Jiang Xiaobai stayed with Liu Douer in the family for a few days, and just as Jiang Xiaobai expected, Liu Douer fully supported Jiang Xiaobai's decision.

No matter what Jiang Xiaobai did, Liu Dou'er would smile and say, okay, I support you.

This made Jiang Xiaobai feel very at ease.

Staying in the south of the Yangtze River for the past few days, Jiang Xiaobai did not forget to deal with the matter of Qilu Wuda University.

Under Li Chan's management, the strength of Qilu Martial Arts University has been significantly improved, especially those first-year fighters, who have averaged the cultivation base of third-rank fighters.

It has only been less than half a year since entering school, and there is such a strong improvement. When Jiang Xiaobai first heard the news, he became shocked in his heart.

It seems that this group of students did not lose face after he left.

It was indeed the case, Jiang Xiaobai was promoted to grandmaster in one year, which put great pressure on almost all the students.

Their original intention to enter Qilu Wuda was not because of Jiang Xiaobai, but because of Qilu Wuda's contribution in the defense of Los Angeles.

Every martial artist has a passionate heart. When they heard that the students of Qiluwu University were desperately defending Los Angeles and defending the dignity of Los Angeles, everyone's blood boiled immediately.

The freshmen of Qilu Martial Arts University are mostly warriors from Qilu Province. They also want to succeed in their studies so that they can defend their home and country and expel monsters in the future.

It is precisely because of this idea that all the students of Qiluwu University try their best to cultivate, hoping to be able to contribute when the war comes.

Most of these students are ordinary people, and there are very few family disciples, so these people's hearts are more pure than other family disciples, and their desire for martial arts is more urgent.

These people are exactly the group of people Jiang Xiaobai wants to recruit.

Regardless of origin, only look at the heart of martial arts.

"I feel that Qilu Martial Arts University is getting stronger and stronger. When these fighters rise up, Qilu Martial Arts University will definitely become the No. [-] Martial Arts University in China in the future." Liu Dou'er looked at the information in Jiang Xiaobai's hand and said very excitedly, "To At that time, our Qilu Martial Arts University will definitely be the strongest martial arts school in the country."

Qilu Wuda has become the strongest Wuda in the country, and Qilu Province will inevitably become the focus again.

It's time for the ancient place where history and culture have been passed down to show its true posture.

"National Wuhan University, this is inevitable." Jiang Xiaobai put away the news and looked at Liu Douer sitting on his lap. "What's next for you? Do you want to stay at Liu's house or go back to Qilu Wuda with me?"

Although Liu Douer is still a student of Qilu Wuda University, since the Battle of Los Angeles, the significance of her staying in Qilu Wuda University is not that great. The only people she cares about are Jiang Xiaobai and Lan Yingying.

Now Lan Yingying has turned the corner, as long as she is given time, she can wake up.

Moreover, as a bloodline warrior, Lan Yingying has a strong bloodline, so if she can wake up, she will naturally be able to take charge on her own, and even become a female war god.

"What do you think? I'll listen to you." Liu Dou'er moved her head closer to Jiang Xiaobai's side, and found a more comfortable position to lie on Jiang Xiaobai's body.

Since the two of them confirmed their relationship, Liu Douer seemed to be more casual, without the restraint of a girl, and stuck to Jiang Xiaobai all day long.

"For the time being, you should stay at Liu's house!" Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, "When Qilu Wuda truly becomes the number one university in the country, you will return to Qilu Wuda to take up a post."

"Okay!" Liu Douer blinked and said, "But you have to take good care of Sister Lan."

"Don't worry about that." Jiang Xiaobai patted Liu Dou'er's head, "Sister Lan is fine, you have to work hard, maybe after Sister Lan wakes up, she will be much stronger than you."

"Hmph, Sister Lan should be strong." Liu Douer snorted mischievously, "Don't be surpassed by Sister Lan, you are the dean of Qilu Wuhan University."

"I am the dean, and I am also a student of Sister Lan." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile. "I wish that all the students of Qiluwu University are better than me now."

"If that's the case, I, the dean, won't have to be so tired."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't care too much about the false name of dean.Even if he is not the dean, it will not shake his current path of martial arts.

"I really hope that the monsters will be calmed down as soon as possible. I heard that when there were no monsters before, everyone was very happy." Liu Dou'er looked forward to it, "It's all this damned monster."

No monsters?

Will everyone be happy?

After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the world Jiang Xiaobai lived in in his previous life, there were no monsters, but are everyone happy?

not necessarily!

In many cases, the intrigue between humans is more complicated than that of monsters.

Even at this time, there are still fights between humans, like Cao Ying coming to trouble him, this is an obvious example.

"I believe, it will pass." Jiang Xiaobai didn't tell the cruelty of the matter. In his opinion, Liu Dou'er just needs to maintain her nature, and he will take care of the rest.

Ding Ding Ding!

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was about to hug Liu Douer tightly, his communicator dinged.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai turned on the communicator and saw a red letter lying in his mailbox.

The urgent message sent by email at this time should be that something serious has happened. If not, it will not be sent directly by warning email.

Urgent order from the Budo Ministry!

After Jiang Xiaobai opened the email, seeing these five words, his face suddenly became serious.

It turned out to be an urgent order from the Ministry of Martial Arts?

"All fighters in the realm of kings, after seeing this email, immediately return to the Martial Arts Department."

The letter didn't say anything, it just asked them to return to the Martial Arts Department immediately.

"What happened?" Liu Dou'er sensed Jiang Xiaobai's strangeness and couldn't help asking.

"I'm going to know Yanjing." Jiang Xiaobai said, frowning.

"Martial arts department?" Liu Douer asked tentatively.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai got up, "You stay at Liu's house and wait for me to come back."

"Okay! Be careful." Liu Dou'er said with concern.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and walked out directly.

He didn't say hello to Liu Rufeng and others, since it was an urgent order from the Ministry of Martial Arts, naturally there was no room for delay.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai walked out of Liu's house, he saw a martial arts fighter appear in front of him.

"Jiang Shao, I'm a martial artist from the Martial Arts Department who came to pick you up." A warrior quickly got off the fighter plane and said respectfully.

"Uh, it's you?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the martial artist who came in front of him, and quickly recognized him.

When Jiang Xiaobai went to Yanjing for the second time, it was this person who drove a martial arts fighter to send him to Yanjing, and at Jiang Xiaobai's request, he circled around Yanjing for a few times before he landed.

At that time, he still mocked Jiang Xiaobai, but now...

"Jiang Shao, I was young and ignorant at that time, don't mind." The warrior didn't dare to look directly at Jiang Xiaobai, and his back was sweating coldly.

That Jiang Xiaobai was just an ordinary warrior, and less than a year later, Jiang Xiaobai became a king-level powerhouse.

If he knew that Jiang Xiaobai had such great potential, he wouldn't dare to ridicule Jiang Xiaobai like he did before.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, then walked into the fighter plane.

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