Dominate the world

Chapter 714 The Liu family has no shortage of heroes

"Xiaobai, look, I don't need to describe Liu Dou'er's beauty too much. There are many people like Cao Ying who miss Liu Douer." Liu Zongyuan coaxed, "In case Liu Douer is captured by someone What about Fangxin?"

"When the time comes, you won't even have time to cry!"

After Liu Zongyuan finished speaking, he gave Liu Rufeng winks again and again, Liu Rufeng immediately understood, and then said: "Yes, Jiang Xiaobai, although Douer's strength is not high now, but if he grows up, he must be unparalleled in combat power."

"Like this kind of peerless woman who combines beauty and strength, if you look at Huaguo, who else is there?"

Liu Zongyuan and Liu Rufeng brainwashed Jiang Xiaobai in turn. They didn't have the demeanor of a strong man at all. If they were seen by others, they would definitely be surprised.

After all, Liu Dou'er is not a woman who cannot be married, and the Liu family is a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River, so there is no need to worry about finding a good candidate, but now they are trying to seduce Jiang Xiaobai in every possible way.

Puzzled, extremely puzzled!

But Liu Rufeng and Liu Zongyuan's hearts are as clear as a mirror, and Jiang Xiaobai himself is very talented, and he is unique in the entire Hua Kingdom, and no one can match him.

Especially now, Jiang Xiaobai's defeat of Cao Ying will definitely let the whole country of Hua know the news.

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai will become the hottest figure in the entire Hua Kingdom.

By defeating Cao Ying, Jiang Xiaobai will also be ranked first in the Young Kings List, and even be able to enter the top fifteen places in the Kings List.

Such a Jiang Xiaobai will definitely win over Hua Guo's aristocratic family, and even spend a lot of money to invite Jiang Xiaobai.

Like now that Jiang Xiaobai is in their Liu's house, and they are in love with Liu Dou'er, they naturally want to keep Jiang Xiaobai in the Liu's house decisively, so as not to cause trouble.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't tell me you don't like our Liu family? You don't like Liu Dou'er?" Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, Liu Zongyuan asked sharply with a cold expression on his face.

"No, of course not." Jiang Xiaobai sighed, "Senior Liu, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean that. I just think that no one else can get in the relationship between me and Liu Douer."

"The reason why I didn't decide to get married right away is because the monsters in China are rampant and ravaging the land of China. The monsters are not destroyed, so how can I get married?"

After hearing this, Liu Zongyuan and Liu Rufeng couldn't help but change their expressions.

They didn't expect that this sentence would come out of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth.

The monsters are immortal, so why do you start a family?

What kind of tolerance is this?

For decades, monsters and beasts have been raging, and no one has ever said such a thing.

Unexpectedly, it was said in a young man today.

"Jiang Xiaobai, do you know that my Liu family has no shortage of heroes." Liu Zongyuan took a deep breath, and then said slowly.

After hearing this, Liu Rufeng nodded in agreement.

Indeed, the Liu family has no shortage of heroes. Back then when the monsters invaded, the land of China was devastated. As a big family in the south of the Yangtze River, the Liu family naturally spared no effort to resist the monsters. For this reason, most of the heroes of the family died in battle.

If not, it would not cause a fault for the younger generation of the Liu family.

If there were no monsters, the strength of the Liu family would not be weaker than that of the Cao family.

Liu Jie, the youngest genius of the Liu family, was promoted to the realm of king, and fought against the demon king in the south of the Yangtze River. He fought fiercely for several months and died tragically.

At that time, the Liu family mourned unceasingly.

"I know." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

He had learned about the past of the Liu family, and he did his best to resist the monsters in the south of the Yangtze River, unlike the Cao family, who was afraid of their hands and feet.

"So you should understand what I mean. If you marry Liu Dou'er now, within ten years, you can learn enlightenment in the ancestral land of my Liu family." Liu Zongyuan said solemnly.

ten years?

Jiang Xiaobai looked up at Liu Zongyuan, then softly refused: "Ten years is too long."

Ten years, Jiang Xiaobai has not had ten years since he started practicing.

Now let him retreat for ten years, how can this be possible?

He is not alone now, but also the whole Qilu Wuda University. At the beginning, he promised Fang Xiqiong that he would bring Qilu Wuda University to the top of the whole country.

"In the Liu family's ancestral land, you may become a powerful emperor within ten years." Liu Zongyuan said again, "It's not that we don't want you to fight against monsters like other warriors, but we think that you should have such a talent. greater effect."

"It's still the same sentence, my Liu family has no shortage of heroes, and humans have no shortage of heroes. You can only stop monsters better if you lie dormant."

"Senior Liu, I know your kindness." Jiang Xiaobai's face became serious, "But I, Jiang Xiaobai, was born to fight. I have practiced for less than five years. If I hadn't experienced dangers again and again, I would definitely There will be no such achievement."

"If I am asked to meditate in one place, I can't do it."

"As for the others, I, Jiang Xiaobai, don't care how they choose, but after the battle in Los Angeles, I, Jiang Xiaobai, vowed not to let the tragedy happen again."

In the battle of Los Angeles, the city was destroyed and people died, and the cries of human beings for help seemed so pale and powerless.

This is what Jiang Xiaobai has personally experienced, but it is just a microcosm of the whole world. Similar things are happening every day on the land under his feet. If the monsters are not eliminated.

One day, the life of the person Jiang Xiaobai cares most about will be endangered.

"Seniors, don't worry, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will definitely live up to everyone's trust." Jiang Xiaobai's voice became sonorous and forceful. "When the monsters and beasts are eradicated, that's when I marry Dou'er."


Extremely stubborn!

What Liu Rufeng wanted to say was stopped by Liu Zongyuan.

Liu Zongyuan had already figured out Jiang Xiaobai's temper, if he stopped him at this time, it would definitely be worth the loss.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai had already made his choice, it would be quite difficult for them to change it.

"Let's listen to what Dou'er has to say about this matter!" Although Liu Zongyuan didn't directly stop him, he still left a way out.

Perhaps Liu Dou'er can make Jiang Xiaobai change his mind, and now they can only pin their hopes on Liu Dou'er.

After Jiang Xiaobai walked out, Liu Zongyuan and Liu Rufeng fell silent.

"Elder Supreme, it is said that the Sea Clan is about to land. At that time, the power of monsters will increase again, and human beings will face a catastrophe." Liu Rufeng said anxiously and worriedly.

"Yes!" Liu Zongyuan nodded, "There are tens of thousands of monsters in the sea clan, and there are countless monster kings and hundreds of monster kings. How can humans be opponents, but Jiang Xiaobai doesn't want to live? It's beyond our imagination."

"If a genius like Jiang Xiaobai really falls, we humans will have no chance." Liu Rufeng looked at Jiang Xiaobai's back and sighed.

"I hope the Ministry of Martial Arts of Huaguo will protect Jiang Xiaobai. My Liu family has done my best." Liu Zongyuan felt lost, "Rufeng, if the sea clan monsters invade from our south of the Yangtze River, the Liu family must do their best to resist, but at the same time, we must also arrange The younger generation evacuated."

"Are you sure you landed from Jiangnan?" Liu Rufeng exclaimed.

"It's not confirmed yet, but it's better to make plans early." Liu Zongyuan said.

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