Dominate the world

Chapter 707 Fighting, Tit for Tat

"So what about being promoted to the middle stage of the king? In my eyes, it's just becoming a stronger ant."

Cao Ying glanced at it lightly, very disdainful.

If he hadn't been promoted to the late stage of the king, Jiang Xiaobai would not have the confidence to crush him.

But now his strength is enough to make it difficult to find an opponent.

Unless he is a strong man at the peak of the king, he will not pose a threat to him. Even a warrior in the late king stage will not be able to gain benefits from Cao Ying. If it is an ordinary late king level, he is likely to be directly crushed by Cao Ying.

Therefore, in Cao Ying's eyes, Jiang Xiaobai was pitifully weak. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't cheated his woman this time, he wouldn't have regarded her as his opponent at all.

"I thought you would hide in Liu's house, but I didn't expect you to come out by yourself." Cao Ying stared at Jiang Xiaobai with contempt in his eyes.

"Why are you hiding in Liu's house?" Jiang Xiaobai calmly looked at Cao Ying in front of him.

The late king, and not just an ordinary late king, is the pride of the Cao family, the hope of the future rise of the entire Cao family.

If you knock this person to the ground, you should get more magic weapons.

Since the battle with Ye Fan, Jiang Xiaobai clearly felt that although his own strength is strong, these powerful family disciples have many magic weapons and emerge in endlessly. It's also quite a headache.

To be promoted to the realm of kings, warriors are very important for a warrior.

There is a powerful soldier or magic weapon that can increase the strength of the warrior too much, and even leapfrog the battle.

At the beginning, Ye Fan relied on a white bead to make him helpless. If it wasn't for Wang Lin's help, he would have to spend a lot of energy to deal with Ye Fan.

However, the Taiji Yuanpan cannot provide him with a magic weapon. If not, Jiang Xiaobai's strength will be even stronger.

The reason why he stood up this time was entirely because Cao Ying aroused his desire to fight.

He doesn't have any background to rely on, and can only rely on his own strength to go step by step and achieve the road of martial arts.

Facing a strong enemy, Jiang Xiaobai would not choose to retreat, but instead went forward bravely.

With a pair of fists, fight out your own world.

"Very well, I'm quite surprised that an ant can have such momentum." Cao Ying had a faint smile on his face, looking at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, as if looking at an insignificant person. Small people in general.

"Ants?" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly, "You see others as ants, but why don't you be regarded as an ant by others?"

"Presumptuous!" Cao Ying was ridiculed like this, and immediately angrily reprimanded him.

Immediately, Cao Ying's aura spread out again, and he rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.


The surrounding disciples of the Liu family got up from the ground one after another and kept retreating.

The strength of the king in the later stage, they had already fought against Cao Ying just now, and they thought they were not his opponents. Now that Cao Ying's aura is revealed again, how can they not have any worries.

"Be careful, Xiaobai!" Liu Rufeng reminded immediately.

"Momentum?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, Taiyue Zhenjie in his body began to work slowly, and strong vitality surrounded him.


Cao Ying's momentum collided with Jiang Xiaobai's vitality, and a roar erupted.

Immediately, cracks appeared on the ground, like swords passing through, revealing deep ravines.

"Broken!" Cao Ying said the word lightly, and the situation around him suddenly changed.

A powerful divine sense burst out, approaching Jiang Xiaobai.

Cao Ying in the later stage of the king, the divine sense can hurt people, especially for the warriors of the king state, the physical body has already condensed the golden body state, and the strength is supernatural. Unless there are super strong soldiers, it is impossible to deal with him.

To deal with Jiang Xiaobai this time, Cao Ying directly cast his divine sense and shot at Jiang Xiaobai completely.

If an ordinary king-level warrior was hit by Cao Ying's attack, he would have collapsed mentally and died in an instant.

But Cao Ying is facing Jiang Xiaobai this time, and it is bound to make Cao Ying miscalculate.

"Spiritual attack? It seems that you have advanced to the late stage of the king, and there are still some things." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Cao Ying seriously.

Cao Ying's divine sense has been slowly condensing, and has a certain lethality. Ordinary king-level kings, or even late-stage king-level powerhouses, may not be able to resist his attack.

"You still know the attack of divine sense? But can you resist it?" Cao Ying looked at Jiang Xiaobai with jealousy and conceit, and said, "You are like an ant in my eyes, you can be destroyed by hand."

"Hehe." Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly.

This Cao Ying is really a person who lives in himself.

Is it just a mere spiritual attack?

Can this stop Jiang Xiaobai?


"Spiritual thoughts?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and said seriously, "It happens that I can also attack with spiritual thoughts, come on?"

"You will too?" Cao Ying dismissed it when he heard it, "How can you have the method of cultivating spiritual thoughts? What you're talking about is just spiritual power!"

"That's right, bumpkins like you don't even know what the method of cultivating spiritual thoughts is."

While Cao Ying was speaking, his divine sense had already come to Jiang Xiaobai's surroundings.

Dao Dao's spiritual thoughts are like filaments, they look extremely weak, but they look very terrifying.

Spiritual will is the spiritual power condensed by the warrior himself. The stronger the spiritual will, the more terrifying the warrior's cultivation.

"Being able to let you feel what is called a divine sense attack before you die is also a good thing for your cultivation." Cao Ying's expression changed as he spoke, and the divine sense suddenly fell, and several divine senses blasted towards him. Jiang Xiaobai.

"Little Bai!" Seeing this situation, Liu Rufeng couldn't help exclaiming.

Cao Ying's divine sense is not much weaker than his own. Can Jiang Xiaobai resist it?

"Good time." Jiang Xiaobai took his time, and a breath flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness, directly meeting Cao Ying's divine sense.

When Jiang Xiaobai was a master, he had already cultivated his mental power to control objects. Later, Liu Zongyuan taught him the idea of ​​thunder and thunder, and constantly tempered his mental power.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual power has condensed the divine sense, even if he uses the divine sense to attack, Jiang Xiaobai is no problem at all.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai not only has the idea of ​​thunder, but also Tai Chi Yuanpan is constantly tempering his mental power to make his mental power stronger.

Except for Jiang Xiaobai's opponents, no one would know how terrifying his divine sense is.

Cao Ying, who was in the later stage of the king, thought that his spiritual sense was strong, but he didn't know that in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, he was just a younger brother.


Jiang Xiaobai's divine sense and Cao Ying's divine sense bombarded together, and a muffled sound erupted in the air.

This was a tyrannical impact, without any fancy moves at all, it was just a simple confrontation of spiritual thoughts.

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