Dominate the world

Chapter 704 Jiangnan genius, Cao Ying leaves customs

Under Cao Wenguang's strong request, Cao Wenlong finally agreed.

Soon he replied to Ye Yuhu, expressing that they were willing to give it a try.

And Ye Yuhu of the Ye family didn't procrastinate at all, and directly transported the 5000 yuan stone over. As for the relic skills, after seeing the news that Jiang Xiaobai was beheaded, he would pay separately.

Three days later, brothers Cao Wenguang and Cao Wenlong stood in front of the secret room of the Cao family, waiting quietly.

They are waiting for someone, the future arrogance of the Cao family.

Cao Ying!

Cao Ying has shown a strong martial arts talent since he was a child. He stepped into the realm of warriors at the age of eight, became a ninth-rank warrior at the age of 16, and became a king at the age of 19. He is now a warrior in the middle stage of the king.

I thought that Cao Ying's talent was excellent and unmatched by anyone, but the appearance of Jiang Xiaobai made him feel the crisis.

So after Jiang Xiaobai came to the south of the Yangtze River, Cao Ying entered the retreat, and was about to break through the shackles of the middle stage of the king and enter the realm of the late king.

Once Cao Ying enters the late king stage, he will definitely enter the top fifteen in the king list.

Before the age of 30, he is expected to become the No. [-] Tianjiao in the list of kings.

Not only in the eyes of brothers Cao Wenguang and Cao Wenlong, but also in the eyes of all the Cao family, Cao Ying is the hope of the Cao family in the future.

The growth of the Cao family will inevitably lead to the rise of the Cao Ying, leading the Cao family, together with Jiangnan, and unifying the entire southern martial arts world.

"Wen Guang! You have a good son." Cao Wenlong said with emotion.

"Brother, this is also your child." Cao Wenguang was slightly moved. "If Cao Shu hadn't tried his best to protect Cao Ying, Cao Ying would never have achieved what he is today. If Shu'er was still there, he would definitely not be weaker than Cao Ying."

"Things are over, now I only hope that Cao Ying can complete my Cao family's great cause. Lead my Cao family to dominate the south."

"En." Cao Wenguang hummed lightly.


In the secret room, there was a sudden earth-shattering sound, followed by streams of intense vitality descending from the sky, forming powerful beams of light and falling into the secret room.

Dao Dao Yuan Qi surged out like waves, and the whole ground erupted with a humming sound.


When Cao Wenguang saw this posture, his eyes lit up, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Brother! Ying'er has been promoted!" Cao Wenguang turned around and grabbed Cao Wenlong tightly, his expression excited.

Before entering the customs, Cao Ying was already in the middle stage of the king, and if he breaks through again now, he must have reached the late stage of the king.

The late king in his 20s can be promoted to the peak of the king when he is 30 years old.

If the opportunity is sufficient, one can ascend to the emperor level before the age of 50.

This speed is really terrifying.

You must know that most of the known emperor-level powerhouses are over a hundred years old.

There is no emperor-level powerhouse before the age of a hundred. If Cao Ying can be promoted to the emperor, his status will definitely be greatly improved, and the Cao family will also rise with the tide.

Cao Wenguang soon fantasized about how far the Cao Ying can grow in the future, and what will their Cao family be like at that time?

Admired by all, worshiped by all.

Not only the entire Jiangnan province, but even the entire south, needs to look up to the Cao family.

"I've been promoted!" Cao Wenlong clenched his fists tightly, staring at the secret room in front of him, his eyes flashing.

Cao Ying has finally been promoted.

This is the hope of their Cao family. The Cao family will grow and rise, and everything will be on Cao Ying.

For the entire younger generation of the Cao family, the Cao Ying is powerful and unmatched.


The door of the cultivation secret room was suddenly blasted open, and a Wujin iron door flew out backwards, fell heavily on the ground, and a deep hole was smashed into the hard ground.

I saw a young man with delicate features coming out slowly. This young man was imposing, and his sword-shaped eyebrows made him a little more aggressive.

As soon as the young man came out, his aura suddenly burst out.

After Cao Wenguang felt the momentum, his body tightened, and the vitality in his body was released immediately.

Cao Wenguang's cultivation is only at the realm of a master, and he can't stand the aura of a king at all.

"Cao Ying!"

Cao Wenlong raised his head with a faint smile on his face.

"Uncle, father." The young man lost his momentum and said proudly when he came to Cao Wenlong and Cao Wenguang.

"Ying'er, have you really been promoted to the late king stage?" Cao Wenguang asked happily.

"Of course." Cao Ying replied proudly, "I'm already a late king, where is Jiang Xiaobai?"

Jiang Xiaobai?

Jiang Xiaobai was the first person Cao Ying asked after leaving the customs.

Although retreating, Cao Ying has been paying attention to Jiang Xiaobai's every move.

Cao Ying used to be very proud, not only in the entire Jiangnan Province, but even in the entire south, no one could get into Cao Ying's eyes.

However, Cao Ying fell in love with this little loli the first time he saw Liu Douer.

Later, he used Cao's family to get close to Liu Dou'er, but he didn't expect Liu Dou'er to ignore him at all, and finally entered Qilu Wuda to avoid himself.

Even if Liu Douer entered Qilu Wuda, he was under the close surveillance of Cao Ying.

Until Jiang Xiaobai appeared.

At the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai was just an ordinary warrior, and Cao Ying didn't take it seriously, but as time went by, the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Douer became closer and closer, and Jiang Xiaobai's strength also increased. The rapid improvement made Cao Ying's heart turbulent.

I tried to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai, but I didn't expect that the people around me were all trash, and they couldn't hurt Jiang Xiaobai.

After Jiang Xiaobai came to Jiangnan Province, Cao Ying's vassals took the initiative to fight, but unexpectedly failed.

Not only did Jiang Xiaobai not be killed, but Jiang Xiaobai's prestige was enhanced.

Now that Cao Ying has left the customs and has been promoted to the realm of the late king, he naturally wants to compete with Jiang Xiaobai.

Said it was a competition, but it was just to humiliate Jiang Xiaobai.

He wanted to humiliate Jiang Xiaobai severely in front of Liu Douer, and let Liu Douer know who was the strongest arrogance.

"Jiang Xiaobai is still at Liu's house," Cao Wenlong said.

"Okay!" After Cao Ying heard it, his body rose into the air and disappeared into the sky.

Is this gone?

Cao Wenguang didn't react for a while.

Cao Ying had just left the customs, he just asked Jiang Xiaobai, and then rushed out, looking quite eager.

"Brother, Yinger won't be in any danger!"

Cao Wenguang asked worriedly.

"Wen Guang, Cao Ying is already in the late stage of the king, how can Jiang Xiaobai be his opponent?" Cao Wenlong comforted, "As for the Liu family's imperial powerhouse, don't worry at all, they won't treat Cao Cao at all. Let's do it."

"First, Cao Ying is a genius of my Cao family, and second, he is an emperor-level warrior. If you attack a king-level warrior, you can only fight openly unless you have a deadly enmity. Otherwise, you will be punished by the entire Martial Arts Department." Hunt down."

"Like the Ye family, Ye Fan was beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai. They could have directly let the emperor-level powerhouse deal with Jiang Xiaobai, but did they do that? No, they asked us to deal with Jiang Xiaobai. "

"This is a regulation signed by the Ministry of Martial Arts and all the families. No one or any family can exceed it."

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