, Cao's house in Sucheng.

As an old family in Jiangnan Province, the Cao family has been glorious for many generations. They are different from the emerging families like the Liu family. They have the inheritance of the family and the cultural heritage for thousands of years. , obtained great benefits.

It is precisely because of this that the Cao family has established itself as the top class in Jiangnan Province.

Not only these, it is said that the ancestor of the Cao family is a great writer, the one who once wrote the Dream of the Red Chamber.

For a long time, members of the Cao family have regarded themselves as such, and have been respected by other families in Jiangnan Province.

The Cao family's four emperor-level powerhouses are all mid-level or even late-level powerhouses, so their strength naturally needs no words.

The word Cao family alone is enough to shock them.

Cao Ying is the young master of the Cao family, not the son of Cao Wenlong, the patriarch of the Cao family, but the son of Cao Wenlong's younger brother, Cao Wenguang.

Calculated in this way, Cao Ying, the head of the Cao family, Cao Wenlong, would still call him uncle.

On this day, Cao Wenlong looked at the letter from the capital with a slightly sullen expression on his face.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Cao Ying's father, Cao Wenguang, was a middle-aged man with delicate features, who looked like a scholar.

"A letter from the Ye family in the capital, asking us to help deal with Jiang Xiaobai." Cao Wenlong handed the letter to Cao Wenguang and said calmly.


Ye family?

The Ye family actually wanted them to deal with Jiang Xiaobai?

"We have no conflict of interest with Jiang Xiaobai, why did we let us deal with him?" Cao Wenguang asked puzzled, "And what does our Cao family have to do with the Ye family?"

The Cao family is the leading big family in Jiangnan Province, so there is no need to obey the orders of the Ye family. Now that the Ye family, Ye Yuhu, came to revise the book, he even asked them to do things in an orderly tone, which would naturally make the Cao family unhappy.

"Ye Yuhu knew about the conflict between Cao Ying and Jiang Xiaobai, so he let us take action." Cao Wenlong analyzed calmly, "Not only that, the Ye family promised this time that if we help get rid of Jiang Xiaobai, he will provide Give us 5000 yuan stones and a relic technique."

5000 yuan stone?

A relic technique?

After Cao Wenguang heard it, he couldn't help being taken aback, his eyes released a hot light.

Just 5000 yuan stones is enough to shock them, and now there is a relic technique, this is a good deal!

"This is full of sincerity." Cao Wenguang nodded in satisfaction.

"Sincerity is enough, but it doesn't conform to our plan at all. We have already supported Liu Qian to deal with the Liu family. If we take action against Jiang Xiaobai now, it will be tantamount to going to war with the Liu family." Cao Wenlong thought for a while and said coldly.

"Isn't that just right? The rise of the Liu family has caught us off guard. There can only be one super family in Jiangnan Province, and that is our Cao family. The Liu family can only be our vassal." Cao Wenguang continued, "We happened to take advantage of This opportunity will wipe out the Liu family."

"Our Cao family and the Liu family will have a battle sooner or later!"

The families in the south are different from the families in the north. The super families in the north, like the Li family in the Central Plains, have been inherited for hundreds of years. Even if their strength is not obvious, no one will deal with them.

But the south is different. Families in the south have insufficient foundation and unstable foundation.

Therefore, the families in the south were repeatedly destroyed too quickly, and the changes were beyond imagination.

"But now the Ministry of Martial Arts of Huaguo has issued an order to prohibit family battles. Now that monsters and beasts are the enemy, there are even rumors that there will be sea monsters invading. At that time, the whole world may suffer disaster." Cao Wenlong expressed his worries. Speak up.

If it was a peaceful age, Cao Wenlong would naturally not be concerned about many other things.

It is different now, human beings are threatened by monsters, and the Liu family is not a small family, and Jiang Xiaobai is not an ordinary warrior.

Dean of Qilu Martial Arts University College.

The hottest young Tianjiao in Huaguo.

Around the age of 20 is already the realm of the middle stage of the king.

This series of halos added to him made Jiang Xiaobai extraordinary.

Ordinary people would definitely think that Jiang Xiaobai came from a humble background, and there was nothing to be afraid of them, but what they didn't expect was that Jiang Xiaobai made everyone fearful of him with his own strength.

"Then what should we do? This is 5000 yuan stones and a skill found in the ruins." Cao Wenguang anxiously walked back and forth on the ground.

Yuan stone?

Relic techniques.

These are priceless treasures for any family.

When the vitality recovered, many people found exercises from the ancient monuments, and it was because of this that they rose up.

Later, monsters gradually occupied the ancient sites in Huaguo. If human beings want to find exercises again, they can only obtain them through continuous sacrifices.

For example, the ancient Yellow River road that Jiang Xiaobai entered before was to obtain the soul power in the Yellow River Palace.

The casualties are huge, and it is not necessarily a success. This is obviously a trade that is not worth the candle.

Therefore, the relic exercises are very precious now, and some of them have already been sold for sky-high prices.

"Brother, now Ying'er is already ranked in the top [-] on the Kings List, and ranked first on the Young Kings List, so it's easy to deal with Jiang Xiaobai." Cao Wenguang was quick-witted, "It just so happens that Cao Ying was married to Liu Douer once. It is agreed that if Yinger is allowed to go, there should be no problem."

"Cao Ying?" Cao Wenlong smiled gratifiedly when he heard the name.

The younger generation of the Cao family, Cao Ying's strength should not be underestimated.

The top [-] in the king list, and the first in the youth king list.

This has fully demonstrated Cao Ying's strength.

The king list is a list made by the Ministry of Martial Arts, which collects the king-level powerhouses of the younger generation in Huaguo, and the youth king list is a list customized by the people. King-level powerhouses under the age of 25 .

But the list of kings is not all accurate, because there are many strong people who are not interested in participating. They spend their whole lives pursuing the peak of martial arts, but they don't care much about these false names.

Not only is there a list of kings in China, there are similar lists in the whole world.

The list in the whole world is even bigger, also known as the list of glory of the king.

He is not divided according to the realm, but relies on the glory battle power to rank the king list.

There is only one person in the top ten list of the king's glory list in the whole world.

Bai Yu, ranked tenth on the Glory of Kings list.

Compared with Bai Yu, Cao Ying is naturally far behind, but compared with the fledgling Jiang Xiaobai, it is like a world of difference.

"Brother, don't worry, don't you know your elder nephew's strength?" Cao Wenguang knew that his elder brother was worried about Cao Ying's strength, so he said in relief, "Our Cao family's once-in-a-century genius, against Jiang Xiaobai, naturally It’s within reach.”

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