Dominate the world

Chapter 709 Counterattack, Jiang Xiaobai Rise



Several consecutive roars completely exploded in the Liu family compound.

Fortunately, the Liu Family Courtyard was blessed with formations, otherwise the battle of two people alone would be enough to blow the entire compound into ruins.

Even if the battle of the king is enough to shake the mountains, every punch and kick has terrifying strength.

Jiang Xiaobai and Cao Ying fought dozens of times, and instantly felt his strong pressure.

In the late stage of the king, and it was a strong late stage of the king, Jiang Xiaobai felt the pressure he had never felt before.

The vitality of the other party is extremely pure, and the breath of every gesture is like a rainbow, and it bombards away.

Even Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to take it hard, after all, the opponent's cultivation base is extremely advanced.It was not like the opponents he had encountered before, who could easily crush them.

Facing Cao Ying's violent attack, Jiang Xiaobai also began to show signs of decline.

Jiang Xiaobai just entered the middle stage of the king not long ago, and he was completely lower than Cao Ying. Moreover, Cao Ying came from a famous family, and he was extremely powerful in terms of vitality and skills.

Every attack is full of huge power, and there is no flaw at all.

Not only that, his physical body is even more tyrannical, and he can be said to be the best in the golden body realm.


Just as Jiang Xiaobai was dodging, Cao Ying's attack suddenly landed on him, blowing Jiang Xiaobai away with great force.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai fell to the ground and took a few steps back before stabilizing his body.

"So strong!" Jiang Xiaobai looked down, and Cao Ying's glove left a black mark on his chest just now.

If it wasn't for his condensed golden body, his chest would have been pierced directly by the blow just now.

"Very good, I took 65 shots, but I was hit only once, it seems that you have some skills." Cao Ying showed a faint smile, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and mocked, "However, next time you will not Such good luck."

"Next, I will fight seriously, and your legend will end here."

"After this battle, Jiang Xiaobai will no longer be a proud man in the world. From today on, you have become history."

After finishing speaking, red flames flashed out of Cao Ying's fists, and they blasted towards Jiang Xiaobai again.

The crimson flames spread, and soon rendered Cao Ying's whole body into a crimson color. Cao Ying passed through the sky, and the surrounding breath seemed to be evaporated in an instant, and a red afterimage flashed away.

The next moment, Cao Ying appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and punched Jiang Xiaobai's head with his red fist.


The fist blasted out, and there was a crisp explosion in the air.

You can even hear the sound of sizzling from around, and the flames burn the air, enveloping Jiang Xiaobai completely.

"Go to hell!" Cao Ying shouted coldly.

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled coldly, and waved his hands to block himself.


The scarlet flame fist hit Jiang Xiaobai's arms, and immediately a stream of flames splashed out, and streams of fire fell all around.

After Jiang Xiaobai's body was attacked, he couldn't help but his legs sank, and his feet were not on the ground.

"Resist my red flame glove with your body? Jiang Xiaobai, are you kidding me?" Seeing this, Cao Ying smiled mockingly, "Although you are in the realm of a king and have refined your golden body, it is not perfect. With a golden body, it is still a bit unrealistic to resist my scarlet flame glove."


Cao Ying's fist hit Jiang Xiaobai's arms again, making deafening explosions.


"Why is Jiang Xiaobai always being beaten passively? He is also a warrior in the middle stage of the king. Is it possible that the gap is so big?"

"It's not that Jiang Xiaobai is too weak, it's that Cao Ying is too strong. I have never seen such a powerful warrior."

The surrounding disciples of the Liu family were horrified when they saw it.

When Jiang Xiaobai appeared, they thought they could win back a victory, but they didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be suppressed by the opponent.

Cao Ying's strength has already surpassed the comprehension range of their younger generation. How can there be such an existence?

It wasn't until now that they realized why Cao Ying was called Tianjiao by others.

The so-called Tianjiao means being invincible at the same level and fighting across levels.

"Jiang Xiaobai, is that all you can do?" Cao Ying bombarded Jiang Xiaobai with punches, not only that, he was still mocking. "Aren't you the pride of heaven in everyone's eyes?"

"As the pride of heaven, is this the only strength?"

Under Cao Ying's attack, Jiang Xiaobai retreated again and again, and deep footprints appeared on the ground.

Every footprint is half a foot deep, and every foot is very solid.

Jiang Xiaobai's face also became very serious. Every attack by Cao Ying was noticed by him, especially the Chiyan Gauntlet.

Indeed, Cao Ying's glove is extremely powerful, and it is very affordable. Even if Jiang Xiaobai uses the refined body of the five elements, the condensed golden body is more powerful than other people, and it is precisely because of this that he can It will allow him to withstand Cao Ying's attack.

Even though Cao Ying used the Red Flame Gauntlet to take advantage of the scene, he couldn't kill Jiang Xiaobai in one blow.

After a long time, Cao Ying's complexion also changed suddenly, and the vitality in his body turned wildly.

With every bombardment, brilliant brilliance bloomed in the air.

"Tianjiao of the Cao family is only so strong!" Jiang Xiaobai retorted while resisting Cao Ying's attack.

There is no doubt about Cao Ying's strength. If it were an ordinary person, he would be buried under Cao Ying's pair of iron fists. It not only has a strong impact, but also has destructive power that no one can match.


Cao Ying waved his fist, and the fire flowed wantonly, blooming in the air and exploding.

"Even so, how can you do anything to me?" Cao Ying responded coldly. "Is it possible that you have any follow-up measures?"

"The Liu family's idea of ​​Thunderbolt has no effect on me at all."

The Liu family's concept of thunder is indeed powerful, but the Cao family's spiritual training method is not weak at all.

"Really?" There was a faint smile on the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth.


The silver snake sword energy from Jiang Xiaobai's body suddenly rushed out, and when Cao Ying swung his fist to attack, the sword energy blasted out and landed on Cao Ying's body suddenly.

Silver Snake Sword Qi is the Liu family's unique skill, one of the highest skills.

Jiang Xiaobai had just come into contact with the Silver Snake Sword Qi, and within a month, he had already cultivated to a four-inch Silver Snake Sword Qi.

Although it looks ordinary, Jiang Xiaobai's Silver Snake Sword Qi is much stronger than Liu Qian's.

After being tempered by the Taiji disk, the silver snake sword energy has already transformed, and its rank has also been greatly improved.

Cao Ying watched Jiang Xiaobai displaying the Silver Snake Sword Qi, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Is the silver snake sword energy? Sorry, it can't hurt me!"

The reason why Cao Ying is confident is because Liu Qian has already taught him, and he also knows something about the Silver Snake Sword Qi.

Therefore, seeing Jiang Xiaobai displaying the Silver Snake Sword Qi, he did not panic, but showed disdain instead.

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