Dominate the world

Chapter 708 Cao Ying's Anger

Although the divine sense was only aimed at two people, the surrounding warriors were also affected one after another, and some warriors with relatively low strength hugged their heads and howled.

The aftermath of the divine sense after the collision affected the surrounding warriors.

Most of the warriors around are warriors who have not yet started cultivating their divine sense. Under such an impact, they are naturally powerless to fight back.

"Retreat!" Liu Rufeng decisively ordered them to retreat after seeing the family's disciples suffer such a severe blow.

If they didn't retreat, Jiang Xiaobai and Cao Ying hadn't decided the winner yet, and the disciples of the family would suffer first.

For them, this is not worth the candle.

"Dou'er, Jiang Xiaobai has cultivated mental power?" Liu Rufeng came to Liu Dou'er and asked in confusion.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Xiaobai would suffer, but now it seems that Jiang Xiaobai's mental strength is not weaker than Cao Ying.

Cao Ying is an arrogance. He used the resources of the Cao family to practice. As early as in the Cao family, he had the skills of cultivating spiritual power and divine sense. It is normal for Cao Ying to have such a strong spiritual power, but what about Jiang Xiaobai?

How could he have such a tyrannical divine sense?

"Yeah!" Liu Dou'er nodded naively, "He started to practice very early, and then his great-grandfather gave him the idea of ​​Thunderstorm."

Practiced very early?

Still have the idea of ​​​​Thunder View?

After hearing this, Liu Rufeng was greatly surprised.

He knew the idea of ​​Lei Tingguan, this is the Liu family's untold secret, did not expect the grand elder Liu Zongyuan to pass it on to Jiang Xiaobai?

What's even more amazing is that Jiang Xiaobai managed to practice successfully.

Even within the Liu family, there are not many people who can cultivate the concept of thunder.

But Jiang Xiaobai has only used it for a long time, and he has cultivated the concept of thunder to a great extent.

If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't cultivated the concept of thunder, Jiang Xiaobai's divine sense would not be so powerful. Just from the strength of Jiang Xiaobai's divine sense, it can be seen that Jiang Xiaobai has cultivated the concept of thunder to the level of Xiaocheng up.

"This guy's talent is even more terrifying than imagined." Liu Rufeng looked at Jiang Xiaobai and sighed.

There is really no one in ten thousand who can possess such talent.

I thought Cao Ying's talent was scary enough, but I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai's talent to be even more unacceptable.

"Jiang Xiaobai is very powerful." Liu Douer raised his head and said heavily, "He is the most talented warrior I have ever seen, and he will definitely become the master of the world in the future."

Lord of the world?

Liu Rufeng looked at Liu Dou'er in shock, and couldn't help but become curious.

"What is the Lord of the World?"

"That is the supreme being who controls the world." Liu Dou'er's eyes became confused, her voice was ethereal and indifferent, "It is not an existence that you mortals can touch."

"What are you talking about?" Liu Rufeng looked at his daughter suspiciously. For a moment just now, he felt that Liu Douer seemed to be a different person, strange and cold, like an exile.

However, that kind of aloofness is not the kind of Cao Ying, but the nobleness from the inside, which cannot be offended.

Is this still your own daughter?

"Ah?" Liu Dou'er recovered from the confusion, looked at Liu Rufeng who was full of doubts, "Dad, why are you looking at me like this?"

"What did you just say about the master of the world, what is the master of control? What is this?" Liu Rufeng asked subconsciously.

"Did I say that?" Liu Dou'er patted her head, "Why don't I remember?"

"..." Liu Rufeng felt helpless in an instant, and didn't ask any further questions.


Jiang Xiaobai's figure burst out suddenly, rushing towards Cao Ying in an instant.

The Silver Snake Sword Qi and the Three-thorn Excalibur coiled around him and blasted towards Cao Ying together.

"It's just ants." Although Jiang Xiaobai escaped Cao Ying's mental attack, he still didn't take it seriously.

Resisting the divine thoughts is not because Jiang Xiaobai's divine thoughts are strong enough, but because Jiang Xiaobai has a magic weapon that can suppress the divine thoughts.

As the future son-in-law of the Liu family, how could Jiang Xiaobai not give him a magic weapon?

So, when he saw Jiang Xiaobai come back, Cao Ying suddenly showed a pair of bright gloves.


Cao Ying punched out, and there were bursts of explosions in the air, and Cao Ying's fist flew across like a shooting star.

"It's so strong." Jiang Xiaobai felt the strong wind blowing towards his face, so he didn't dare to be careless, and the three-thorned sword suddenly blasted out.


The three-stabbed Excalibur met Cao Ying's iron fist, and a powerful explosion sounded again.


The powerful three-thorned sword was instantly sent flying by Cao Ying's iron fist, flew upside down in the air, and finally buried in the ground.

"Although your soldiers are good, they are nothing but rubbish under my pair of scarlet flame gloves." Cao Ying looked at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted loudly.

"Red flame glove?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at the glove in Cao Ying's hand seriously. As he waved it, red flames erupted from his fist.

This is not an ordinary flame, it is extremely lethal, even warriors in the realm of masters will be burnt to powder under this flame.

However, it is unknown whether there is any threat to warriors in the golden body realm.

"This is the treasure that my Cao family got from the ruins. It's powerful. It's a pity that it will be used in the hands of a small person like you." Cao Ying stroked the glove, and couldn't help shaking his head, "What a waste!"

"Cao Ying, what's the use of beeping like this?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but said, "Could it be that the Cao family's genius is just a man who talks about it?"

Jiang Xiaobai deliberately angered Cao Ying. Cao Ying was different from his previous opponents, stronger and more difficult.

If you rely on your own means to deal with Cao Ying, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult, so you can only use some small means to disrupt Cao Ying's mind first.

Sure enough, after hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Cao Ying's face showed anger.

"Although you are the pride of the Cao family, you regard me as an ant." Jiang Xiaobai continued, "But in fact? It is because you are afraid of my rise that you want to deal with me by any means!"

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, although I came from a humble background, didn't you also rise from the humble beginnings of Han Gaozu Liu Bang?"

"As for your Cao family, it's just that you are the pride of heaven. When I kill you, what else can your Cao family be proud of?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are looking for death." Cao Ying narrowed his eyes and stared at Jiang Xiaobai. "I wanted you to live a little longer, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary."


Cao Ying clenched his fists tightly and blasted towards Jiang Xiaobai again.

At this moment, Cao Ying was completely enraged, and desperately wanted to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai, an insignificant ant, has already aroused his anger.

He is just a grassroots person, what right does he have to be so arrogant in front of him?

That being the case, then I will kill you directly and let you experience what is called Tianjiao's strength.

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