And I!

Voices came one by one, and ten people quickly gathered together.

Among these ten people, none of them were disciples from big families, most of them were from small families, and even half of them were approaching their octogenarian age.

If there is no strong opportunity, they may be kings all their lives.

But if there is a chance, they will be able to squeeze forward and become emperor-level powerhouses.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the people who signed up one by one, and he had a bottom line in his heart.

Jiang Xiaobai was yearning to go to Shennongjia. After all, Jiang Xiaobai's strength has improved rapidly, but his magic weapon has not been satisfactory.

Before the realm of the king, Jiang Xiaobai could use the soldiers tempered by the Tai Chi disc to fight against the enemy, but after being promoted to the king, the soldiers have been replaced by magic weapons.

Most of the magic weapons are obtained from the ruins, some are left by ancient warriors, and some are made by the vitality of heaven and earth. These two kinds of magic weapons are much stronger than the warriors refined by humans.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Xiaobai will suffer.

This time Shennongjia must have a powerful magic weapon in it. If I get one, it will definitely be of great help to me.

But Shennongjia is an unknown existence. Even Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have any cognition in his heart. Unlike Mount Tai, Jiang Xiaobai has been familiar with it for a long time, so naturally he won't panic too much.

"Jiang Xiaobai, are you going?"

After waiting for a long time, before Jiang Xiaobai signed up, Tang Shanhai couldn't help but directly called the name.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Jiang Xiaobai blurted out.

"Don't think about it, I signed up for you." Tang Shanhai didn't say a word, he confirmed Jiang Xiaobai directly, turned around and said to the Martial Artist who was in charge of recording, "Record it, Jiang Xiaobai signed up."

"I..." Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth, and was about to spout Tang Shanhai, but he thought that this was in the Martial Arts Department, not his own territory.

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai still sat down, and raised his middle finger at Tang Shanhai from the air.

"This kid is too presumptuous!" Another martial arts minister next to Tang Shanhai frowned and said.

"That's all he has." Tang Shanhai said with a smile, "Elder Pan Feng, I'll leave the rest of the matter to you."

Pan Feng, also the Twelve Elders of the Martial Arts Department, is the person in charge of this operation.

When they first entered Shennongjia, there was Pan Feng's youngest son, and it was precisely because of this that Pan Feng was in charge of this matter.

"Well, these eleven people, I will definitely bring them all back." Pan Feng said in a deep voice.

These eleven people came here first to explore the secrets of Shennongjia, and secondly because of Pan Feng's son.

From here, it can be seen that the Martial Arts Department is determined not to give up on any warrior. For this reason, the Martial Arts Department even produced a top-secret map of Shennongjia.

You must know that the map of Shennongjia is a map that was perfected by the seniors of the Martial Arts Department through life and death. As long as you have this map, you can avoid many dangers in the Shennongjia area.

There are many places of opportunity marked on the map. As for whether they can get the opportunity, it depends on their luck.

Except for those who signed up and others, the rest of the fighters all returned the same way.

Soon, only eleven warriors and three elders from the Martial Arts Department were left in the huge conference hall.

"This task can be said to be close to death." Pan Feng handed the map to everyone in person, "This is the map of Shennongjia, you can look at it on the way, it's best to keep it in your heart."

"Elder, aren't you afraid that we won't do anything with the map?" Jiang Xiaobai took the map and mocked.

"No business?" Tang Shanhai explained with a smile, "Ask them, will they do this?"

"Are you kidding?" Qi Nanshan was the first to speak, "Unless you don't want to stay in Huaguo anymore."

The Ministry of Martial Arts is not an ordinary existence, it can be said that it is the highest authority in the entire Hua Kingdom, and no warrior can afford to offend it.

So there is no such thing as taking something and running away.

"Yes!" Xu Tian also sighed, "It's like us, if it weren't for being in the Martial Arts Department, we wouldn't have achieved what we are today."

"Back then, I, Xu Tian, ​​was just a disciple of a small family. Although I had some talents, I was under the pressure of other big families. If there was no Martial Arts Department, I, Xu Tian, ​​would not be where I am today."

"I'm just kidding, it won't happen." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and waved his hands.

"Jiang Xiaobai, this time is also an opportunity for you." Tang Shanhai came to Jiang Xiaobai's side and said earnestly.

"I know, but I care more about the trouble." Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head and looked at Ye Tiannan, "You Ye family will not take this opportunity to deal with me!"


The martial artists around couldn't help but widen their eyes. Jiang Xiaobai's words and deeds seemed to him to be completely disrespectful.

In front of him is the elder of the Martial Arts Department of Qilu Wuda University. Is it really appropriate to speak like this?

"No, the Ye family is the Ye family, and I, Ye Tiannan, am Ye Tiannan. Although I really want to get rid of you now, you are still a member of the Martial Arts Department. If you can gain something this time, I can reposition you. "Ye Tiannan said unprecedentedly.

When Pan Fengcha heard these words, he couldn't help but take another look at Ye Tiannan.

Being able to put aside the family grievances, just for this point, Ye Tiannan's broad-mindedness is unmatched by anyone.

"Elder Ye's open mind, I admire Tang Shanhai." Tang Shanhai laughed loudly.

With Ye Tiannan's words, Tang Shanhai was determined.

Ye Tiannan said in the Martial Arts Department that if there is a grudge, he will report it on the spot, and he will never hold a grudge and wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

So, since Ye Tiannan spoke up today, it proves that the matter of Jiang Xiaobai beheading Ye Fan has eased.

"Don't say it's useless here, the premise is that Jiang Xiaobai can come out of Shennongjia and bring back useful information." Ye Tiannan looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and said word by word, "If he dies in Shennongjia, it just happens to save him. It saved me the trouble of doing it."

"That's not enough." Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, "It's just a mere Shennongjia, I'm a man who has crossed Mount Tai."

"Although Mount Tai is magnificent, it is not as dangerous as Shennongjia." Ye Tiannan said again, "I won't say anything else, I wish you good luck!"

After saying this, Ye Tiannan turned and left.

Tang Shanhai instructed these warriors again, and also handed them over to Pan Feng.

Elder Pan Feng is the most important thing this time, and he is also the leader of this mission.

"Everyone, I am old Pan Feng, Minister of Martial Arts. Few of you may have seen me because I seldom appear in the Ministry of Martial Arts." Pan Feng introduced himself, "But I am responsible for one-third of the ruins in Huaguo. , Shennongjia has been to Shennongjia several times, so this time I will lead the team.”

"The warriors we are going to find this time are as follows."

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