Dominate the world

Chapter 719 Registration

Shennongjia is the most dangerous and mysterious place in Huaguo.

Even before the recovery of vitality, Shennongjia had to go to powerful warriors to appear, and even some animals had mutated. Back then, Huaguo did not have such a strong combat power, so they had to choose to block Shennongjia.

However, with the recovery of vitality, sudden changes occurred all over the world, and Shennongjia was no exception.

However, the change in Shennongjia was silent, not like other resorts, showing a strong movement.

But the quieter the place, the more dangerous it is.

A month ago, the vitality of Shennongjia was extremely strong, which triggered the exploration of the warriors of the Martial Arts Department. Unexpectedly, after this group of warriors entered, there was no news.

"Shennongjia is a secret place in Jiangxia Province. It is said that some people came out of it, and their cultivation has grown rapidly, and they have become famous all over the country." Tang Shanhai continued, "However, now we do find that there are a lot of powerful people in Shennongjia. For monsters, the lowest level is the Demon King, and even the Demon King level emerges endlessly."

"Then why not let the emperor-level powerhouse go?" A martial artist in the audience couldn't help asking.

Royal powerhouse?

Tang Shanhai smiled wryly, and explained again: "If the emperor-level powerhouse goes forward, it will inevitably attract the counterattack of the Shennongjia Yaohuang-level powerhouse."

"It seems that he doesn't have the confidence to completely defeat the emperor-level powerhouse in Shennongjia." After hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai said subconsciously.

After finishing speaking, the warriors around looked at Jiang Xiaobai one after another.

Jiang Xiaobai's voice was not loud, but it was heard clearly in everyone's ears. Even Tang Shanhai on the stage couldn't help frowning after hearing it.

Jiang Xiaobai was telling the truth, but telling the truth was a bit heartbreaking.

"Indeed, our emperor-level powerhouses are not sure of victory." Tang Shanhai said directly, "Our task now is extremely difficult, the existing monsters need us to deal with, and there is no way to tell the emperor-level powerhouses to deal with Shennongjia .”

"The task I asked you to go this time is not to break into Shennongjia, but to investigate the situation clearly and rescue our warriors as much as possible."

"If an emperor-level powerhouse goes there, the Demon Emperor of Shennongjia will inevitably make a counterattack. This will pose a huge hidden danger to the stability of our entire Hua Kingdom."

Tang Shanhai spoke out his concerns truthfully, and did not hide anything.

These martial artists in front of them are all the wealth of the Martial Arts Department, and the loss of any king-level powerhouse is a loss to the Martial Arts Department.

"However, although Shennongjia is dangerous, there are also many opportunities." Tang Shanhai cleared his throat and continued, "This time, for you, it is a challenge and an opportunity."

"If we can find an opportunity, we can naturally improve our strength, but the danger involved is beyond our expectation."

"The Ministry of Martial Arts does not require everyone to go, but only selects ten people. It does not force you to sign up voluntarily."


Opportunity and danger coexist!

At this moment, all the warriors present were lost in thought. This was a temptation for them, but the danger in it also made everyone feel chills on their backs.

The existence of the Demon Emperor pressed on their chests like a stone, making them breathless.

They all know that opportunities exist in Shennongjia, and they have also heard about how powerful the warriors from Shennongjia are against the sky.

But now...

"Of course, if you are a martial artist, we will provide the Ministry of Martial Arts with a map of Shennongjia's exploration in the past few decades." Tang Shanhai took a panoramic view of everyone's hesitant eyes.

What these people are thinking, Tang Shanhai knows better than anyone else, after all, this place is Shennongjia, not other places.

Shennongjia is enough to rank among the top three existences in the country's resorts, and its strength naturally does not need to be elaborated too much.

So the martial artist in front of him will be afraid, which is also normal.

Tang Shanhai's main gaze fell on Jiang Xiaobai. Among all the warriors, the only one he couldn't understand was Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai is really a freak.

A year ago, before he became a grandmaster, he dared to come to the Martial Arts Department and clamored to lead a hundred grandmasters to fight against Mount Tai.

This is seen as a joke in the eyes of others, but Jiang Xiaobai succeeded.

When the Martial Arts Department heard the news, they couldn't help but boil.

This itself was an unattainable task, but Jiang Xiaobai did it.

So this time, Tang Shanhai didn't have to care about the others, he mainly wanted to see Jiang Xiaobai's decision.

If Jiang Xiaobai decides to go, then half of the success is already achieved.

"Are you looking at Jiang Xiaobai's decision?" Ye Tiannan looked at Tang Shanhai's appearance and asked coldly. "No matter how strong he is, he is only in the middle stage of the king. Even if he enters it, it will have little effect."

"Could it be that you thought Jiang Xiaobai could change the situation in Shennongjia?"

"Jiang Xiaobai is always the one who creates miracles." Tang Shanhai said firmly, "You don't know, when I first met that kid, I thought he thought highly of himself. Bright."

"If he can play a role this time, I can consider it and deal with Jiang Xiaobai lightly." Ye Tiannan stared at Jiang Xiaobai, and finally said this.

Take it lightly?

Tang Shanhai was slightly moved when he heard these words.

With Ye Tiannan expressing his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai's affairs will be eased.

"I'll go!" While Tang Shanhai was chatting with Ye Tiannan, an old man stood up.

The peak of the king, Qi Nanshan!

Tang Shanhai looked at the old man and nodded lightly.

Qi Nanshan is an old king-level powerhouse. He has been promoted to the king-level powerhouse for decades, but has not made a breakthrough.

For him, this trip to Shennongjia may be an opportunity, and if he seizes it, he may become a powerful emperor in the future.

Ascend to the imperial level and take charge of one party.

This is the power of a royal powerhouse.

Once a warrior is promoted to the king rank, he will try his best to achieve the emperor rank, even the legendary emperor rank.

An emperor-level powerhouse is an unparalleled powerhouse in the world.

Once it becomes an emperor class, it will become the most important weapon of a country and the foundation of a country.

However, according to the speculation of powerful warriors, above the emperor level, there are still saint level powerhouses.

But the holy-level powerhouse has gone beyond everyone's imagination.

The stronger the warrior is, the more resources he will need for promotion.

Like an emperor-level powerhouse, it takes all the resources of the whole country to be able to have an emperor-level powerhouse.

It is rare for a country to have two emperor-level existences. Promotion to the emperor-level requires not only resources, but also strong luck.

It came into being, and that's what it means.

"I am coming too!"

Not long after Qi Nanshan finished speaking, another middle-aged man also stood up.

He is also a king-level powerhouse, but a warrior from a small family. He entered the Martial Arts Department in order to be promoted.

Xu Tian!

This is his name.

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